Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

All Might Crystal Locations

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom All Might Crystal Locations
There are 150 Might Crystals in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW), which are obtained by clearing Rifts, finishing side quests, completing minigames, and inspecting the environment. See our interactive map for Might Crystals, discover each Might Crystal's location, how to find them, and how to use it in here!

Might Crystal Interactive Map

There are a total of 150 Might Crystals that can be obtained in the game. These Might Crystals are obtained from clearing rifts, completing side quests, and are found in the environment.

Hyrule Map and List of Locations

All 150 Might Crystal Locations

Checkbox Map Location Overworld View
Might Crystal (Finding the Flying Plant)
Location: Suthorn Forest
Related Quest: Finding the Flying Plant
Reward for completing the Finding the Flying Plant side quest. Show the NPC your Peahat echo to complete the quest.
Might Crystal x2 (Stilled Lower Suthorn Forest)
Location: Suthorn Forest
Related Rift: Stilled Lower Suthorn Forest
Reward for clearing the Stilled Lower Suthorn Forest rift.
Might Crystal
Location: Suthorn Forest
Beneath the plant in a secluded area on the east side of Suthorn Forest.
Might Crystal x5 (Suthorn Ruins)
Location: Suthorn Forest
Related Dungeon: Suthorn Ruins
Defeat the final boss of the Suthorn Ruins
Might Crystal
Location: Suthorn Prairie
Beneath a rock on a cliff on the eastern edge of Gerudo Desert. Lift the rock to reveal the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Suthorn Prairie
In a pond with three Octoroks in the northwest corner of Southern Prairie. Dive into the pond and spin to cut grass to reveal the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Field
Under a rock next to the western border of the map near the Wasteland.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Field
Pull out the plant on the ground directly west of Hyrule Ranch.
Might Crystal x3
Location: Hyrule Field
Treasure chest inside a cave west of Hyrule Ranch near the Wasteland.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Field
Pull out the plant in the middle of the elevated platform just south of Hyrule Ranch.
Might Crystal x2 (From the Heart)
Location: Hyrule Field
Related Quest: From the Heart
Reward for clearing the Stilled Southern Hyrule Field rift as part of the From the Heart side quest that can be started in Hyrule Castle Town.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Field
Beneath a rock in the middle of a cross shaped grass pattern southwest of Hyrule Castle town's southern waypoint. Lift the rock to reveal the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Field
In a large bush to the left of a cluster of trees west of Hyrule Castle town's southern waypoint. Spin to clear the bush and reveal the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Field
Have Holmill dig into the dirt patch inside the northwestern part of the circular forest east of Hyrule Ranch. Holmill will dig out the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal x3 (Flag Race)
Location: Hyrule Field
Related Minigame: Flag Race
Reward for beating the Flag Race Short at Hyrule Ranch.
Might Crystal
Location: Kakariko Village
Have Holmill dig into the dirt patch to the left of the Kakariko Village gravestones. Holmill will dig out the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Field
Beneath a rock in the middle of a circular boulder formation atop one of the brown hills southwest of Kakariko Village. Lift the rock to reveal the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Field
Beneath a rock in the middle of a cross-shaped stone arrangement near where a Peahat is roaming in the field west of Hyrule Castle Town. Lift the rock to reveal the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Field
Hidden in a bush on a raised platform in the middle of a pit of Ignizols in the field west of Hyrule Castle Town. Cut the grass to reveal the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Field
Found after descending into the underground section in the ruins west of Hyrule Castle Town. Clear the rift here first to access it.
Might Crystal x3 (Acorn Gathering)
Location: Hyrule Field
Related Minigame: Acorn Gathering
Reward for a fast clear of the Acorn Gathering minigame west of Hyrule Castle.
Might Crystal x2
Location: Gerudo Desert
In a Treasure Chest in a locked room in one of the ruins in Gerudo Desert. Unlock the room by pressing a button hidden under a sand dune.
Might Crystal x2 (Stilled Northern Gerudo Desert)
Location: Gerudo Desert
Related Rift: Stilled Northern Gerudo Desert
Reward for clearing the Stilled Northern Gerudo Desert rift.
Might Crystal
Location: Gerudo Desert
By the edge of a cliff under a piece of soil. Use Holmill to dig and claim the crystal.
Might Crystal x2 (Elusive Tumbleweeds)
Location: Gerudo Desert
Related Quest: Elusive Tumbleweeds
Talk to the enthusiastic Gerudo located at the Western edge of Gerudo Town. She'll give you the Elusive Tumbleweeds quest. Complete this quest to get two MIght Crystals.
Might Crystal
Location: Gerudo Desert
Beneath a rock in the middle of an elevated platform north of the Oasis.
Might Crystal
Location: Gerudo Desert
Go to the Ancestor's Cave of Rest Waypoint, then go right where you'd find another cave. Go in, defeat the mosters, and follow the path inside. A doorway would then lead you to a cliff with a chest. Open this chest to get the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal x5 (A Rift in the Gerudo Desert)
Location: Gerudo Desert
Related Quest: A Rift in the Gerudo Desert
Drops from the Mogryph boss at the Gerudo Sanctum during the A Rift in the Gerudo Desert main quest.
Might Crystal
Location: Gerudo Desert
Located at the South Eastern cliffs of the Gerudo Dessert. It is hidden underneath some sand, so make sure to use Wind Canon to blow it away.
Might Crystal x2 (Stilled Desert Temple Ruins)
Location: Gerudo Desert
Related Rift: Stilled Desert Temple Ruins
Reward for clearing the Stilled Desert Temple Ruins.
Might Crystal
Location: Gerudo Desert
On top of a dead tree with a rock on it. Move the rock out of the way to uncover the Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Gerudo Desert
Beneath a rock at the top of a cliff edge just east of the Oasis.
Might Crystal x3 (Mango Rush)
Location: Gerudo Desert
Related Minigame: Mango Rush
Complete a perfect Mango Rush on Vibrant Difficulty at the Tough Mango Plant Lab in the Oasis.
Might Crystal x2 (Chaos at River Zora Village)
Location: Jabul Waters
Related Quest: Chaos at River Zora Village
Go to Jabul Waters to unlock Chaos at River Zora Village Main Quest. Complete this quest to get two Might Crystals.
Might Crystal x2 (Stilled Eastern Zora River)
Location: Jabul Waters
Related Rift: Stilled Eastern Zora River
Reward for clearing the Stilled Eastern Zora River rift at the northeast side of Zora River.
Might Crystal x3
Location: Jabul Waters
Treasure chest north of Lord Jabu Jabu's Den above the waterfall secluded by trees.
Might Crystal x5 (The Jabul Waters Rift)
Location: Jabul Waters
Related Quest: The Jabul Waters Rift
Defeat the final boss in The Jabul Waters Rift Main Quest
Might Crystal
Location: Jabul Waters
Under a dock in Seesyde Village.
Might Crystal
Location: Jabul Waters
Underwater off the shore of Jabul Waters. Spin through Kelp to reveal it!
Might Crystal
Location: Jabul Waters
North of Seesyde Village's Waypoint. Have a Holmill dig a hole in the one dirt patch next to the purple flowers.
Might Crystal x3
Location: Jabul Waters
Defeat the Monster Camp southwest of the River Zora Village Waypoint.
Might Crystal
Location: Jabul Waters
Underwater beneath a large boulder that you can bind to move out of the way south west of the Great Fairy waypoint in Lake Hylia.
Might Crystal
Location: Lake Hylia
Go to the Great Fairy Shrine and open the chest inside to get the Might Crystal. Note that you need to unlock 4 Accessory Slots and complete the Eldin Temple dungeon for the treasure chest to appear.
Might Crystal x2 (Stilled Lake Hylia)
Location: Lake Hylia
Related Rift: Stilled Lake Hylia
Reward for clearing the Stilled Lake Hylia rift.
Might Crystal (A Treat for My Person)
Location: Seesyde Village
Related Quest: A Treat for My Person
Finish the A Treat for my Person Side Quest to get this Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Zora Cove
Dive underwater and use a Bombfish to blow up the rock and pick up the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal x5 (Still Missing)
Location: Hyrule Castle
Related Quest: Still Missing
Beat the final boss of the Still Missing Main Quest in order to get five Might Crystals.
Might Crystal (A Curious Child)
Location: Hyrule Castle
Related Quest: A Curious Child
Reward for completing the A Curious Child side quest.
Might Crystal
Location: Hyrule Castle
Found on the roof of the castle. Use Platboom to climb up and reach it.
Might Crystal x2
Location: Hyrule Castle
Chest under the Bird statue just beside the main road in Hyrule Castle. Move the statue to find a ladder leading to a cave.
Might Crystal x3
Location: Eldin Volcano
Enter Eldin Volcano and go to its left-most section either by climbing the cliffs or going inside the caves. You can climb some walls to reach certain tall cliffs. Just make sure to move some rocks around to reach these climbable walls. Some Lizalfos will block your way so be ready for combat. Once every Lizalfos is defeated, a chest will unlock. Opening this will give you three Might Crystals.
Might Crystal
Location: Eldin Volcano
Go to North West of the Eldin Volcano. Climb the cliffs to reach one of the topmost parts of the region. Once you keep going to the right you'll eventually find a chest being guarded by an enemy. Defeat this enemy and unlock this chest to get the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal x5 (The Rift on Eldin Volcano)
Location: Eldin Volcano
Related Quest: The Rift on Eldin Volcano
Finish The Rift on Eldin Volcano Main Quest in order to get five Might Crystals
Might Crystal x2
Location: Eldin Volcano
Go to Goron City and into a cave with a worried Goron standing in front. Talk to the Goron in order to enter the rift inside the city. Dispel this rift to get two Might Crystals.
Might Crystal x2 (Stilled Western Eldin Volcano)
Location: Eldin Volcano
Related Rift: Stilled Western Eldin Volcano
Reward for clearing the Stilled Western Eldin Volcano.
Might Crystal x2
Location: Eldin Volcano
Go to the very edge of the cliffs of Eldin Volcano. You will encounter a lot of enemies in this region so be prepared. There will be a chest at the very right edge of the cliffs, where you'll need to jump down to unlock it. Opening this chest will give you two Might Crystals.
Might Crystal x2 (Glide Path Trailblaze)
Location: Eldin Volcano
Related Quest: Glide Path Trailblazer
Reward for completing the Glide Path Trailblazer side quest.
Might Crystal x2 (The Flames of Fortune)
Location: Eldin Volcano
Related Quest: The Flames of Fortune
Reward for completing The Flames of Fortune side quest. You can start the quest in the northwest next to a hot spring.
Might Crystal
Location: Faron Wetlands
Go to the far West of the Faron Wetlands, where you'll find a small land in the center of a forest. Prepare for combat as there'll be multiple enemies. When you reach the small land, you'll find pinkish bushes arranged in a circular manner. Destroy the one in the center to get the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal x2
Location: Faron Wetlands
Go to the South West of the Faron Wetlands. You'll eventually find a Scrub in front of a Rift. Go inside and dispel the rift to get the two Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Faron Wetlands
Once you try to escape the Scrubs' prison, you'll find yourself at the bottom of a well that has an underwater dungeon. At its exit, you'll find a Might Crystal hidden below it, specifically in the right side corner. Unfortunately, there are air currents that will get in your way. You could use boxes and rocks to block these air currents and get the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Faron Wetlands
Go South of the Faron Wetlands where there is a body of water. Its end will eventually lead you to a cave. Enter the cave and find its other side. Once you're outside, climb on top of the cave entrance. You'll see pink bushes arranged in a circular manner. Destroy the middle one to get the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal x5 (A Rift in the Faron Wetlands)
Location: Faron Wetlands
Related Quest: A Rift in the Faron Wetlands
Finish the A Rift in the Faron Wetlands Main Quest to get five Might Crystals
Might Crystal
Location: Faron Wetlands
Go to the body of water located the most North East part of the Faron Wetlands. There will be enemies on the way so prepare for combat. Eventually you'll see a Might Crystal locked behind a cobweb. To get this, you can stack beds together and place a Brazier at the top to burn the cobweb.
Might Crystal x2
Location: Faron Wetlands
Go to the South East of the the Faron Wetlands where you'd find Blossu and some Deku Scrubs in front of a rift. Dispel this rift to get two Might Crystals.
Might Crystal (Mobbing Mothulas)
Location: Faron Wetlands
Related Quest: Mobbing Mothulas
Reward for completing the Mobbing Mothulas side quest. Pull out the NPC stuck on the ground to finish the quest.
Might Crystal
Location: Eastern Hyrule Field
Go to the waypoint at Eastern Hyrule Field. Go a little bit south east. You'll find a rock on top of a cliff. Climb the cliff with Crawltula or any other echo and lift the rock to find the Might Crystal inside.
Might Crystal x3
Location: Eastern Hyrule Field
Treasure chest inside a cave northeast of Dampe's house. Use Armos to trigger the button and disable the bars.
Might Crystal
Location: Eastern Hyrule Field
Beneath a boulder next to a large tree south of the Eastern Temple Waypoint. Use Bind to move the boulder out of the way and find the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Eastern Hyrule Field
Beneath a boulder on the southwest corner of Eastern Hyrule Field. Move the boulder aside to reveal the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Eastern Hyrule Field
Beneath a rock on a cliff just east of the Eastern Temple's Entrance. Lift the rock to reveal the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Eastern Hyrule Field
Beneath a rock on a cliff northwest of Dampe's house. Lift the rock to reveal the Might Crystal.
Might Crystal
Location: Eastern Hyrule Field
In the middle of a cross shaped arrangement of white flowers found on top of a cliff southeast of Dampe's Waypoint. Use Holmill to dig into the dirt patch.
Might Crystal x5 (Lands of the Goddess)
Location: Hebra Mountain
Related Quest: Lands of the Goddesses
Finish the Lands of the Goddess Main Quest to get five Might Crystals.
Might Crystal x2 (Stilled Hebra Mountain Passage)
Location: Hebra Mountain
Related Rift: Stilled Hebra Mountain Passage
Reward for clearing the Stilled Hebra Mountain Passage.
Might Crystal x2
Location: Hebra Mountain
Go to the waypoint by Conde's House. Enter the cave at the right of the house. Eventually, you'll find Conde and a rift. Dispel this rift to get two Might Crystals.
Might Crystal
Location: Hebra Mountain
Melt the small ice crystal on a ledge northeast of Compe's house in the Hebra Mountains.
Might Crystal
Location: Hebra Mountain
In a small clearing with grass and icicles in the west of Hebra Mountain. Can be reached using a Flying Tile from the northern Waypoint.
Might Crystal
Location: Hebra Mountain
On a ledge with some grass above a cave entrance west of Hebra Mountain. Use Ignizol to melt the ice away.
Might Crystal
Location: Hebra Mountain
Under a rock surrounded by Wolfos. Can be reached by heading west from the Broken Bridge at Hebra Mountain.
Might Crystal
Location: Hebra Mountain
Melt down an ice crystal near the rolling snowballs in Hebra Mountain.
Might Crystal
Location: Eternal Forest
In Eldin Volcano, go to the cliffs that are also next to the Eternal Forest. Find a hole emitting steam and use a Peahat to fly to the other cliffs in the Eternal Forest. Keep flying down until you see a rock. Pick this up to find a Might Crystal.
Might Crystal x2 (Impa's Gift)
Location: Eternal Forest
Related Quest: Impa's Gift
Finish the Impa's Gift Side Quest to get two Might Crystals.
Might Crystal
Location: Eternal Forest
On a small secluded area surrounded by trees just northwest of the nearby Waypoint.
Might Crystal x2 (Stilled Northern Sanctuary)
Location: Eternal Forest
Related Rift: Stilled Northern Sanctuary
Reward for clearing the Stilled Northern Sanctuary rift.

Reward for Finding 150 Might Crystals

Upgrade Swordfighter Form

You can use the Might Crystals that you have collected to upgrade the Energy Meter, Sword, Bow, and Bomb for your Swordfighter Form.

It is recommended to upgrade the Sword first, followed by the Bow, Energy Meter, and the Bomb.

See the table below to learn how many Might Crystals are required to level up each ability.

Might Crystal Required Per Level

Energy Sword Bow Bomb
Lv. 2 5 10 10 10
Lv. 3 10 20 20 20
Lv. 4 20 - - -

Best Upgrade Priority

A Statue that Fully Restores Swordfighter Energy

A Statue that Fully Restores Swordfighter Energy
The reward for finding all 150 Might Crystals is a statue outside of Lueburry's house. Once you fully upgraded your Swordfighter Form abilities to Level 4, Lueburry will use your remaining 25 Might Crystals to build a statue outside his house.

Interacting with this statue outside Lueburry's house instantly restores your Swordfighter Energy to full.

How to Recover Energy

How to Find Might Crystals

Clear Rifts

Clear Rifts
Rifts are the primary source of obtaining Might Crystals in the game. Clear Rifts and obtain Might Crystals upon its liberation.

List of Still World Rifts

Complete Side Quests

Clear Side Quests
Select side quests reward Might Crystals when completed. Talk to NPCs with a red exclamation point to start side quests and complete their requests for rewards.

All Side Quests and Rewards

Complete Minigames

Perfect Mango Rush - Might Crystal

All four minigames that you can find Hyrule reward you with Might Crystals depending on how you did well in the minigames.

All Minigames and Rewards

Investigate the Environment

Investigate the Environment

Look out for peculiar formations in the environment, such as grass patches shaped like an arrow or a rock surrounded by flowers. These seemingly unnatural developments may lead to a Might Crystal after performing specific actions, so keep your eyes peeled when exploring and investigate your surroundings.

Equip the Might Bell

Accessory Effect How to Get
Might BellMight Bell Might Crystal Detection Complete The Great Fairy's Request Side Quest.
▶︎ The Great Fairy's Request

The Might Bell accessory rings when a Might Crystal is nearby. Obtain the Might Bell accessory from clearing the Great Fairy's Request side quest and equip it to aid in looking for Might Crystals during exploration.

Great Fairy Location

How to Use Might Crystals

Upgrade Weapons and Energy

Upgrade Weapons and Energy

The Might Crystals can be used to improve the Swordfighter Form, providing upgrades for the sword, bow, bomb and the energy gauge. These upgrades include dealing higher damage, diversifying your attack options, and extending the gauge timer.

Upgrades can be done in Lueburry's House in Suthorn Prairie. Interact with the machine and choose the upgrade you'd like to get to improve your weapons' performance or extend your energy.

Swordfighter Form and Abilities

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6 Zelda Team@Game86 months

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4 Anonymous6 months

Thank you very much, got the last 25 :D


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