
Hunter - Moldfang Quest Walkthrough and Chest Locations

Outriders - Hunter - Moldfang Quest Walkthrough and Chest Locations
This is a walkthrough for Hunter - Moldfang, a Hunter Quest in Outriders. Learn more about the objectives of this quest, available rewards, chest locations, as well as tips for completion!

Hunter - Moldfang Basic Information

Quest Type
Recommended Level 17
Rewards 1x Selectable Epic Gear
500 EXP
Repeat Rewards -
Noah, a former hunter and current barkeep in Trench Town, is offerring rewards for the heads of particularly deadly beasts. Track them down and collect the rewards.

How to Unlock Hunter - Moldfang

Wanted - Moldfang unlocks right after rescuing Zahedi during the Judgment main quest.

Hunter - Moldfang Quest Walkthrough

Whitewater Reservoir

Side Quest Icon.pngHead to the Whitewater Reservoir.
Fast travel to The Stronghold and make your way to the Whitewater Reservoir north of the Camp. Inspect the bones to start the side quest.
Side Quest Icon.pngTrack down the creature near the Deserters' Stronghold.
Follow the marker to proceed to the Warrrens. Eliminate all the enemies in the area.
Side Quest Icon.pngBring the trophy to Noah in Trench Town.
Fast travel to Trench Town and talk to Noah at the Saloon to complete the side quest and to claim your reward.

Tips and Strategies

Hide Behind a Structure to Avoid Frontal Sweep

Outriders - Hunter - Moldfang Avoid Frontal Sweep.png
Whenever the Crawler is about to use Frontal Sweep or Obliterating Beam, you can hide behind the rock to block its attack.

Wait for the meter to fully deplete as the beam can still hit you even when moving away from the structure.

Fight Moldfang at a Distance

Outriders - Hunter - Moldfang Fight Moldfang at a Distance
Moldfang uses Surge and Ground Spike when facing it at long-range. These attacks can be easily avoided, as long as you dodge to the sides.

Hunter - Moldfang Chest Locations

Map Location Directions
1 After defeating the Crawler, head to the area with the waterfall to find the container below it.

Outriders Related Links

All Quest Walkthroughs

Quest Rec. Level
Hunter - Coldclaw 16
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Hunter - Bigjaw 16
Hunter - Splittooth 17
Hunter - Moldfang 17
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Hunter - Wendigo 21
Hunter - Hauras 22
Hunter - Sandshifter 25
Hunter - Typhon 25

Quest Walkthroughs

Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
Historian Quests Wanted Quests Hunter Quests


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