Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Combat Explained

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Combat Explained
This is a guide that explains the combat system of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Learn more about combat mechanics and tips in here!

Combat Mechanics

Combat Controls

Key Function
NSW - BB Jump
NSW - XX Bind
NSW - YY Summon Echo
NSW - Dpad LeftD-Pad Left Select Automatons
Switch Automatons
NSW - Dpad RightD-Pad Right Select Echoes
Switch Echoes
NSW - Dpad UpD-Pad Up Enter Swordfighter Form
End Swordfighter Form
NSW - zLZL Lock-On
Select Bind Target

Swordfighter Form Controls

Key Function
NSW - BB High Jump
NSW - YY Use Sword
Use Sword's Spin Attack
NSW - XX Use Bow
Spreadshot (Swordfighter Lv. 2)
NSW - AA Use Bomb
Bombchu (Swordfighter Lv. 2)
NSW - Dpad UpD-Pad Up End Swordfighter Form
NSW - zLZL Defend

Controls Guide

Passive Combat via Echoes and Automatons

Passive Combat via Echoes and Automatons
Echoes of Wisdom's combat system revolves around summoning Echoes and Automatons to do the fighting for you. Zelda does not take part in combat majority of the time, only creating summons to do the fighting while she manipulates the battlefield in the sidelines.

Related Guides
List of All Echoes List of All Automatons

Swordfighter Form Plays Like Link

Swordfighter Form Plays Like Link
Zelda's ability called the Swordfighter Form is a callback to previous top-down Zelda titles such as Link's Awakening. Zelda takes on a form heavily reminiscent of Link — the protagonist of the Zelda games — that enables her to engage in direct combat.

Swordfighter Form Upgrade Order

Combat Tips

General Combat Tips

Wise UpWise Up! Save Hyrule Your Way!
These are general tips that can be used in combat. Players are not limited to these options; they are encouraged to create their own strategies!

Draw Aggro With Echoes

Some Echoes can move independently and deal damage, drawing aggro, while some Echoes can directly attract the enemies' attention.

List of All Echoes

Recommended Combat Echoes

Best Land Combat Echoes
PeahatPeahat Sword Moblin Lv. 2Sword Moblin Lv. 2 Lizalfos Lv. 3Lizalfos Lv. 3
Best Water Combat Echoes
BombfishBombfish ChompfinChompfin OctorokOctorok
Best Air Combat Echoes
CrowCrow Boomerang BoarblinBoomerang Boarblin Fire WizzrobeFire Wizzrobe

Echoes specialize in their own ways, and some are limited by the terrain where they can reach enemies.

Use different echoes depending on the enemy type, to quickly defeat them, regardless of where they are!

Best Echoes for Combat and Exploration

Lock On to Focus Attacks on an Enemy

Pressing the ZL Button to Lock On focuses all present Mob Echoes' attacks to the targeted enemy. Additionally, throwable Echoes such as rocks can utilize Lock On to toss the Echo at their direction.

How to Lock On and Target Enemies

Deal Damage With Automatons

Deal Damage with Automatons
Automatons have unique ways to deal damage to enemies, ranging from launching projectiles to blanketing an area with damaging bubbles. While powerful , these gizmos are prone to breaking when it takes enough damage.

List of All Automatons

Use Swordfighter Form to Fight Next to Echoes

Use Swordfighter Form to Fight Next to Echoes
Enter the Swordfighter Form to fight alongside Echoes, damaging enemies with the Mysterious Sword. Attack with the Y button during the Swordfighter Form and defend with ZL button to stagger enemies and launch a counterattack.

Do note that the Swordfighter Gauge is limited, hence, it is recommended to use the form sparingly.

How to Use the Swordfighter Form

Control Enemies With Bind

Control Enemies with Bind
Using Bind on enemies can enable Zelda to directly displace them. Use Bind and send enemies off to hazards in the terrain, such as cliffs, holes, and lava.

Bind Ability Guide

Gain Buffs With Smoothies

Smoothies yield varying effects that can be useful in combat. These effects can range from restoring hearts to granting powerful buffs that can aid Zelda while she battles enemies.

List of All Smoothies

Equip Useful Accessories

Some accessories have effects that can be useful in battle, such as increased jump height and increased heart appearance. Equip accessories based on your strategy or necessity to aid in the battlefield.

List of All Accessories

Restore Hearts With Bed Echo and Smoothies

Restore Hearts With Bed Echo and Smoothies

Hearts can be restored with Bed Echoes and Smoothies when reduced. Create an opportunity to heal by manipulating the battlefield with Echoes and Bind.

How to Heal and Restore Hearts

Always Have Fairies Prepared

Great Fairy Fountain

Fairies automatically revive Zelda once your HP drops to zero, so it is always best to have your Fairy Bottles filled at all times. Having a spare Fairy Bottle ready at all times increases your survivability, and prevents unexpected Game Overs!

All 4 Fairy Bottle Locations

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