God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

How to Get Anchor of Fog

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This is a page for Anchor of Fog, a Resource in God of War (2018) for the PS4. Read on to know more about Anchor of Fog, where is it found, what is it used for, and more!

Anchor of Fog Information

Anchor of Fog
Anchor of Fog Resource
Rarity Epic
To hide his machinations from Odin, Ivaldi crafted devices that could pull anything from Niflheim back to its home. Use (with caution) to open Real Tears in Niflheim.

Used to Open Realm Tears in Niflheim

God of War - Ivaldi
The primary use of the Anchor of Fog is to open the Realm Tears found in the central chamber of Ivaldi's Workshop in Niflheim. One Anchor of Fog is needed per Realm Tear, giving players access to loot and other items that they can use to continue on their journey along with presenting them with challenges in the form of difficult enemies.

How to Obtain Anchor of Fog

How to Get Anchor of Fog
Can be found in Legendary Chests in Ivaldi's Workshop in Niflheim.

Found in Legendary Chests in Ivaldi's Workshop

Ivaldi's Workshop takes the shape of a diamond – there will be chambers at each corner of the diamond. The paths towards each chamber often changes whenever you enter and leave the workshop, throwing new dangers at the player each time.

The locations where players can get the Anchor of Fog is in either the Valkyrie Fight room – where players will have to fight Valkyrie Hildr if they haven't already – or the Dead End Chamber.

Chest Contents Are Randomized

God of War - Randomized Chest Contents.png
Actually managing to get to each Legendary Chest does not guarantee that an Anchor of Fog will be rewarded to the player upon opening them. There is a possibility that the chest will not be in the area upon the player's arrival, or for the chest to not reward the player with an anchor at all due to the randomized nature of Ivaldi's Workshop.

Players will have to enter and re-enter the workshop to reset it before fighting their way through to the two locations for a chance to get the Anchors.

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List of Common Resources

Enchanted Dust Mist Echoes Soft Svartalfheim Steel
Aegir's Gold Niflheim Entry Stone

List of Rare Resources

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World Serpent Scale Fragment Solid Svartalfheim Steel Ancient's Rubble

List of Legendary Resources

Glacial Catalyst Greater Crest of Flame Corrupted Remnant
Dragon Tear Crest of Flame Pristine Scales of the Realm
Pristine Ore of the Realm Smoldering Ember Pure Essence of Realms
Haze Weave Asgardian Steel Oblivion Stone
Unyielding Cinders Eternal Frost Leiptr Alloy
Dust of Realms Raging Inferno of Muspelheim Chilling Mists of Niflheim
Chaos Flame Frozen Flame Hardened Svartalfheim Steel
Ancient's Heart Hildr's Helmet Geirdriful's Helmet
Gunnr's Helmet Kara's Helmet Olrun's Helmet
Rota's Helmet Gondul's Helmet Eir's Helmet
Key of the Fifth Key of the Second Key of the First

List of Epic Resources

Aesirbane Crest of Surtr Dragons' Fury
Screams of the Innocent Ultimate Sacrifice Offering to Tyr
Ivaldi's Rusted Armor Traveler's Armor Shard Perfect Asgardian Steel
Anchor of Fog Alchemist's Ring Andvari's Hammer
Dragon Tooth

List of Perfect Resources

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