Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

How to Beat the Quicksand Centipede Lanmola

Lanmola Boss

Lanmola is a boss that looks like a desert centipede that can be fought at Gerudo Desert during the Wild Sandstorms side quest in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Read on to learn more on how to beat Lanmola, as well as its weaknesses, location, and rewards from beating Lanmola in the game.

How to Beat Lanmola

How to Beat Lanmola

Equip the Gerudo Sandals

Gerudo SandalsGerudo Sandals Effect:

The Gerudo Sandals grant immunity to quicksand, preventing you from sinking.

Purchase them from the Gerudo Shop for 400 Rupees before heading into battle.

Rupee Farming Guide

Summon Your Best Echo

Summon Best Echo

Before the fight, summon your best Echo, ideally one with a high triangle cost as they are proven to be the strongest, such as Lizalfos Lv. 3, the Wizzrobes (Fire, Ice, and Electric), or Lynel.

These powerful Echoes will aid you in combat.

Best Echoes for Combat and Exploration

Bind Lanmola's Tail and Pull

At the start of the battle, target Lanmola's tail. Bind it, and when Lanmola tries to burrow, pull its tail to flip it onto its back, leaving it vulnerable.

Bind Ability Guide

Get Into Swordfighter Form

With Lanmola flipped on its back, it’s unable to retaliate.

Switch to Swordfighter Form and attack while your Echo fights alongside you.

Swordfighter Form

Lanmola Location

Fought as a Boss in Gerudo Desert

Location Boss Type Rewards
Gerudo Desert Miniboss ・Heart Piece
・Bind its tail to prevent it from burrowing then attack once it flips back upright.

This version of Lanmola differs from the regular ones, featuring blue tones and greater strength, making it a more formidable boss.

Fight the Lanmola as Part of the Wild Sandstorms Side Quest

Wild Sandstorms Quest Giver

You need to fight two Lanmola in order to unlock the Wild Sandstorms side quest. Once the side quest is activated, the third, stronger Lanmola will be available to fight in the Gerudo Desert.

After defeating the Lanmola, you will be rewarded with the Gold Sash accessory.

Wild Sandstorms Quest Walkthrough

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1 Anonymous4 months

Thanks sososo much! I was trapped in sandstorm by a lanmola and thanks to this guide iI escaped! (technically I could have warped, but it didn't occur to me at the time.)


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