
Best Fire Storm Build for Pyromancer

Outriders Fire Storm Build

This is a guide to building the Fire Storm, a Pyromancer Build in the game Outriders. To learn about the weapon, gear, and mods for the Fire Storm Build, read on.

Fire Storm Description

Fire Storm Build

A destructive Pyromancer build that focuses in boosting skill damage and efficiency, making you into a walking explosion.

Best Fire Storm Skill Set

Skill Description
HeatwaveHeatwave Summon a fiery wave that deals damage and inflicts Burn onto all enemies in its path.
Volcanic RoundsVolcanic Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with bullets that will ignite air around enemies and inflict Burn onto them, even if the bullet misses. If the bullet hits, it causes skill damage, ignoring armor and piercing the target, damaging others behind them. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
F.A.S.E.R BeamF.A.S.E.R Beam Fire an energy beam that deals damage that benefits from Status Power (increasing the damage of status effects), inflicting Burn and causing interrupt to enemies hit, as well as enemies within a small radius around you.

Heatwave can inflict Burn onto anyone in its path. Increase this skill's effectivity with Fire Tsunami and Irradiation Wave and you can slice up dangerous territories to set yourself up for desctructive kills.

Volcanic Rounds buffs your bullets with the Burn effect. Mark enemies or use any of the other two skills mentioned, then blast them with your Burn-infused gun for maximum destruction.

F.A.S.E.R. Beam is an AoE skill that releases an energy beam that damages and interrupts enemies around you. The skill takes time to be activated, but pairing it with the Pure Power and Size Matters mods makes it a fiery ability worth using.

Best Fire Storm Class Tree Build

Node Effect
Magma Golem ImageMagma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
Warm Up ImageWarm Up Reduce IGNITE skills cooldown by 15%.
Magma Golem ImageMagma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
Wildfire ImageWildfire Decrease all your skill cooldowns by 10%.
Meltdown ImageMeltdown Burn afflicted on enemies deals 20% more damage.
Magma Golem ImageMagma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
Incinerate ImageIncinerate The moment Burn ends on an enemy, inflict Ash status.
Extinction ImageExtinction Increase damage by 20% against enemies below 30% of health.
Let Them Burn ImageLet Them Burn Burn afflicted on enemies 20% longer.
Gifted ImageGifted Increase Weapon Damage and Anomaly Power by 5%.
Magma Golem ImageMagma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
Distant Flame ImageDistant Flame Increase your Anomaly Power by 2.5% for each unlocked Magma Golem class node.
Let Them Burn ImageLet Them Burn Burn afflicted on enemies 20% longer.
Magma Golem ImageMagma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
Unquenchable ImageUnquenchable Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Anomalous Lava ImageAnomalous Lava Activating IGNITE skills increases your Armor by 45% for 10 seconds.
Fuel of the Embers ImageFuel of the Embers Doubles Skill Leech when under 30% of Health.
Trial by Fire ImageTrial by Fire Enemies afflicted with Burn receive 15% more damage.
Warm Up ImageWarm Up Reduce IGNITE skills cooldown by 15%.
Magma Elemental ImageMagma Elemental Activating IGNITE skills increases your Armor Piercing by 45% and Resistance Piercing by 45% for 10 seconds.

This build intends to make you invincible against enemies, as well as strengthening your skills. Begin the Fire Storm path by acquiring Magma Golem nodes to increase your health, so you can withstand any damage taken during combat.

You can then use some of your class points to invest in skill-buffing nodes (Warm Up, Anomalous Lava, Magma Elemental), specifically on Ignite skills to increase the skill leeching and after-effects of said skills.

Best Weapons for Fire Storm

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Weapon Leech
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Close Range Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Fire Storm build.

Weapon Type Variant
Inferno Seed ImageInferno Seed Assault Rifle Tactical
Corr-19 LMG "Sunscorched" ImageCorr-19 LMG "Sunscorched" Light Machinegun Stabilizing
GolemGolem's Limb Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Corr-2 PAS II "Sunscorched" ImageCorr-2 PAS II "Sunscorched" Pump Action Shotgun Breach
Markson ZAX "Setting Sun" ImageMarkson ZAX "Setting Sun" Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Corr-09 ULT-2 "Red Widow" ImageCorr-09 ULT-2 "Red Widow" Assault Rifle Tactical
Sasha "Red Widow" ImageSasha "Red Widow" Revolver Standard
Thunderbird ImageThunderbird Assault Rifle Standard
The Reaper ImageThe Reaper Light Machinegun Suppressing
Disintegrator ImageDisintegrator Revolver Standard

Best Armor for Fire Storm

Armor Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Fire Storm build.

Acari Set Pieces

Acari Set
Helmet of the AcariHelmet of the Acari Currently UnavailableArmor of the Acari
Currently UnavailableWaistcloth of the Acari Gauntlets of the AcariGauntlets of the Acari Currently UnavailableBoots of the Acari

Best Mods for Fire Storm

Extra MagExtra Mag Fire FrenzyFire Frenzy Pure PowerPure Power
WildfireWildfire MinefieldMinefield Improved Burning BulletsImproved Burning Bullets
RejuvenationRejuvenation Damage AbsorberDamage Absorber Volcanic ArmorVolcanic Armor

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1 Anonymousover 3 years

How is the skill tree the "best" build but it's on a level 27 character... Don't get me wrong in that the available points used are all within how I play firestorm. It just seems misleading to give a build that's essentially incomplete


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