Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

All Outfits and Clothing Locations

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom List of All Clothing

Outfits can be worn by Zelda to change her physical appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). See locations on how to get all outfits, their locations, as well as additional clothing effects!

Equipment Guides
All Accessories All Clothing
Best Accessories Increase Accessory Slots

All Outfits and Clothing Locations

Clothing Effect / How to Get
DisguiseDisguise  Effect
Changes many NPC dialogue when worn where people do not recognize Zelda.
 How to Get
Given to you during the events of the first Main Quest.
▶︎ The Mysterious Rifts Walkthrough
Royal Travel AttireRoyal Travel Attire  How to Get
Given to you after clearing Hyrule Castle Dungeon in the Main Quest.
▶︎ Hyrule Castle Dungeon Walkthrough
Customary AttireCustomary Attire  How to Get
Finish From the Heart Side Quest
▶︎ From the Heart
Blue AttireBlue Attire  How to Get
Scan any Zelda amiibo.
▶︎ All amiibo Rewards
Silk PajamasSilk Pajamas  Effect
Allows you to recover more HP when resting in beds
 How to Get
Complete Dohna's Challenge Side Quest.
▶︎ Dohna's Challenge
Dancing OutfitDancing Outfit  Effect
Increases your spin radius
 How to Get
Reward for completing the hardest difficulty of Mango Rush Minigame.
▶︎ Mango Rush Guide
Cat ClothesCat Clothes  Effect
Allows you to speak to cats.
 How to Get
Part of the Questioning the Local Cats Side Quest in Kakariko Village.
▶︎ Questioning the Local Cats
Black Cat ClothesBlack Cat Clothes  Effect
Allows you to speak to cats.
 How to Get
Scan any Ganon amiibo.
▶︎ All amiibo Rewards
Green TunicGreen Tunic  How to Get
Complete 15 Slumber Dojo Minigame Challenges
▶︎ Slumber Dojo Guide
Red TunicRed Tunic  How to Get
Scan any Link amiibo.
▶︎ All amiibo Rewards
Stamp SuitStamp Suit  How to Get
Collect all 25 Stamps.
▶︎ All 25 Stamp Locations

How to Change Clothing

Unlocked After Clearing Hyrule Castle

The option to change your clothing can be unlocked after finishing the Hyrule Castle dungeon. Hyrule Castle is the fourth dungeon in the game.

Hyrule Castle Walkthrough

Change from the Equipment Menu

Zelda EoW - Clothing

You can switch to any outfits that you have by pausing the game and going to the Equipment tab then swap the clothing there. You can also switch your equipped accessories in that menu.

List of All Accessories

Clothing Uses and Effects

Equipment Primarily Used to Change Zelda's Appearance

Zelda changing appearance with Clothing

Clothing in Echoes of Wisdom can be used to change Princess Zelda's appearance, and mostly serve an aesthetic role in allowing you to choose how she looks.

Some Outfits Carry Additional Effects

While Clothing is mainly cosmetic, a few outfits do carry with them minor additional effects, such as increasing the HP recovered from resting (Silk Pajamas), or allowing you to speak with cats (Cat Clothes / Black Cat Clothes)!

Change Outfit to Read Conde's Unique Dialogue

Conde will give you unique comments about your different outfits if you talk to him after the events of the Rift on Holy Mount Lanayru main quest. There are some outfits like Red Tunic and Royal Travel Attire that have no special dialogue and some outfits that have similar comments.

Conde's Special Dialogue
Zelda EoW - DisguiseDisguise
Zelda EoW - Green TunicGreen Tunic
Zelda, that thing you're wearing around your head... Conde's seen it before. Conde fell into some dark gunk once. Someone saved him who wore that. Conde doesn't remember much about it, but you wearing THAT is a happy sight!
Zelda EoW - Blue AttireBlue Attire
Zelda EoW - Customary AttireCustomary Attire
Zelda, what's that you're wearing? It looks so flappy and fluttery and hard to move in. Conde would trip and fall, wearing that! Not really for jumping around, is it?
Zelda EoW - Black Cat Clothes IconBlack Cat Clothes
Zelda EoW - Cat ClothesCat Clothes
Zelda, that outfit you have on... Are you trying to look like some kind of monster? Conde has never seen a monster like that though! You know so much! Conde would be happy to see other interesting things too!
Silk PajamasSilk Pajamas Zelda... Aren't you going to catch a bad cold if you wear that out in the snow? You and Tri don't have any fur to begin with. Conde would gladly share some...
Stamp SuitStamp Suit Zelda, that outfit you're wearing... Are you dressing up like a monster? Conde has seen a monster that looks like you! Conde ran after him! But he ran FASTER! Hmm. Getting along with monsters seems hard.
Stamp SuitDancing Outfit Zelda! Your outfit is so sparkly and bright! Clothes are strange...and amazing! There are all kinds of people, huh? Conde will wait to see that until Big Brother comes home. This mountain is a really important place, home to Dad, Big Brother, and Conde. Conde is a little lonely but will wait.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Related Guides

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Guides and Wiki
Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough Wiki

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Guides
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Side QuestsSide Quests Tips and TricksTips & Tricks
LocationsHyrule Map & Locations Zelda Echoes of Wisdom RiftsRifts
EchoesEchoes AutomatonsAutomatons
AccessoriesAccessories ClothingClothing
MinigamesMinigames BossesBosses
Ingredients and ItemsIngredients and Items SmoothiesSmoothies
CharactersCharacters News and Game InfoNews and Game Info


5 Anonymous6 months

The Disguise has the effect of changing dialogue for many NPCs so that Zelda isn't recognized. It has its own unique dialogue that other sets don't have. For example, this can be seen with the NPCs inside the Hyrule Castle Town shop to quickly test this.

4 Cpt Obvious6 months

Black Cat Clothes aren't just Ganon amiibo. It's any Zelda series amiibo that isn't Link or Zelda, meaning the Champions, Guardian, and Bokoblin also work.


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