
Asylum Quest Walkthrough and Chest Locations

Outriders - Asylum Quest Walkthrough and Chest Locations

This is a walkthrough for Asylum, a Main Quest in Outriders. Learn more about the objectives of this quest, available rewards, chest locations, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Mayhem Asylum Judgment

Asylum Basic Information

Quest Type
Recommended Level 17
Rewards 2000 EXP
Repeat Rewards -
With the truck wrecked and in need of a spare oil pump, you're stuck here. Luckily, you discovered this is the same area where you were struck by that storm on landing day. You recall the Outriders abandoned a truck during their escape from the mayhem.

How to Unlock Asylum

Complete Mayhem.

Asylum Quest Walkthrough

Explore the forest and lcoate the old Outriders' truck

Main Quest IconEnter the Enclave's main camp.→Enter the Enclave Outskirts.
Follow the waypoint to leave the camp.
Main Quest IconClear the Area.→Clear the Path.
Once outside, venture into the Outskirts and fight the first set of enemies in the Area. Clear the Path after to move on to the next area.
Main Quest IconDefeat the Monster.→Clear the Rocks.
Continue following the waypoint and defeat the Blood Morpher in the Area.
Main Quest IconClear the Nest.→Clear the Path.
Head downhill and fight the next batch of enemies in the Nest. Clear the Path after to move forward.
Main Quest IconClear the Area.→Clear the Path.
Move on to the next Area and defeat the monsters in the forest. Beware of the Crawler that appears during the fight.
Main Quest IconClear the Area.→Clear the Rocks.
Rinse and repeat.
Main Quest IconRetrieve an oil pump from the old Outriders' truck.→Bring the oil pump to Jakub.
Go to the floating truck uphill to retrieve the oil pump and travel back to camp to bring the oil pump to Jakub.
Main Quest IconSearch the Enclave for Channa.→Rest in the hut provided for you.
Follow the waypoint to look for Channa and then enter the hut to take a rest, ending the quest.

Boss Strategy: Scarskin

How to Beat Scarskin

Outriders - Asylum - Scarskin

Scarskin is the Brood Mother that resides in the Forest. Luckily, she's not the first Brood Mother you've put down.

How to Beat Scarskin

Asylum Chest Locations

Map Location Directions
1 Go under the bridge leading to the second area where you fight the Blood Morpher.
2 As you enter the second area, get to the edge of the cliff overlooking the waterfalls.
3 Near the large tree from where the Blood Morpher appears.
4 In the area where you fight the Crawler, go on your right from where you came in.
5 Go under the floating truck.

Outriders Related Links

All Quest Walkthroughs

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Rift Town
Outriders - Reunion Cover.pngReunion
First City
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Forest Enclave
Outriders - Mayhem Quest.pngMayhem Outriders - Asylum Quest.pngAsylum
The Stronghold
Outriders - Expedition Quest.pngJudgment
Ancient Ruins
Outriders - August.pngRelics
The Gate
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Outriders - Beyond Quest.pngBeyond
Outriders - Bonds.pngBonds
Desolate Fort
Outriders - Echoes Quest.pngEchoes
Canyon of the Grand Obelisk
Outriders - Sacrifice.pngSacrifice
Pax City
Outriders - Babylon.pngBabylon
The Caravel
Outriders - Humanity.pngHumanity

Quest Walkthroughs

Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
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