Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

How to Beat Lord Jabu-Jabu

The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) - Jabu Jabu

Lord Jabu-Jabu is a miniboss found at Jabul Ruins in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) and is required to beat in order to enter Stilled Jabul Waters. Read on to learn how to beat Lord Jabu-Jabu, as well as its weaknesses, location, and rewards from beating Lord Jabu-Jabu in the game.

How to Beat Lord Jabu-Jabu

Lord Jabu-Jabu Boss Guide

Feed Jabu Jabu Bombfish

To defeat Lord Jabu-Jabu, wait until it starts inhaling water, then conjure a Bombfish echo and throw it into its mouth before it closes.

The Bombfish will explode inside its mouth, stunning the boss for a short time.

Use the Swordfighter Form When Stunned

Once Lord Jabu-Jabu is stunned, switch to the Swordfighter Form and attack quickly.

Repeat the process of feeding Bombfish and attacking while it's vulnerable until it recovers.

Swordfighter Form Explained

Avoid Getting Inhaled

While Lord Jabu-Jabu inhales, avoid being sucked in yourself, as this costs you 1 heart each time.

Defeat the Mobs With Bombfish or Biri

Defeat Mobs With Bombfish

During the fight, enemies will spawn. Use the Bombfish Echo to trigger explosions.

Alternatively, you can summon Biri Echoes to release electrical attacks, though Biri has a limited range.

Upon defeat, the enemies will drop hearts for you to collect.

List of All Echoes

Attack Until the Boss is Down

As Lord Jabu-Jabu's health decreases, it moves faster.

Continue stunning it with Bombfish and attacking with the Swordfighter Form until it is defeated.

Lord Jabu-Jabu Location

Lord Jabu-Jabu Info and Location

Location Boss Type Rewards
Jabul Ruins Miniboss ・Enter the Stilled Jabul Waters Rift
・Make it eat a Bombfish
・Defeat the smaller enemies to regain hearts

Lord Jabu-Jabu is a mini-boss encountered before entering the Stilled Jabul Waters Rift.

Stilled Jabul Waters Rift Walkthrough

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