Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Easter Eggs and Secrets

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Easter Eggs and Secrets
A list of Easter Eggs and Secrets in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). See all secrets and references you may have missed in this page!

All Easter Eggs and Secrets

Link's Hood and Hylian Shield

The hood that Link wears at the beginning of the Announcement Trailer resembles the Hylian Hood from Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. He also shows up wielding the Hylian Shield!

This same hood is a wearable clothing item that you can obtain from Impa in the first main quest, The Mysterious Rifts. The Hylian Shield will also appear when Zelda takes on the Swordfighter Form.

List of All Clothing

Battle with Ganon

Battle with Ganon
The battle sequence between Link and Ganon shown in the Announcement Trailer is a callback to the final boss fight with Ganon in A Link to the Past.

Zelda Encased In a Crystal

Zelda Encased In a Crystal
Crystals in previous Zelda games are often used as magical prisons. In A Link to the Past, the crystals hold the seven Maidens in the Dark World that Link must free. Princess Zelda is imprisoned in the seventh crystal.

A more notable example is used in Ocarina of Time where Ganondorf encases Princess Zelda in a pink crystal at his castle.

Loftwing Designs in Hyrule Castle

Loftwing Design

Hyrule Castle uses a design of a bird-like creature on the windows near the door that leads to the throne room. The bird-like creature is likely the Loftwing from Skyward Sword.

Family Photos in the Throne Room

Family Photos in Throne Room
You can find two picture frames hanging on the opposite sides of the throne room. If you look closely, the one on the right is the King of Hyrule and the one on the left is of an unknown woman that is possibly the Queen of Hyrule and Zelda's mother.

General Wright and Minister Lefte

General WrightGeneral Wright Minister LefteMinister Lefte

The names of the King of Hyrule's closest advisors are a pun and they are shown for the first time at the king's left and right side during the throne room cutscene.

List of All Characters

Impostor King of Hyrule and Zelda's Imprisonment

Impostor King of Hyrule

The scene where the King of Hyrule gets replaced by an impostor and orders the guards to imprison Zelda resembles the story sequence from A Link to the Past. In that game, the King of Hyrule is killed and replaced by Agahnim, Ganon's alter ego. He also imprisons Zelda in the castle's jail.

Goddess Statue in Hyrule Castle

Goddess Statue in Hyrule Castle
When Zelda meets Impa during The Mysterious Rifts main quest, a winged statue can be seen on the right corner of the room and Zelda changes to her disguise behind it.

The statue resembles the Goddess Statue from Skyward Sword and is the name of the deity who gives up her divinity to be reincarnated as a mortal named Zelda.

The Mysterious Rifts Walkthrough

Link's House in Suthorn Village


You can find Link's house at the northwestern side of Suthorn Village. Inside, you can find many reference to previous Zelda games if you look at the furniture and items closely. You can also learn the Pot Echo on the right side of the door.

Green Cap and Owl Statue

Green Cap and Owl Statue
The most obvious among these is the green cap on the bedpost and an owl sculpture at the end of the bed that resembles the stone owl statues from Link's Awakening.

Magic Potions and Rug Design

Magic Potions and Rug
On the left side of the house, you can find two green potions on the barrel which resembles the official artwork of the Magic Jar from A Link to the Past.

The green rug has the same design as the rug in Link's house from Minish Cap.

Brown Boots and the Axe on the Stump

Brown Boots and the Axe on the Stump
Outside of the house, you can find a pair of brown boots tucked away on a shelf and an axe on the tree stump. The axe on the tree stump is a callback to Link's house from Minish Cap.

Read from Sign Echo


Outside Suthorn Village you can learn the Sign Echo located near the waypoint. You can use it as a shield and read one of the four in-game tips.

Sign Echo Location and How to Get

Link's Name on the Mysterious Sword

After defeating the Impostor Link at Suthorn Ruins, Zelda picks up the Mysterious Sword and it notes that the sword has Link's name on it. This is the same case for the sword in Link's Awakening as it was also described as having Link's name engraved on it.

Pol's Voice Plushie

When you enter one of the houses east of Hyrule Castle Town, you can find a plush toy of a yellow rabbit on top of the shelf. This is an enemy called Pol's Voice which appeared in previous Zelda games.

Sheikah Lamp and Hat in Lueburry's House

Sheikah Lamp and Hat in Lueburry

After mending the rift in Suthorn Ruins, you can visit Lueburry's house north of Suthorn Village. Inside, you can find items that points hints to the Sheikah from Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. These include the lamp and hat near the furnace.

Lueburry himself has the logo of the Sheikah tribe at the back of his clothes and his name may be another reference as notable Sheikah tribe members use fruit-based names such as Paya (Papaya) and Dorian (Durian).

Cow figure and bullseye in Lueburry's Basement

Cow Plushie and Bulleye in Lueburry

When you enter the basement of Lueburry's house, you can find a cow figure on the top of the bookshelf and an eye-shaped decoration with three arrows on it.

The cow figure is the same one found in Majora's Mask while the eye-shaped decoration resembles the bullseye found at the gate of Kakariko Village in Breath of the Wild.

Link's Backstory


Lueburry gives a short backstory for Link. In this version, Link is actually mute as he was one of the children taken from the rift. Those same children lost their memories, spirits, and the ability to speak.

Link was the only one of the children who recalls being stolen away and gains a special ability to sense new rifts. This also explains he was in Suthorn Ruins in the prologue sequence and why his weapons can easily defeat the rift monsters.

This game is not the first time that gives an in-universe explanation to Link's muteness. In Breath of the Wild, it is revealed in Zelda's diaries that Link stays silent to bear the weight of his responsibilities though he is not actually not as he has dialogue options when speaking with NPCs.


Automaton Engineer Dampe

Dampe is the name of the automaton engineer that you can find near the waypoint north of the Hyrule Ranch. He is a recurring character in Zelda games and first appeared as a gravedigger in Ocarina of Time.

Automaton Engineer Dampe Walkthrough

Cucco Counterattack

If you attempt to attack a cucco using the sword from Swordfight Form, multiple cuccos will appear offscreen to attack. This is a recurring gag in Zelda games where the game punishes the player for attacking the cuccos. In 2D Zelda games, the cuccos will not despawn until you move to a next screen.

River Zora and Sea Zora

Sea and River Zoras
Echoes of Wisdom shows the two versions of the Zora: the River Zora and Sea Zora. The River Zora resemble the hostile fish-like enemies seen in previous 2D Zelda games while the Sea Zora have a more humanoid appearance and are often appear in the 3D Zelda games.

These two versions of the Zora appeared separately in previous games, with the exception of the Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons.

Business Scrubs

Business Scrubs
The Business Scrubs that manage the smoothie shops in Hyrule are a type of recurring tribe in previous Zelda games.

Known as Deku Scrubs, they make their first appearance in Ocarina of Time where they appear as enemies inside the Deku Tree.

Business Scrubs also appear and offer important items such as a Piece of Heart and upgrades to carry more Deku Sticks or Deku Nuts.

The Sign Echo

Although the Sign Echo may appear to be useless, it actually offers valuable tips for Zelda each time you read it, providing one of five possible tips.

All Sign Echo Tips

1 Sometimes, a good lie-down in a bed is all you need to feel better.
2 ← Thisaway | Thataway →
3 WARNING: This sign is made out of wood, which is flammable.
4 The text is faded and hard to make out.
5 You could probably use this as a shield. But only once.

Sign Echo Location and How to Get

The Still World's Resemblance to the Dark World

The Still World
The Still World resembles the Dark World, a recurring location in previous Zelda games that serves as a parallel corrupted version of Hyrule. It first appeared in A Link to the Past and another similar counterpart called Lorule appeared in A Link Between Worlds.

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