Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

How to Beat Seismic Talus

Seismic Talus Boss

Seismic Talus is a boss that can first be fought at Suthorn Ruins during the main story in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Read on to learn more on how to beat Seismic Talus, as well as its weaknesses, location, and rewards from beating Seismic Talus in the game.

How to Beat Seismic Talus

Seismic Talus Boss Guide

Aim for the Purple Core

Seismic Talus can be damaged by targeting its purple core. Summoned Mob Echoes automatically target the core, and creating Echoes to be thrown as a projectile requires some positioning to hit it.

List of All Echoes

Use Bind to Remove Purple Core

You can also use the Bind ability to remove the purple core from Seismic Talus, rendering his body structure to lose form and fall on the ground. Once the core is exposed, attack it to exploit its weakness.

Bind Ability Guide

Use the Swordfighter Form

Use the Swordfighter Form
Use the Swordfighter Form when the core is exposed and unleash a devastating barrage of attacks. It is recommended to start the fight with charges left on the Swordfighter Gauge to be used at opportune times.

Swordfighter Form Explained

Incapacitate Boss to Collect Swordfighter Form Energy

Seismic Talus drops Swordfighter Form Energy when incapacitated during battle, so make sure you get Seismic Talus immobilized during battle to collect energy and enter the Swordfighter Form during battle.

Overwhelm with Echoes

Summoning multiple Mob Echoes like a Rope to target the core can be employed as a strategy to defeat Seismic Talus. Seismic Talus is vulnerable after performing its hand slam, where the core is freely open to be ravaged by multiple Echoes.

Combine Strategies with Echoes

Combining the strategy of summoning a Mob Echo for its independent actions and a terrain/furniture echo to be thrown as a projectile can defeat Seismic Talus. Summon a mob echo and a throwable echo to damage the purple core when the opporunity arises.

Draw Aggro with Echo to Rest

Mob Echoes can draw the attention of Seismic Talus, allowing Zelda to summon the Old Bed Echo away from its attention to rest. Employ this strategy to take some time away from combat and restore hearts.

How to Heal and Restore Hearts Faster

Seismic Talus Location

Fought as a Boss in Suthorn Ruins

Location Boss Type Rewards
Suthorn Ruins Boss ・Heart Container
・Use Echoes to get the Purple Core stuck
・Use Bind to pull the Purple Core

Seismic Talus is the boss of the Suthorn Ruins dungeon during The Mysterious Rifts. Check out our guide below for a step-by-step walkthrough of the main quest:

The Mysterious Rifts Walkthrough

Rematch Seismic Talus in the Slumber Dojo

Slumber Dojo Challenges Where Seismic Talus Appears
Titans' Gathering
The Titans' Final Gathering

Seismic Talus can be rematched in Kakariko Village's Slumber Dojo as part of the Titans' Gathering and The Titans' Final Gathering stages. These challenges are boss rushes, where you'll have to fight bosses back-to-back, so be sure you're well-equipped for the gauntlet.

Slumber Dojo Minigame Guide

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