Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

How to Beat Null

Null Boss

Null is the final boss that can be fought at Null's Body during the main story in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Read on to learn more on how to beat Null during all three phases of the fight, as well as its weaknesses, location, and rewards from beating Null in the game.

How to Beat Null

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Prep Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Prepare Smoothies

Sweet Tough SmoothieSweet Tough Smoothie Milky Tough SmoothieMilky Tough Smoothie Rapid SmoothieRapid Smoothie
Golden SmoothieGolden Smoothie Golden Tough SmoothieGolden Tough Smoothie Bubble SmoothieBubble Smoothie

As the final boss of the game, Null will have three phases to their boss fight. Since this is a long battle, it's best to prepare by making a lot of heart-restoring Smoothies. Golden Smoothies are the best to have for healing.

It's also a good idea to stock up on Tough Smoothies, so that you'll lose less hearts even if you get hit during the battle. For phase two of the fight, you can benefit from the increased swim speed granted by Rapid Smoothies, since it's an underwater segment.

Smoothies that restore energy are not needed for this fight.

Smoothies List: All 69 Smoothie Recipes

Null Boss Fight Phase 1

First Phase Strategy

Summon Your Strongest Echoes

Lizalfos Lv. 3 Against Null in Phase 1

Since this is the last boss fight, don't hold anything back! Send out your strongest combat echoes to attack Null such as the Lynel, Lizalfos Lv. 3, or Sword Moblin Lv. 3, and try to keep out of the enemy's attack range.

Best Echoes for Combat and Exploration

Pull Null's Limbs with Bind

pulling Null

To defeat Null, you need to cut off its limbs. Use Bind to pull its arms and expose its weakpoint to Link and your monster Echoes for attacks.

As Null loses arms, its attack frequency drops. The boss becomes crippled once all arms have been ripped off, making it much easier for you to finish it off.

Pull Null's Arms from the Wall

pulling arms from the wall

After dealing enough damage to their body, they will retreat to the wall and attack you from within. Null will extend their arms on random segments of the wall and can launch the same dark waves at you.

The strategy will be the same: pull their arms with Bind until Null shows up again.

Bind Ability Guide

Null Boss Fight Phase 2

Second Phase Strategy

Summon Chompfins to Attack

attacking with Chompfins

Since Link won't be able to join you in this phase, you'll have to rely on your Echoes to attack Null while pulling their arms. Summon a couple of Chompfins to rip Null apart while you aim for their weakpoints.

Remember that your Chompfins will also take damage from the giant whirlpools and other attacks Null throws at you so resummon them if needed. You can also target the boss’s limbs and pull them using Bind, giving your Echoes a clear opening to strike.

Pick Up the Oxygen Bubbles

picking up oxygen bubbles

This phase of the boss fight takes place underwater, so make sure to keep an eye on your oxygen meter. Swim through any bubbles that spawn in order to keep your oxygen meter up as you scroll along with Null. To lessen your worry about oxygen, drink a Bubble Potion to extend your dive time by 5 minutes.

Null Boss Fight Phase 3

Third Phase Strategy

Summon Smaller Attack Units

a squad of Boomerang Boarblins against Null

Null will be a lot more aggressive in their last stand. For this phase, having weaker but numerous Echoes is the way to go to draw aggro away from you. We recommend the Boomerang Boarblin Echo for its cheap cost and ranged attacks.

Having a group of attacking Echoes will also be helpful in drawing the attention of Null's rift spawns while you and Link focus on attacking their arms.

Stick to the Wall Against the Seismic Talus

Seismic Talus clone

In this phase, Null will retreat for a moment and summon clones of previous dungeon bosses, the first being the Seismic Talus at the center of the room. The Seismic Talus will perform a quick "spin attack" that can wipe out your Echoes before disappearing.

Stay close to the wall to avoid this attack, then re-summon your defeated Echoes.

Seismic Talus Boss Guide and How to Beat

Dodge Mogryph Tornadoes

Morgyrph clone

Null will then summon Mogryphs that will create sand tornadoes. These tornadoes will move slowly and linger for a few seconds before dissipating. Make sure to avoid these tornadoes, or Spin to dodge them if you get too close.

Mogryph Boss Guide and How to Beat

Spin to Dodge the Shadow Hand

When you see a shadow on the floor chasing after Zelda, keep spinning to dodge out of its way. A hand will shoot out from the shadow after a while. If Zelda is caught by this hand, she will be unable to escape until the hand is defeated.

Stay in the Middle Against Ganon

Ganon clone

Null will summon at least three clones of Ganon all at once. One by one, these clones will charge at you before despawning. Spin to quickly get out of their way.

Other than telegraphing which clone will lunge first, the main trick here is to stay in the middle of the room and not get yourself cornered. You will be closer to the clones, yes, but you will also get much more space to dodge.

Ganon Boss Guide and How to Beat

Dodge the Skorchills

Skorchill clone

Null can also summon multiple Skorchills. The Skorchills will start spinning and moving in one direction until they hit a wall or object, then move in another direction.

Just dodge the Skorchills using Spin or summon Echoes to deflect them. After hitting objects enough times, the Skorchills will disappear.

Skorchill Boss Guide and How to Beat

Burn Gohma Webs

Gohma clone

The only harmless but most annoying boss clone, the Gohma will release multiple webs across the room that will drastically slow down your movement. Burn them quickly with fiery Echoes like Ignizol!

Gohma Boss Guide and How to Beat

Pull the Triforce Using Bind

Pull the Triforce From Null Using Bind

After cutting off Null's limbs twice and dealing enough damage, use Bind to pull the Triforce from the boss. Shortly after, a cutscene will trigger where you need to rapidly Press A.

Null Location

Fought as a Boss in Null's Body

Location Boss Type Rewards
Null's Body Boss ・Completes the Game
・Pull its limbs in Phase 1 and Phase 3
・Use Swimming Echoes in Phase 2
・Pull on the Triforce in the final phase

Null is the final boss of Echoes of Wisdom and can be fought in Null's Body during The Prime Energy and Null main quest.

Defeating Null is the last thing you need to do to finish the main story of the game, view the credits, and unlock the post game.

Null's Body Walkthrough

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