
How to Beat Reiner | Boss Fight Strategy Guide

Outriders - How to Beat Reiner | Boss Fight Strategy Guide

This is a guide to beating Reiner in Payback in the game Outriders. This article provides information on Reiner, recommended equipment and mods, as well as tested strategies for beating them.

Reiner Information

Basic Information

Outriders Reiner Boss Guide.jpg

A sadistic, cruel officer leading Insurgent forces opposite Rift Town. He captured you and sentenced you to death by forcing to walk across No Man's Land, and found pleasure in doing so.

Tips and Strategies

General Tips

Reiner always starts the battle by casting his Wandering Flame to cause you to run around escaping the fire pillar. It makes you an easy target for his men. Use your own Interrupt skill before he casts his Wandering Flame. It's easier to pick off his grunts before dealing with Reiner himself.

Recommended Level

Recommended Level Level 4


Launch a Scrapnel to interrupt Reiner's Wandering Flame then deploy a Cryo Turret in the center and Pain Launcher behind your turret. Sweep the side for Riflemen not caught by Pain Launcher's trajectory.

Recommended Weapon Assault Rifle
Recommended Weapon Mod RicochetRicochet Hot BloodHot Blood
Recommended Mods
Hail ShotHail Shot Rain of PainRain of Pain SuppliesSupplies SurpriseSurprise


Overheat will be your best friend because of its ability to interrupt skills as well as mark every enemy in the area. The best moments to use Overheat is right after inflicting Heatwave on enemies because it lights them on fire and whenever Reiner wants to cast either Wandering Flame or Healing Light.

Recommended Weapon Assault Rifle
Recommended Weapon Mod Shield MaidenShield Maiden Essence ThiefEssence Thief
Recommended Mods
Burnt-OutBurnt-Out Fire EaterFire Eater BlacksmithBlacksmith Third DegreeThird Degree


Suit up your Golem and charge straight into the heart of battle. Use Earthquake to interrupt Reiner's skills. If he successfully casts Wandering Flame, put some distance between you and Reiner so the fire will try and follow you, then use Gravity Leap to close the distance again.

Recommended Weapon Pump Action Shotgun
Recommended Weapon Mod Soul DevourerSoul Devourer
Recommended Mods
ResistanceResistance Bleeding ImpulseBleeding Impulse Bloody CrushBloody Crush LIfe AbsorptionLIfe Absorption


You can use a Hunt The Prey-Slow Trap-Temporal Blade combo to temporarily incapacitate the center field. You can then start picking off the Riflemen at the sides hiding behind pillars.

Recommended Weapon Pump Action Shotgun
Recommended Weapon Mod Soul DevourerSoul Devourer
Recommended Mods
Dance of DeathDance of Death Weakening The PreyWeakening The Prey Double StopDouble Stop SlasherSlasher

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