Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

How to Beat Shadow Zelda

Shadow Zelda Boss

Shadow Zelda is a miniboss that can be fought at Stilled Ancient Ruins in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Learn how to beat Shadow Zelda, its weaknesses, and the rewards from defeating Shadow Zelda in this guide!

How to Beat Shadow Zelda

How to Beat Shadow Zelda

Use the Bow to Shoot Shadow Zelda

Shadow Zelda can levitate in the air, making it difficult to land melee attacks. Switch to Swordfighter Form and use the Bow of Might to shoot her while she's airborne.

Once she falls to the ground, unleash a barrage of attacks with the Mysterious Sword.

Swordfighter Form and Abilities

Summon Support Echoes

Just like Zelda, Shadow Zelda can summon her own Echoes to fight alongside her.

Make sure to summon your own support Echoes like elemental Wizzrobes (Fire or Ice) to help you deal with her minions while you focus on taking down Shadow Zelda in Swordfighter Form.

Echoes List: All 127 Echo Locations

Collect Energy from Rift Enemies

Collect Floating Eenergy
Defeating Rift Enemies, such as Shadow Zelda's Echoes, will drop Energy that can be used to recharge Zelda’s Swordfighter Gauge. With so many Rift Enemies appearing throughout the fight, you’ll have a steady supply of Energy to maintain your Swordfighter Form against Shadow Zelda.

How to Recover Energy

Match Shadow Zelda's Echoes in Each Phase

Recommended Echoes
Fire Wizzrobe
Ice Wizzrobe
Lizalfos Lv. 3
Spear Boarblin Lv. 2
Boomerang Boarblin Lv. 2

Shadow Zelda has three phases, with each phase summoning increasingly aggressive Monster Echoes. To keep up with the fight, summon your strongest Monster Echoes to counter her army.

For Phase 1, Shadow Zelda summons smaller Echoes like Freeze Slugs and Darknuts. During Phase 2, she brings in more dangerous Echoes like ReDeads and Tweelus. By Phase 3, she amps up the challenge, summoning tougher enemies, including Lizalfos Lv. 3, Boarblins, and Arurodas.

Best Echoes for Combat

Shadow Zelda Location

Fought as a Mini-Boss in Stilled Ancient Ruins

Location Boss Type Rewards
Stilled Ancient Ruins Miniboss ・Rescues Link
・Use the Bow of Might to shoot Shadow Zelda
・Summon support Echoes to distract enemies

Shadow Zelda is the mini-boss of the Stilled Ancient Ruins during the Rescuing the Hero Link main quest. Check out our guide below for a step-by-step walkthrough:

Rescuing the Hero Link Walkthrough

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