Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Acorn Gathering Guide: Best Routes to Collect Acorns

The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Acorn Minigame Guide

This is a guide on the best routes for collecting acorns in the Acorn Gathering minigame in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Read on to learn about the best Echoes to use and the most efficient routes for maximizing your acorn collection.

Acorn Gathering Interactive Map


Hyrule Overworld

Interactive Map of Hyrule

Acorn Gathering Locations

Acorn Gathering Map Locations and Rewards

Overworld Location Rewards

West of Hyrule Castle
17-22 Secs: 20 Rupees
< 17 Secs: 20 Rupees + Might Crystal (First Clear Only)
<17 Secs: 20 Rupees + Warm Pepper (Subsequent Fast Clears)

Northeast of Kakariko Village
25-40 Secs: 20 Rupees
< 25 Secs: Heart Piece (First Clear Only)
< 25 Secs: 20 Rupees + Refreshing Grapes (Subsequent Fast Clears)

Northeast of Crossflow Plaza
25-40 Secs: 20 Rupees
< 25 Secs: 120 Rupees (First Clear Only)
< 25 Secs: 20 Rupees + Riverhorse (Subsequent Fast Clears)

Northern Sanctuary
25-40 Secs: 20 Rupees
< 25 Secs: 20 Rupees + Golden Egg (First Clear Only)
< 25 Secs: 20 Rupees + Radiant Butter (Subsequent Fast Clears)

West of Hyrule Field
40-60 Secs: 20 Rupees
< 40 Secs: 20 Rupees + Steel Trap (First Clear Only)
< 40 Secs: 20 Rupees + Rock Salt (Subsequent Fast Clears)

Talk to Man with Acorn Cap

Acorn Gathering Acorn Man
The Acorn Gathering minigame takes place in five locations across Hyrule. Talk to the man wearing an Acorn Cap to compete in these courses. There is a participation fee of 10 Rupees each time you play.

Acorn Gathering Best Routes

West of Hyrule Castle

Spin Your Way North

Possibly the easiest of the five Acorn Gathering courses, start by Spinning onto the river and continue Spinning north. You'll need to dive underwater for the fifth and sixth acorns, so time your dive and ascent carefully.

Northeast of Kakariko Village

Use Platboom Echoes to Climb Trees

Start by collecting the acorn behind the man, then follow the trail of acorns south. Use a Platboom Echo to reach the fifth and six acorns on the trees, then another to grab the seventh acorn. Jump your way through the remaining acorns in the northwest of the course.

Northeast of Crossflow Plaza

Ready Your Platboom and Trampoline Echoes

Summon a Platboom Echo on the water and wait for it to ascend to reach the column. Dive in to grab the second acorn near the waterfall, then Spin counterclockwise, diving only for the fourth acorn underwater. Once you reach the lily pad, use a Trampoline Echo to collect the final acorn atop the tree.

Northern Sanctuary

Circle Around the Chapel

Begin with the acorn on the left and just follow along the stone fence to the tenth acorn. Use a Platboom Echo to reach the roof of the chapel and collect the final acorn.

West of Hyrule Field

Zigzag to the Top

Perhaps the most difficult course in the Acorn Gathering minigame. Head south to the stone wall and follow the acorn trail on the left. After collecting the tenth acorn, move toward the acorn between the two black rocks and go to the tight space on the right. Collect the remaining acorns on the ground before summoning a Platboom Echo to grab the final acorn above.

Acorn Gathering Tips

In the Acorn Gathering minigame, Zelda must collect scattered acorns in an obstacle course within a time limit. These courses test the player's speed and skill in using Echoes to traverse far-reaching areas.

Spam Spin Movement

Using Spin gives you a slight boost in movement. Spam Spin as much as possible, both on land and in water, to help Zelda move faster across the course.

How to Spin

Summon Platboom Echoes to Reach High Places

Platboom is the essential Echo for every Acorn Gathering minigame. It can be used as an elevator to reach high places and works almost anywhere. Summon Platboom when trying to climb trees, columns, or roofs.

Platboom Echo Location and How to Get

Equip Frog Ring to Jump Higher

Frog RingFrog Ring Effect:
Jump Height Up

The Frog Ring accessory gives Zelda the ability to jump higher. Equip the Frog Ring to reach high terrain, eliminating the need to build makeshift staircases using Echoes. The Frog Ring is found in a treasure chest in one of the dungeon rooms of Hyrule Castle.

Frog Ring Location and How to Get

Stay Afloat in Water Courses

Some courses take place in water, with one or two acorns located underwater. Stay on the surface by using Spin, and only descend underwater when collecting the submerged acorns.

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2 Zelda Team@Game86 months

Thanks for pointing this out! We've updated to include the correct times for the Wasteland Acorn Minigame to say that it requires a Fast Clear time of under 40 seconds instead of under 25 seconds.

1 Anonymous6 months

Idk where you got 25 seconds from but I just got the steel trap in the desert race with a 36 second time


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