
How to Beat Gauss | Boss Fight Strategy Guide

Outriders - How to Beat Gauss | Boss FIght Strategy Guide

This is a guide to beating the Gauss in Reunion in the game Outriders. This article provides information on Gauss, as well as tested strategies for beating them.

Gauss Information

Basic Information

Outriders Gauss Boss Guide

An Insurgent Altered gifted with the power to manipulate electromagnetic energy, Gauss has taken residence in the Solar Tower near Rift Town, blocking a crucial supply line that supports Rift Town.

Tips and Strategies

Box Him Into a Corner

One of Gauss' skills is the Lightning Storm, where large circular lightning zones move towards you. These can be difficult to evade if he casts it in the middle of the arena, leaving you little room to run. Make sure to box him into a corner before he pulls off this skill, so you have more breathing room when avoiding the lightning zones.

Wait Until The Last Moment to Dodge

Discharge Mine is meant to set off only at your last location. Dodging while the skill is charging will not change the skill's target. The urge to dodge may be difficult to resist but you must stand your ground until the last possible moment before dodging.

Make Use of Interrupt Skills

Most of Gauss' close range attacks, like Ball Lightning, can be interuppted. However, do not spam your Skill as it might trigger Effect Resistance.

How to Interrupt Enemy Attacks and Skills

Metal Barrage Leaves An Opening

Metal Barrage is another of Gauss' AoE Attacks. It covers a wide area of the field and deals large amounts of damage if you get hit. However, this Skill has a flaw. Whenever Gauss uses this, it leaves him at a vulnerable position as he must complete the skill's activation before he can defend again.

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