
Wanted - Hailstorm Quest Walkthrough

Outriders - Wanted - Hailstorm Quest Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for Wanted - Hailstorm, a Wanted Quest in Outriders. Learn more about the objectives of this quest, available rewards, as well as tips for completion!

Wanted - Hailstorm Basic Information

Quest Type
Recommended Level 15
Rewards 1x Selectable Epic Gear
500 EXP
Repeat Rewards -
Ujio, a "contractor" in Trench Town, is offering payment for the elimination of dangerous individuals. Track down the marks and collect bounties from him.

How to Unlock Wanted - Hailstorm

Wanted - Hailstorm unlocks right after talking to Grand Marshal Corrigan during the Mentor main quest.

Wanted - Hailstorm Quest Walkthrough

Eagle Peaks

Side Quest Icon.pngHead to Snowy Plateau.
Fast travel to Eagle Peaks and head to Bunker Cable Car Station. Find and interact with the poster to start the side quest.
Side Quest Icon.pngTake out Hailstorm in Eagle Peaks.
Head to the bunker and eliminate all the enemies in the area.
Side Quest Icon.pngClaim the bounty from Ujio in Trench Town.
Fast travel to Trench Town and talk to Ujio at the Saloon to complete the side quest and to claim your reward.

Tips and Strategies

Take Out Hailstorm First

Outriders - Wanted - Hailstorm Take out Hailstorm
Once you have eliminated the Riflemen and the Spotter, focus on killing Hailstorm first. Move on an area away from the two Ironclads and face him one on one.

Outriders Related Links

All Quest Walkthroughs

Quest Rec. Level
Wanted - Bloody Baron 14
Wanted - Hannibal 14
Wanted - Brickhead 15
Wanted - Hailstorm 15
Wanted - The Perforator 15
Wanted - Scalp King 16
Wanted - The Hornet 19
Wanted - Headmasher 19
Wanted - Maneater 18
Wanted - Blitzkrieg 21

Quest Walkthroughs

Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
Historian Quests Wanted Quests Hunter Quests


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