Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Interactive Map of Hyrule

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Hyrule Map and List of Locations

Our Interactive Map of Hyrule details the location of every Heart Piece, Might Crystal, and Stamp in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Check out the full map of collectibles and other key locations you can visit!

Full Interactive Map of Hyrule

Map Icon Legend
Landmarks Collectibles
Key LocationKey Location

Icon How to Use
Name Button Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins that you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a search bar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters.png View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.

List of Map Locations

Jump to a Location!
Hyrule Castle Town Gerudo Desert Jabul Waters
Eldin Volcano Kakariko Village Goron City
Faron Wetlands Suthorn Village Mount Lanayru
Eternal Forest

Hyrule Castle Town

Hyrule Castle Town sits right at the center of the map. This is Princess Zelda, the King of Hyrule, General Wright, and Minister Lefte reside.

Hyrule Castle Location Guide

Gerudo Desert

Gerudo Desert is located at the southwestern corner of the map and is the home of the Gerudo, an all-female warrior tribe. The location contains an Oasis in the middle of the region as well as Gerudo Town at the westernmost corner.

Gerudo Region Guide

Jabul Waters

Jabul Waters is located east of Hyrule Castle and is the home of the River Zora and Sea Zora. At this region, the Crossflows Plaza serves as a boundary area between the river on the north and the sea at the southern part.

Jabul Waters Region Guide

Eldin Volcano

Eldin Volcano sits at the northeastern part of Hyrule within the Eldin region. This is also where you can find Goron City, the home of the Goron Tribe.

Eldin Region Guide

Kakariko Village

Kakariko Village is located at the northeastern part of the map just before the Eldin Volcano Trail in the Eldin region. Despite being near an active volcano, it is shown to have lush greenery and flora and is home to many Hylians.

Kakariko Village Location Guide

Goron City

Goron City is the home of the Goron tribe, a group of rock people. It is located northwest of Hyrule Castle Town at the Eldin region.

Faron Wetlands

Faron Wetlands is a swampy area located southeast of Hyrule Castle. It is the home of the Deku Scrubs, a group of friendly small forest creatures with a preference for sweet food. The area contains The Sweet Spot, a large building that requires a membership card to enter inside.

Faron Wetlands Region Guide

Suthorn Village

Suthorn Village
Suthorn Village is a small area located south of Hyrule Castle and is Link's hometown. At the northwestern side of the village is a house where Lueburry, Impa's brother, lives and where you can upgrade your Swordfighter Form using Might Crystals.

West from this area is Suthorn Beach where Zelda washes up after escaping from Hyrule Castle's jail. East from the area is Suthorn Forest where a portion of its area gets swallowed up by the rift.

Suthorn Prairie Location Guide

Mount Lanayru

Mount Lanayru is a snowy mountain located north of Hyrule Castle. It is an inhospitable environment but is the home of an abominable snowman named Conde.

Eternal Forest

Eternal Forest is a mysterious forest located northwest of Hyrule Castle. It is here where you can find the Deku Tree, the guardian of the forest.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Related Guides

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Guides and Wiki
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6 Mike5 months

100% Caves, you are missing this location on the interactive map.

5 Anonymous5 months

I would also like to know if there's a way to reset the map, or at least categories of collectibles. Having to reset them individually is very off-putting for re-use


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