
List of Armor | What is the Max Armor Level?

Outriders Armor.jpg

This is a list of Armor available in Outriders. Learn what armor are found in the game, what types of Armor appear, their stats and bonuses, and how to get each of them below!

Armor Types

Armor in Outriders are grouped into armor types, allowing you to customize the appearance of your Outrider. This also lets you use different combinations of Armor mods to improve your combat capabilities.

Armor Types
Helmets Body Armor
Pants Gloves
Armor Sets
Legendary Armor

Armor Modification

Outriders Armor Modification.jpg

Outriders allows customization of gear for that unique gameplay experience. Armor may be fitted with Mods to enhance and augment the damage output and additional properties of Class-Specific Skills.

List of Armor Mods

What is the Max Armor Level?

The highest confirmed armor level that you can loot from the main game is 42. The level cap of armor that you can get from enemy drops increases once you start doing Expeditions, especially in higher tiers.

Expeditions Guide (Raids)

List of Armor


VagrantVagrant's Hood WraithWraith's Mask Terrestrial HelmetTerrestrial Helmet
ScoutScout's Helmet Battered CowlBattered Cowl PrivatePrivate's Helmet
Worn HelmetWorn Helmet WardenWarden's Helmet Ragged ShawlRagged Shawl
Beat-Up HelmetBeat-Up Helmet Tarnished HelmetTarnished Helmet Crude CowlCrude Cowl
Reinforced HelmetReinforced Helmet Weathered HelmetWeathered Helmet Currently UnavailableHelmet of the Lava Lich
Currently UnavailableDeathproof Mask Currently UnavailableCowl of the Reforged Currently UnavailableChronosuit Mask
Torrential DownpourTorrential Downpour's Goggles Goggles of the Edge of TimeGoggles of the Edge of Time Hood of the Spacetime PioneerHood of the Spacetime Pioneer
Warzone WayfarerWarzone Wayfarer's Helmet ScholarScholar's Mask Crown of the Borealis MonarchCrown of the Borealis Monarch
TorturerTorturer's Mask Altered ReaperAltered Reaper's Mask Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Helmet
OverlordOverlord's Mask Currently UnavailableFlores Watchkeeper's Helmet Exosuit HelmetExosuit Helmet
OutridersOutriders' Helmet Pitch-black HelmetPitch-black Helmet CommanderCommander's Helmet
Ceremonial MaskCeremonial Mask Special Unit HelmetSpecial Unit Helmet Mask of the StormriderMask of the Stormrider
Helmet of the Space LegionHelmet of the Space Legion Earthborn RenegadeEarthborn Renegade's Mask WarlordWarlord's Helmet
PatriarchPatriarch's Mask PraetorianPraetorian's Helmet Mask of the Shaman WarlordMask of the Shaman Warlord
MycologistMycologist's Helmet Behemoth MaskBehemoth Mask ClairvoyantClairvoyant's Mask
Enochian OutriderEnochian Outrider's Mask PredatorPredator's Mask Containment OverseerContainment Overseer's Hood
Mask of the CannonballMask of the Cannonball Yruuk OtarahYruuk Otarah's Mask Engine LiquidatorEngine Liquidator's Hood
Mask of the Mortal EmbraceMask of the Mortal Embrace Battlefield SurgeonBattlefield Surgeon's Mask Hunt MasterHunt Master's Mask
Forest HelmetForest Helmet InquisitorInquisitor's Helmet Brood Mother MaskBrood Mother Mask
Tooka HelmetTooka Helmet MarshalMarshal's Helmet Law BenderLaw Bender's Helmet
Helmet of the SummitHelmet of the Summit VeteranVeteran's Helmet ChroniclerChronicler's Helmet
PaladinPaladin's Helmet Chief EngineerChief Engineer's Helmet GravediggerGravedigger's Cowl
RitualistRitualist's Gaze AssassinAssassin's Mask Helmet of the VanguardHelmet of the Vanguard
Spirit EmbalmerSpirit Embalmer's Mask Ashen HelmetAshen Helmet Helmet of the Space AbyssHelmet of the Space Abyss
AnomalyAnomaly's Visage Ivory and BoneIvory and Bone Lucky UshankaLucky Ushanka
Helmet of the AcariHelmet of the Acari InterrogatorInterrogator's Mask Cranium of a Lost CreatureCranium of a Lost Creature
OlOl' Reliable Explosive TemperExplosive Temper Plague SowerPlague Sower's Skull
Currently UnavailableStatue's Head Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Mask RoninRonin's Amigasa
SergioSergio's Beret Currently UnavailableUgake Otarah's Cowl Currently UnavailableTrespasser's Cowl

List of Helmets

Body Armor

WraithWraith's Vest Beat-Up ArmorBeat-Up Armor Terrestrial JacketTerrestrial Jacket
Worn Body ArmorWorn Body Armor PrivatePrivate's Uniform Weathered JacketWeathered Jacket
Crude UniformCrude Uniform Battered CoatBattered Coat Tarnished UniformTarnished Uniform
Ragged CoatRagged Coat ScoutScout's Uniform VagrantVagrant's Coat
WardenWarden's Mantle Reinforced MantleReinforced Mantle Currently UnavailableUpper Robe of the Lava Lich
Deathproof Chest ArmorDeathproof Chest Armor Currently UnavailableArmor of the Reforged Currently UnavailableUpper Chronosuit
Torrential DownpourTorrential Downpour's Armor ScholarScholar's Jacket Armor of the Edge of TimeArmor of the Edge of Time
Robe of the Borealis MonarchRobe of the Borealis Monarch TorturerTorturer's Vest Robe of the StormriderRobe of the Stormrider
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Armor AssassinAssassin's Mantle Mantle of the Spacetime PioneerMantle of the Spacetime Pioneer
Flores WatchkeeperFlores Watchkeeper's Mantle Pitch-black JacketPitch-black Jacket CommanderCommander's Vest
Warzone WayfarerWarzone Wayfarer's Suit Exosuit ChestpieceExosuit Chestpiece Special Unit ArmorSpecial Unit Armor
Armor of the Space LegionArmor of the Space Legion Forest Chest ArmorForest Chest Armor Elder DuellerElder Dueller's Armor
OverlordOverlord's Robe Earthborn RenegadeEarthborn Renegade's Jacket OutridersOutriders' Armor
PatriarchPatriarch's Vest PraetorianPraetorian's Chest Armor MycologistMycologist's Suit
Ashen UniformAshen Uniform Tooka Chest ArmorTooka Chest Armor Brood Mother MantleBrood Mother Mantle
InquisitorInquisitor's Uniform ClairvoyantClairvoyant's Mantle Altered ReaperAltered Reaper's Armor
PredatorPredator's Mantle Hunt MasterHunt Master's Fur Mantle Battlefield SurgeonBattlefield Surgeon's Uniform
Robe of the Mortal EmbraceRobe of the Mortal Embrace Yruuk OtarahYruuk Otarah's Upper Robes Enochian OutriderEnochian Outrider's Breastplate
Law BenderLaw Bender's Vest Containment OverseerContainment Overseer's Mantle InterrogatorInterrogator's Jacket
Jacket of the Space AbyssJacket of the Space Abyss Engine LiquidatorEngine Liquidator's Mantle Chief EngineerChief Engineer's Suit
VeteranVeteran's Uniform GravediggerGravedigger's Coat Robe of the Shaman WarlordRobe of the Shaman Warlord
Ceremonial MantleCeremonial Mantle PaladinPaladin's Chest Armor Mantle of the First AlteredMantle of the First Altered
RitualistRitualist's Cape Behemoth MantleBehemoth Mantle Armor of the VanguardArmor of the Vanguard
Spirit EmbalmerSpirit Embalmer's Mantle ChroniclerChronicler's Armor Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Talisman
Vest of the CannonballVest of the Cannonball Plague SowerPlague Sower's Coat TrespasserTrespasser's Armor
Jacket of the SummitJacket of the Summit Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Coat Currently UnavailableStatue's Torso
Currently UnavailableMarshal's Armor Currently UnavailableArmor of the Acari

List of Body Armor


WardenWarden's Britches ScoutScout's Britches Battered TrousersBattered Trousers
VagrantVagrant's Trousers Weathered TrousersWeathered Trousers Tarnished PantsTarnished Pants
WraithWraith's Trousers PrivatePrivate's Britches Terrestrial TrousersTerrestrial Trousers
Currently UnavailableCrude Trousers Lower Robe of the Lava LichLower Robe of the Lava Lich Currently UnavailableDeathproof Leg Armor
Currently UnavailableWaistcloth of the Reforged Lower ChronosuitLower Chronosuit Torrential DownpourTorrential Downpour's Leg Armor
Pants of the Edge of TimePants of the Edge of Time Enochian OutriderEnochian Outrider's Waistcloth PraetorianPraetorian's Leg Armor
TorturerTorturer's Waistcloth TrespasserTrespasser's Britches Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Leg Armor
Exosuit TrousersExosuit Trousers OutridersOutriders' Britches ScholarScholar's Trousers
Currently UnavailableSpecial Unit Britches Flores WatchkeeperFlores Watchkeeper's Trousers AssassinAssassin's Britches
Britches of the Space LegionBritches of the Space Legion Waistcloth of the StormriderWaistcloth of the Stormrider Altered ReaperAltered Reaper's Trousers
Waistcloth of the Mass AwakeningWaistcloth of the Mass Awakening Plague SowerPlague Sower's Trousers Earthborn RenegadeEarthborn Renegade's Trousers
WarlordWarlord's Trousers Pitch-black TrousersPitch-black Trousers PatriarchPatriarch's Trousers
OverlordOverlord's Waistcloth Yruuk OtarahYruuk Otarah's Lower Robes ClairvoyantClairvoyant's Waistcloth
ChroniclerChronicler's Trousers Waistcloth of the First AlteredWaistcloth of the First Altered Battlefield SurgeonBattlefield Surgeon's Trousers
Waistcloth of the Shaman WarlordWaistcloth of the Shaman Warlord InterrogatorInterrogator's Trousers Tooka Leg ArmorTooka Leg Armor
Brood Mother WaistclothBrood Mother Waistcloth Behemoth TrousersBehemoth Trousers RitualistRitualist's Leg Armor
MycologistMycologist's Waistcloth PredatorPredator's Waistcloth InquisitorInquisitor's Trousers
Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Waistcloth Ashen BritchesAshen Britches PaladinPaladin's Leg Armor
Law BenderLaw Bender's Britches Britches of the VanguardBritches of the Vanguard Trousers of the Space AbyssTrousers of the Space Abyss
Trousers of the SummitTrousers of the Summit Containment OverseerContainment Overseer's Waistcloth Waistcloth of the Blood RitualWaistcloth of the Blood Ritual
Waistcloth of the Mortal EmbraceWaistcloth of the Mortal Embrace Ceremonial WaistclothCeremonial Waistcloth Hunt MasterHunt Master's Waistcloth
VeteranVeteran's Britches GravediggerGravedigger's Trousers Britches of the Spacetime PioneerBritches of the Spacetime Pioneer
Chief EngineerChief Engineer's Britches Engine LiquidatorEngine Liquidator's Waistcloth Leg Armor of the CannonballLeg Armor of the Cannonball
Spirit EmbalmerSpirit Embalmer's Waistcloth Waistcloth of the Borealis MonarchWaistcloth of the Borealis Monarch Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Leg Armor
Currently UnavailableStatue's Legs Currently UnavailableMarshal's Waistcloth Currently UnavailableWaistcloth of the Acari

List of Pants


VagrantVagrant's Gloves Battered GlovesBattered Gloves ScoutScout's Gloves
Currently UnavailableTarnished Gloves Weathered GlovesWeathered Gloves Currently UnavailableRagged Gloves
PrivatePrivate's Gloves WraithWraith's Gauntlets Currently UnavailableCharms of the Lava Lich
Reinforced GlovesReinforced Gloves Terrestrial GlovesTerrestrial Gloves Currently UnavailableCrude Gloves
Currently UnavailableDeathproof Gauntlets Currently UnavailableTorrential Downpour's Gloves Gloves of the Edge of TImeGloves of the Edge of TIme
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Gloves CommanderCommander's Gloves Exosuit GlovesExosuit Gloves
Pitch-black GlovesPitch-black Gloves Currently UnavailableScholar's Gloves Flores WatchkeeperFlores Watchkeeper's Gloves
Altered ReaperAltered Reaper's Bracers Gloves of the Space LegionGloves of the Space Legion Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Gloves
Earthborn RenegadeEarthborn Renegade's Gloves PatriarchPatriarch's Arm Wraps Yruuk OtarahYruuk Otarah's Gloves
OutridersOutriders' Gloves OverlordOverlord's Bracers WarlordWarlord's Gloves
Gauntlets of the CannonballGauntlets of the Cannonball InterrogatorInterrogator's Gloves Gloves of the Spacetime PioneerGloves of the Spacetime Pioneer
Gloves of the Shaman WarlordGloves of the Shaman Warlord Hunt MasterHunt Master's Bracers Gloves of the Mortal EmbraceGloves of the Mortal Embrace
Tooka BracersTooka Bracers Brood Mother GlovesBrood Mother Gloves Chronosuit GlovesChronosuit Gloves
MycologistMycologist's Gloves PredatorPredator's Gloves Law BenderLaw Bender's Arm Wraps
Chief EngineerChief Engineer's Gloves Spirit EmbalmerSpirit Embalmer's Gloves Gloves of the SummitGloves of the Summit
PaladinPaladin's Gloves Gloves of the Space AbyssGloves of the Space Abyss Gloves of the VanguardGloves of the Vanguard
Containment OverseerContainment Overseer's Gloves AssassinAssassin's Gloves Behemoth GlovesBehemoth Gloves
ClairvoyantClairvoyant's Gloves Ceremonial GlovesCeremonial Gloves GravediggerGravedigger's Gloves
Bracers of the First AlteredBracers of the First Altered InquisitorInquisitor's Gloves RitualistRitualist's Touch
VeteranVeteran's Gloves Battlefield SurgeonBattlefield Surgeon's Gloves ChroniclerChronicler's Gloves
Engine LiquidatorEngine Liquidator's Gloves Gauntlets of the AcariGauntlets of the Acari Hands of the ReforgedHands of the Reforged
Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Arm Wraps Gloves of the Borealis MonarchGloves of the Borealis Monarch Currently UnavailableStatue's Hands
Currently UnavailableMarshal's Gauntlets Currently UnavailablePlague Sower's Hands Currently UnavailableTrespasser's Talons
Currently UnavailableTorturer's Gloves

List of Gloves


WardenWarden's Boots Reinforced BootsReinforced Boots Worn BootsWorn Boots
Beat-Up ShoesBeat-Up Shoes Currently UnavailableRagged Boots PrivatePrivate's Boots
Battered BootsBattered Boots ScoutScout's Boots Terrestrial BootsTerrestrial Boots
Tarnished BootsTarnished Boots Weathered BootsWeathered Boots Crude BootsCrude Boots
Torrential DownpourTorrential Downpour's Footgear PathfinderPathfinder's Boots Currently UnavailableBoots of the Reforged
WraithWraith's Footgear VagrantVagrant's Boots Currently UnavailableDeathproof Footgear
Chronosuit FootgearChronosuit Footgear CommanderCommander's Boots Footwear of the Edge of TimeFootwear of the Edge of Time
Exosuit FootgearExosuit Footgear TorturerTorturer's Footgear Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Footgear
OutridersOutriders' Boots Flores WatchkeeperFlores Watchkeeper's Boots Currently UnavailableSpecial Unit Boots
Mu-metal BootsMu-metal Boots ScholarScholar's Footgear Altered ReaperAltered Reaper's Boots
AssassinAssassin's Boots PraetorianPraetorian's Boots Heirloom Combat BootsHeirloom Combat Boots
Earthborn RenegadeEarthborn Renegade's Boots InquisitorInquisitor's Footgear Boots of the StormriderBoots of the Stormrider
PredatorPredator's Boots Enochian OutriderEnochian Outrider's Boots Behemoth BootsBehemoth Boots
ClairvoyantClairvoyant's Boots Law BenderLaw Bender's Boots Boots of the Space LegionBoots of the Space Legion
Boots of the Mortal EmbraceBoots of the Mortal Embrace Hunt MasterHunt Master's Boots Engine LiquidatorEngine Liquidator's Boots
RitualistRitualist's Footwear Tooka BootsTooka Boots Containment OverseerContainment Overseer's Boots
StatueStatue's Feet Ceremonial BootsCeremonial Boots Brood Mother BootsBrood Mother Boots
Footgear of the CannonballFootgear of the Cannonball PaladinPaladin's Boots Boots of the SummitBoots of the Summit
VeteranVeteran's Boots Boots of the VanguardBoots of the Vanguard MycologistMycologist's Boots
Boots of the Space AbyssBoots of the Space Abyss Yruuk OtarahYruuk Otarah's Boots Ashen BootsAshen Boots
InterrogatorInterrogator's Boots GravediggerGravedigger's Boots ChroniclerChronicler's Boots
Chief EngineerChief Engineer's Boots Battlefield SurgeonBattlefield Surgeon's Boots Spirit EmbalmerSpirit Embalmer's Boots
Boots of the First AlteredBoots of the First Altered Boots of the Shaman WarlordBoots of the Shaman Warlord Boots of the Spacetime PioneerBoots of the Spacetime Pioneer
Boots of the Lava LichBoots of the Lava Lich Plague SowerPlague Sower's Boots Currently UnavailableMarshal's Footgear
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Boots Boots of the Borealis MonarchBoots of the Borealis Monarch Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Boots
Currently UnavailableTrespasser's Boots Currently UnavailableBoots of the Acari

List of Boots

List of Armor Sets

Armor Set Set Bonus
Torrential Downpour Scrapnel creates additional cluster bombs after explosion.
Reforged Increase Feed the Flames damage and Thermal Bomb damage.
Lava Lich Increase damage of Eruption by 40% and decrease its cooldown by 10%.
Deathproof Reduce the Cooldown of Boulderdash by 90%.
Chronosuit Reverting time replenish ammo in your clip.
Seismic Commander Increase damage toward enemies with Bleed by 150%.
Torturer Triples the size of Volcanic Rounds' damaging aura that surrounds each bullet.
Borealis Monarch Increase Weapon Damage on frozen enemies by 80%. Also Crit Damage is increased for all party members by 10% for 8 seconds after using the Cold Snap ability.
Edge of Time Increase damage for both Temporal Blade and Cyclone Slice.
Statue Using either Tremor or Golem increases Firepower by 100% and Weapon Leech by 100% for you and your teammates.
Marshal Endless Mass pulls enemies and causes up to 4 of them to share 10% Anomaly and 30% Weapon damage for 5 seconds.
Cannonball Killing an enemy with Melee Skill replenishes ammunition in your current magazine.
Plague Sower Upon applying Toxic status, gain 5% damage reduction for 5 seconds. Stacks up.
Grim Inventor While Tool of Destruction is active, a confirmed hit with Pain Launcher refills 20% of the ammunition for both Minigun and the RPG. This only happens once for each Tool of Destruction usage.
Trespasser Player can't die while inside Slow Trap.
Ugake Otarah Hunt the Prey does not consume cooldown when teleporting behind an enemy marked with Venator's Knife.
Acari Every enemy damaged by Heatwave grants 50% Anomaly Power bonus for 10 seconds.

All Armor Sets and Set Bonuses

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