Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

List of All Accessories

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom List of All Accessories
There are 28 accessories that can be worn by Zelda to provide her with special buffs in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). See a full list of all available accessories in the game, how to get them, and how to wear them here!

Equipment Guides
All Accessories All Clothing
Best Accessories Increase Accessory Slots

List of All Accessories and How to Get

Accessory Effect How to Get
ZoraZora's Flippers Swim Speed Up Purchase from the River Zora Shop for 350 Rupees.
Zora ScaleZora Scale Dive Time Up Complete the Zora Child's Fate Side Quest.
▶︎ Zora Child's Fate
Gerudo SandalsGerudo Sandals Quicksand-Proof Purchase from the Gerudo Shop for 400 Rupees.
Gold SashGold Sash Windproof Complete the Wild Sandstorm Side Quest
▶︎ Wild Sandstorm
Climbing BandClimbing Band Wall-Climb Speed Up Purchase from the Kakariko Village Shop for 500 Rupees.
GoronGoron's Bracelet Carry Speed Up Completing the A Mountainous Mystery Side Quest.
▶︎ A Mountainous Mystery
Spin BraceSpin Brace Knockback Spin Treasure chest located east of Scrubton.
Ice SpikesIce Spikes Slip Reduction Treasure chest inside the cave west of Hebra Mountain after clearing a group of enemies.
Frog RingFrog Ring Jump Height Up Treasure chest located at one of the dungeon rooms in Hyrule Castle.
▶︎ Hyrule Castle Walkthrough
Charging HornCharging Horn Horse Attack Up Clear the Long Course of Hyrule Ranch in under 40 seconds.
▶︎ Flag Race Guide
Stone AnkletStone Anklet Knockback Reduced Purchase from Hyrule Castle Town Shop for 400 Rupees.
Clockwork BangleClockwork Bangle Winding Speed Up Unlock all Automatons and talk to Dampe.
▶︎ All Automatons
First MasteryFirst Mastery Energy Consumption Reduced Lv. 1 Complete at least 4 Challenges in Slumber Dojo
▶︎ Slumber Dojo Guide
Second MasterySecond Mastery Energy Consumption Reduced Lv. 2 Complete 8 Slumber Dojo Minigame challenges
▶︎ Slumber Dojo Guide
Final MasteryFinal Mastery Energy Consumption Reduced Lv. 3 Complete 14 Slumber Dojo Minigamge challenges
▶︎ Slumber Dojo Guide
Might BellMight Bell Might Crystal Detection Complete The Great Fairy's Request Side Quest.
▶︎ The Great Fairy's Request
Heart PinHeart Pin Heart Appearance Up Treasure chest in the Suthorn Ruins Dungeon.
Heart BarretteHeart Barrette Heart Appearance Up+ Complete the Beetle Ballyhoo Side Quest.
▶︎ Beetle Ballyhoo
Silver BroochSilver Brooch Rupee Appearance Up From the River Zora Waypoint, head west and climb up the cliff where you'll find a bombable wall. Bomb the wall with a Bombfish or Swordfighter Link's bombs to find a Treasure chest with the Silver Brooch inside.
Gold BroochGold Brooch Rupee Appearance Up+ Complete the Secret Chief Talks Side Quest
▶︎ Secret Chief Talks
Energy GloveEnergy Glove Extra Energy Appearance Rate Up Treasure chest located northwest of Gerudo Desert.
Energy BeltEnergy Belt Extra Energy Appearance Rate Up+ Treasure chest in a cave at Hebra Mountain. You need to melt down icicles to get it.
Fairy FlowerFairy Flower Fairy Appearance Up Treasure chest inside a cave near the westhern waypoint of Eldin Volcano. You will need the Bombfish Echo to reveal the entrance of the cave.
Fairy FragranceFairy Fragrance Fairy Appearance Up+ Complete the Looking for Bempu Side Quest.
▶︎ Looking for Bempu
Survey ScopeSurvey Scope Material Appearance Rate Up Submit 10 smoothie recipes to the Business Scrub during the Recipes, Please! side quest
▶︎ Recipes, Please!
Survey BinocularsSurvey Binoculars Material Appearance Rate Up+ Submit 20 more smoothie recipes to the Business Scrub during the Recipes, Please! side quest
▶︎ Recipes, Please!
Ancient CharmAncient Charm Damage Reduced Complete the Let's Play a Game Side Quest.
▶︎ Let's Play a Game
Curious CharmCurious Charm Damage Reduced+ Complete the Cotton Candy Hunt Side Quest.
▶︎ Cotton Candy Hunt

What Are Accessories?

Equipment That Provide Certain Buffs for Princess Zelda

Zelda obtaining an accessory
The accessories in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom are mostly used to provide Princess Zelda with certain buffs and effects that will help make game progression more easier in the game.

When Zelda equips these accessories, she doesn't seem to have any cosmetic changes. To change her appearance, consider changing clothing instead.

List of All Clothing

How to Wear Accessories

Changed From the Equipment Menu

Change Accessory

To equip accessories, go to the main menu and select Equipment. From there, choose any accessory you wish to wear, based on how many Accessory Slots you have available.

Talk to the Great Fairy to Get Additional Accessory Slots

Map Location Overworld Location

You can have a total of 5 Accessory Slots in the game and this can be done by talking to the Great Fairy in Lake Hylia.

She will increase your accessory slots in exchange for rupees.

Rupee Farming Guide

Accessory Slot Prices

Accessory Slot Price
Second Slot 100 Rupees
Third Slot 300 Rupees
Fourth Slot 500 Rupees
Fifth Slot 1000 Rupees

Great Fairy Location

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Related Guides

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Guides and Wiki
Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough Wiki

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Guides
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Side QuestsSide Quests Tips and TricksTips & Tricks
LocationsHyrule Map & Locations Zelda Echoes of Wisdom RiftsRifts
EchoesEchoes AutomatonsAutomatons
AccessoriesAccessories ClothingClothing
MinigamesMinigames BossesBosses
Ingredients and ItemsIngredients and Items SmoothiesSmoothies
CharactersCharacters News and Game InfoNews and Game Info


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