Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

All Items and Ingredients

Zelda EoW - List of All Items and Ingredients

Items can be used to create smoothies or power up Zelda in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Read on to see all Items Zelda can find and use in her adventure.

Items and Ingredients

Smoothie Ingredients

Bubble KelpBubble Kelp RiverhorseRiverhorse Refreshing GrapesRefreshing Grapes Electro AppleElectro Apple
Warm PepperWarm Pepper Floral NectarFloral Nectar Fresh MilkFresh Milk Chilly CactusChilly Cactus
RocktatoRocktato Rock SaltRock Salt Radiant ButterRadiant Butter Twisted PumpkinTwisted Pumpkin
Monster GutsMonster Guts Monster FangMonster Fang Tough MangoTough Mango Golden EggGolden Egg

Ingredients are consumable items with varying effects that can be acquired by destroying boxes, opening treasure chests, completing side quests, as well as scanning amiibo.

They can either restore hearts, grant resistances, or provide buffs to Princess Zelda, and these effects are amplified when used to create smoothies as opposed to eating them raw.

List of All Smoothies


Monster StoneMonster Stone Lovely PendantLovely Pendant Floral SeashellFloral Seashell Magma StoneMagma Stone
Blastpowder SoilBlastpowder Soil Happy CloverHappy Clover Heirloom KatanaHeirloom Katana Steel TrapSteel Trap
Golden FanGolden Fan Prismatic Music BoxPrismatic Music Box

Most of these items here are connected to special side quests, minigame rewards, or Automatons.

Key Items

Key Item How to Unlock
Zelda EoW - Tri RodTri Rod Unlocked at the beginning of the game.
Zelda EoW - Clockwork KeyClockwork Key Unlocked during Automaton Engineer Dampe Quest Walkthrough quest.
Zelda EoW - Lockup KeyLockup Key Unlocked during the A Rift in the Faron Wetlands Walkthrough main quest.
Zelda EoW - Membership CardMembership Card Unlocked during the A Rift in the Faron Wetlands Walkthrough main quest.
Zelda EoW - Fairy BottleFairy Bottle • Found in Treasure Chest in Suthorn Forest
• Complete Cuccos on the Loose side quest
• Complete The Zappy Shipwreck side quest
• Collect 15 Stamps
Zelda EoW - Might CrystalMight Crystal Clear rifts, complete side quests, investigate the environment or equip the Might Bell.
Zelda EoW - Sword of MightSword of Might Defeat Link at Suthorn Ruins.
▶︎ Swordfighter Form
Zelda EoW - Bow of MightBow of Might Defeat Link at Gerudo Sanctum.
▶︎ Swordfighter Form
Zelda EoW - Bombs of MightBombs of Might Defeat Link at Eldin Temple.
▶︎ Swordfighter Form
Zelda EoW - First Stamp CardFirst Stamp Card Encounter Stamp Guy for the first time
▶︎All 25 Stamp Guy Locations
Zelda EoW - Exciting Stamp Card.pngExciting Stamp Card Collect your 5th Stamp
▶︎All 25 Stamp Guy Locations
Zelda EoW - Thrilling Stamp CardThrilling Stamp Card Collect your 10th Stamp
▶︎All 25 Stamp Guy Locations
Zelda EoW - Exhilarating Stamp CardExhilarating Stamp Card Collect your 15th Stamp
▶︎All 25 Stamp Guy Locations
Zelda EoW - Final Stamp CardFinal Stamp Card Collect your 20th Stamp
▶︎All 25 Stamp Guy Locations
Zelda EoW - DinDin's Sanction Complete the Eldin Temple Dungeon
Zelda EoW - NayruNayru's Sanction Complete the Lanayru Temple Dungeon
Zelda EoW - FaroreFarore's Sanction Complete the Faron Temple Dungeon

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Related Guides

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Guides and Wiki
Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough Wiki

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Guides
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LocationsHyrule Map & Locations Zelda Echoes of Wisdom RiftsRifts
EchoesEchoes AutomatonsAutomatons
AccessoriesAccessories ClothingClothing
MinigamesMinigames BossesBosses
Ingredients and ItemsIngredients and Items SmoothiesSmoothies
CharactersCharacters News and Game InfoNews and Game Info


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