
How to Get Armor Boost and Mod Effects | Is Armor Boost Worth It?

Armor Boost is a Devastator Mod in Outriders. Find out whether Armor Boost is a good Mod to use, the effects of Armor Boost, and more!

Armor Boost Overview

General Info

Armor Boost
Armor Boost
Tier I
Description Earthquake: grants you Armor points for each enemy affected by the skill. Effect lasts up to 8s. Stacks up to 10 times.

Is Armor Boost Worth It?

Mod Ranking B Rank Icon
Reason The same effect can be achieved using Class Nodes and Shards.

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List of Mods

Tier I Devastator Mods

Armor BoostArmor Boost Auto ReflectAuto Reflect Bleed Them AllBleed Them All
Bleeding ImpulseBleeding Impulse Blood PrimerBlood Primer Blood ShockBlood Shock
Bloody CrushBloody Crush Bone CrusherBone Crusher Bullet AccelerationBullet Acceleration
Crush SequenceCrush Sequence EarthEarth's Legacy Extra QuakeExtra Quake
Extra TimeExtra Time Give Me MoreGive Me More Golem of DeathGolem of Death
Ground CrushGround Crush Heal Per KillHeal Per Kill Hollow PointHollow Point
Human CometHuman Comet Human FortressHuman Fortress ImpalerImpaler
LIfe AbsorptionLIfe Absorption Mosh PitMosh Pit Panzer DrainPanzer Drain
PerseverancePerseverance Primal ChainPrimal Chain Primal GuttingPrimal Gutting
Primal Knuckle DusterPrimal Knuckle Duster Primal RagePrimal Rage ResistanceResistance
RestorationRestoration Rivers of BloodRivers of Blood Sharpened SpikeSharpened Spike
Shattered ArmorShattered Armor Spike ForestSpike Forest Stolen LifeStolen Life
The Strongest FirstThe Strongest First VladVlad's Grasp

Tier III Devastator Mods

AsunderAsunder Currently UnavailableDespair Currently UnavailableDouble Jump
Currently UnavailableGolem Squad Currently UnavailableGrand Blast Currently UnavailableHigh Intensity
Increase DurationIncrease Duration Made of MarbleMade of Marble PalisadePalisade
Currently UnavailablePower of the Stones Primal ArmorPrimal Armor Primal ChaingunPrimal Chaingun
Primal ConstitutionPrimal Constitution Primal WeaknessPrimal Weakness Second QuakeSecond Quake
Ultimate ImpaleUltimate Impale Currently UnavailableUltimate Impaler Wide HorizonsWide Horizons

Mod Types

Mod Types
Technomancer Mods Pyromancer Mods
Trickster Mods Devastator Mods
Weapon Mods Armor Mods
Best Mods to Equip Best Defensive Mods


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