Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

How to Beat Ganon

Ganon Boss

Ganon is a boss that is fought by Link in the Prologue and later by Zelda at Hyrule Castle during the main story in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Read on to learn more on how to beat Ganon, as well as its weaknesses, location, and rewards from beating Ganon in the game.

How to Beat Ganon

How to Beat Ganon

Always Dodge to Ganon's Left Side

Ganon holds his staff with his right arm, which makes his staff attacks to cover more of his right side. Whenever Ganon winds up for a lunge or staff throw, quickly dodge to his left and prepare for a counterattack.

Utilize the Swordfighter Form

using Swordfighter Form

The most effective way to defeat Ganon is by utilizing the Swordfighter Form, just like in the very beginning of the game. Whenever you find an opening, quickly transform and attack Ganon before he recovers.

The Fire Keeses he summons later on will drop energy when they hit something, so don't worry too much about draining your Swordfighter Form meter.

Swordfighter Form Upgrade Order

Use the Spinning Staff Against Ganon

Ganon staff lock on

Ganon will occasionally throw his staff towards you that will also stay in place while spinning. You can grab the staff with Bind while it's suspended and slam it to Ganon to deal damage.

Use Boulders or Your Shield Against Fire Keeses

Zelda EoW - Ganon Boulder Shield

After dealing enough damage, you’ll enter the second phase of the fight where Ganon starts throwing Fire Keeses.

Use your Shield in Swordfighter Form or summon Boulder Echoes to block the projectiles, providing protection while also giving you room to maneuver around Ganon and plan your attacks.

Deflect Orange Orbs in Swordfighter Form

In the third and final phase of the fight, Ganon will now conjure homing Orange Orbs that explode on impact. You can deflect these Orbs back at him using the Sword while in Swordfighter Form.

Be aware that Ganon can also deflect the Orbs back, leading to a rally-like exchange. The Orb's speed increases with each volley, so make sure to bounce it back from a safe distance.

Ganon Location

Fought as a Boss in Hyrule Castle

Location Boss Type Rewards
Hyrule Castle Boss ・Heart Container
・Dodge when he lunges forward and strike back
・Deflect the orange orb back at him in Swordfighter Form

Ganon is the boss of the Hyrule Castle dungeon during Still Missing. Check out our guide below for a step-by-step walkthrough of the main quest:

Still Missing Walkthrough

Rematch Ganon in the Slumber Dojo

Slumber Dojo Challenges Where Ganon Appears
The Titans' Final Gathering

Ganon can be rematched in Kakariko Village's Slumber Dojo as part of the The Titans' Final Gathering stage. These challenges are boss rushes, where you'll have to fight bosses back-to-back, so be sure you're well-equipped for the gauntlet.

Slumber Dojo Minigame Guide

Fought by Link During the Prologue

Defeat Ganon Step 1
Ganon is first fought by Link during Echoes of Wisdom's opening. This encounter is relatively simple compared to the later fight and primarily serves as a tutorial to the game.

Prologue Walkthrough

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