
Best Tempest Build for Pyromancer

Outriders Tempest Build

This is a guide to building the Tempest, a Pyromancer Build in the game Outriders. To learn about the weapon, gear, and mods for the Tempest Build, read on.

Tempest Description

Tempest Build

This is Outrider's Official Fire Witch Build.

A devastating Pyromancer nuke-based build that relies on weaving skills together with optimal player positioning to maximize its effectiveness.

Best Tempest Skill Set

Skill Description
OverheatOverheat Deal damage to all enemies within a large radius and Interrupt their skills. Enemies afflicted with Burn receive additional damage (the Burn will be consumed).
F.A.S.E.R BeamF.A.S.E.R Beam Fire an energy beam that deals damage that benefits from Status Power (increasing the damage of status effects), inflicting Burn and causing interrupt to enemies hit, as well as enemies within a small radius around you.
EruptionEruption Create a volcanic eruption beneath the selected enemy, dealing damage to all enemies within a small radius of the target. The eruption spews lava, dealing damage over time within a small area.

Overheat temporarily knocks out and inflicts Burn onto enemies. Combine it with your Melee attacks and you got yourself a self-sufficient healing system.

F.A.S.E.R. Beam is an AoE skill that releases an energy beam that damages and interrupts enemies around you. The skill takes time to be activated, but pairing it with the Pure Power and Size Matters mods makes it a fiery ability worth using.

Eruption is a powerful skill that creates a volcanic eruption beneath an enemy. With the Improved Damage and Giga Blast mods, you can annihilate heavy enemies with just one use.

Best Tempest Class Tree Build

Node Effect
Archmage ImageArchmage Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
World Ablaze ImageWorld Ablaze Reduce cooldown of your EXPLOSIVE skills by 15%.
MarkMark's Cumulation Increase your skill damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Archmage ImageArchmage Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Gifted ImageGifted Increase Weapon Damage and Anomaly Power by 5%.
Wildfire ImageWildfire Decrease all your skill cooldowns by 10%.
Magma Golem ImageMagma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
Warm Up ImageWarm Up Reduce IGNITE skills cooldown by 15%.
MarkMark's Cumulation Increase your skill damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Archmage ImageArchmage Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Gifted ImageGifted Increase Weapon Damage and Anomaly Power by 5%.
Archmage ImageArchmage Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
With Fire and Anomaly ImageWith Fire and Anomaly Activating EXPLOSIVE skills increases your Anomaly Power by 12% for 10 seconds.
Master of the Resistance ImageMaster of the Resistance Increase your Resistance by 20%.
Archmage ImageArchmage Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Conflagaration ImageConflagaration Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Flames That Burn Twice... ImageFlames That Burn Twice... Increase damage against Elites by 10%.
MarkMark's Cumulation Increase your skill damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
World Ablaze ImageWorld Ablaze Reduce cooldown of your EXPLOSIVE skills by 15%.
Grave Ablaze ImageGrave Ablaze Increase EXPLOSIVE skills base damage by 30%.

The Tempest build relies on chaining your skills and combat abilities to create the most optimal Pyromancer there is. Start by acquiring skill and damage-buffing nodes (Archmage, Gifted, Mark's Cumulation) to increase your overall combat effectivity.

Similar to the Fire Storm build, invest in Magma Golem, as well as nodes that boost your Armor and Resistance to bulk up your protection against enemies.

You can then use your remaining class points to invest in nodes that decrease your skill cooldowns (Wildfire, Warm Up, World Ablaze), allowing you to be more efficient when using them.

Best Weapons for Tempest

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Crit Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Tempest build.

Weapon Type Variant
Inferno Seed ImageInferno Seed Assault Rifle Tactical
Amber Vault ImageAmber Vault Double Gun Standard
Funeral Pyre ImageFuneral Pyre Automatic Shotgun Slug
The Wicker ImageThe Wicker Submachine Gun Standard
Corr-19 LMG "Rising Tide" ImageCorr-19 LMG "Rising Tide" Light Machinegun Standard
Corr-09 ULT-2 "EmperorCorr-09 ULT-2 "Emperor's Will" Assault Rifle Standard
Markson C "Blue Blood" ImageMarkson C "Blue Blood" Submachine Gun Standard
H.L.R. 30a "Setting Sun" ImageH.L.R. 30a "Setting Sun" Automatic Shotgun Narrow
K-DOM NC/09 "Fatal Morgana" ImageK-DOM NC/09 "Fatal Morgana" Double Gun Burst Fire
Anomaly Effigy ImageAnomaly Effigy Pump Action Shotgun Standard

Best Armor for Tempest

Armor Attributes
✔️ Max Health
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Tempest build.

Lava Lich Set Pieces

Lava Lich Set
Currently UnavailableHelmet of the Lava Lich Currently UnavailableUpper Robe of the Lava Lich
Lower Robe of the Lava LichLower Robe of the Lava Lich Currently UnavailableCharms of the Lava Lich Boots of the Lava LichBoots of the Lava Lich

Best Mods for Tempest

PompeiiPompeii Improved DamageImproved Damage Frequent F.A.S.E.RFrequent F.A.S.E.R
Not ImpressedNot Impressed Third DegreeThird Degree CritstackCritstack
RejuvenationRejuvenation Damage AbsorberDamage Absorber Healthy LifestyleHealthy Lifestyle

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2 Anonymousover 3 years

Was wondering how I keep seeing them saying overheat applies burn when it consumes the burn

1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Ultimate Lightning Whip still does more overall dmg then bone.


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