Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Best Dungeon Order

Zelda EoW - Best Dungeon Order
In The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW), only the first, fourth, and final dungeons have a fixed order. This guide will explain the best order for completing the other dungeons, as well as explain how dungeon progression works.

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List of Dungeons Best Dungeon Order

Dungeon Progression in Echoes of Wisdom

Choose the Order of Some Dungeons

  1. Suthorn Ruins
  2. Gerudo Sanctum or Jabul Ruins
  3. Hyrule Castle
  4. Eldin Temple, Faron Temple, or Lanayru Temple
  5. Null's Body

Suthorn Ruins, Hyrule Castle, and Null's Body are fixed as the first, fourth, and final dungeons respectively. The order of these cannot be changed. However, the second, third, fifth, sixth, and seventh dungeon can be reordered depending on your preference.

For the second and third dungeons, you have a choice between going to either the dungeon in the Gerudo Desert or the one in Zora Village first. The fifth, sixth, and seventh dungeons can be the ones in Eldin, Faron, or Lanayru in any order.

All Dungeon Locations and Walkthroughs

Best Dungeon Order

1st Suthorn Ruins
2nd Gerudo Sanctum
3rd Jabul Ruins
4th Hyrule Castle
5th Eldin Temple
6th Faron Temple
7th Lanayru Temple
8th Null's Body

Go to Gerudo Desert Before Zora Village

Pre-Release Map Front Gerudo Desert

It's recommended to go to the Gerudo dungeon first before going to the one in Zora Village because this is where you can obtain one of the best Echoes for traversal: the Flying Tile Echo. This is also where you can obtain the Echo for the Boomerang Boarblin, which is one of the best Echoes you can have for combat early on.

Additionally, the Gerudo Sanctum is where you acquire the Bow of Might, allowing you to upgrade your abilities in Swordfighter Form. While you can get a valuable Echo in Zora Village—the Bombfish—it's not something you'll use as often as the other things obtainable in Gerudo Desert.

Go to Eldin Before Faron or Lanayru

Eldin Volcano

When deciding between the Eldin, Faron, and Lanayru regions for your fifth dungeon, it's recommended to go to the dungeon in Eldin Volcano first. This is where you can get the Fire Wizzrobe Echo, the best Echo to use for combat and a useful one to have in both the Faron and Lanayru dungeons. It also gives you access to the Bombs of Might in Swordfighter Form, and is probably the most straightforward dungeon.

After doing the Eldin Temple, it's recommended to go to the Faron Temple next. Faron Wetlands is where you can obtain both the Electric Wizzrobe Echo and the Lizalfos Lv. 3 Echo, which are both formidable when used for combat.

Lanaryu Temple is recommended to do last, since the only notable Echo you can get in this area is the Ice Wizzrobe. However, it is a slightly less confusing temple than Faron, so doing it before Faron is also fine.

Best Echoes for Combat and Exploration

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3 Legend of Zelda gamer25 days

I mean, buzz blob

2 Legend of Zelda gamer25 days

Faron Temple was hard before I had the ice wizzrobe


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