Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

How to Beat Dark Link

Dark Link Boss

Dark Link is a recurring miniboss fought during the main story of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). See strategies on how to beat Dark Link in all three dungeons, as well as rewards received from beating him!

How to Beat Dark Link (Sword)

Use Bind to Remove Dark Link's Shield

You can use Bind to pull Dark Link's shield away, making him more vulnerable to damage you deal towards him and preventing him to be on the defensive.

Bind Ability Guide

Set Grass Ablaze with Iginizol Echo

A great way to deal damage to Dark Link is to lure him to the grassy parts of the area, and set the grass on fire using the Ignizol Echo to get ignite him. Make your surroundings fight for you!

Throw Pots Toward Dark Link

The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Use Monster Echoes to Damage Him
In both the Suthorn Ruins and Gerudo Sanctum encounters, you’ll find pots scattered around. These can be thrown at Dark Link to deal damage. Make sure to throw the pots from a safe distance to avoid being hit by Dark Link’s counterattacks.

How to Beat Dark Link (Bow)

Throw Dark Link Inside Large Hole

The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Throw Dark Link Toward Chasm
During the Gerudo Sanctum encounter, use Bind to pull Dark Link toward the chasm in the center of the area. He will climb back out, but he would have incurred damage.

Summon ReDead Echo to Freeze Dark Link

There will be a second phase in the battle where you will need to fight three Dark Links at once. Keep your distance, and immobilize them when necessary during your attacks.

Summon a ReDead Echo to freeze all three Dark Links with its screech. Once they are immobilized, choose a target and attack to reduce their numbers.

Attack Using Monster Echoes

This strategy applies to all encounters. Monster Echoes can be used to attack Dark Link during the fight. It is recommended that you distract him first with a Monster Echo as a decoy, as Dark Link will decimate any Monster Echoes you'll send after him head-on.

List of All Echoes

How to Beat Dark Link (Bomb)

Send Bombs Back at Dark Link

Defeat Dark Link
Dark Link will be throwing bombs and Bombchus during the fight in Eldin Temple. You can use Bind to grab these explosives and send them back, or deploy your own Echoes to fight for you.

Pick Up the Hearts That Dark Link Drops

In every battle, Dark Link will drop hearts when damaged. Be sure to pick them up to recover health if you’ve taken damage from his attacks.

How to Heal and Restore Hearts Faster

Dark Link Locations and Rewards

You will face Dark Link in three different dungeons throughout the game. Each time you defeat him, you'll rewarded an upgrade to your Swordfighter Form.

How to Use the Swordfighter Form

Suthorn Ruins

Location Reward
Suthorn Ruins Mysterious Sword

After defeating Dark Link in the Suthorn Ruins Dungeon, he will leave behind a Mysterious Sword. Taking it empowers Zelda with a Swordfighter Form that allows her to wield a Sword and Shield in combat for a limited time.

Suthorn Ruins Walkthrough

Gerudo Sanctum

The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) First Phase_ Bow-Equipped Dark Link Against You
Location Reward
Gerudo Sanctum Bow of Might

In Gerudo Sanctum, you’ll receive upgrades the Bow of Might for defeating Dark Link. This gives the ability to use the bow during Swordfighter Form.

Gerudo Sanctum Walkthrough

Eldin Temple

Location Reward
Eldin Temple Bombs of Might

Beating Dark Link in Eldin Temple gives you the Bows of Might, which can be used to deploy bombs while in Swordfighter Form.

Eldin Temple Walkthrough

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Related Guides

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