
Best Assassin Build for Trickster

Outriders Assassin Build

This is a guide to building the Assassin, a Trickster Build in the game Outriders. To learn about the weapon, gear, and mods for the Assassin Build, read on.

Assassin Description

Assassin Build

This Trickster build focuses on maximizing weapon damage as well as using skills and unlocking class tree nodes that work perfectly well with weapons, especially Shotguns.

Best Assassin Skill Set

Skill Description
Borrowed TimeBorrowed Time Receive Shield and mark your location for some time. Triggering the skill again will bend spacetime and teleport you back to the marked spot.
VenatorVenator's Knife Throws a temporal knife at an enemy. The blade will ricochet at enemies within a small radius, marking them while also dealing damage. All marked targets will be inflicted with Slow, and for a few seconds the first damage dealt will be doubled.
Twisted RoundsTwisted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with Anomaly-infused bullets that increase your Fire Power. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons.

Borrowed Time, when paired with the right mods, is capable of granting you Shield, Armor, and Firepower bonuses upon activation.

Venator's Knife is not only good for crowd-control, but also gives a significant buff to the first damage you lay on an enemy affected by the skill.

Twisted Rounds will be partnered with your Venator's Knife to achieve the maximum amount of damage your weapon can dish out. Pair this with the Perpetuum Mobile mod and you can have potentially limitless rounds of Anomaly-powered bullets.

Best Assassin Class Tree Build

Node Effect
Arms Trick ImageArms Trick Increase Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Bulletstorm ImageBulletstorm Decrease reload time by 20%.
Death Probability ImageDeath Probability Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Shotgun Master ImageShotgun Master Increase your shotgun weapon damage by 15%.
Increase shotgun weapons drop chance by 12%.
Shotgun weapons: Pump Action Shotgun, Automatic Shotgun
Arms Trick ImageArms Trick Increase Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Deadly Shadow ImageDeadly Shadow Increase your Critical Damage by 20%.
Arms Trick ImageArms Trick Increase Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Disruptive Firepower ImageDisruptive Firepower Activation of DECEPTION skills increases your Weapon Damage by 50% for 8 seconds.
Outrider Executioner ImageOutrider Executioner Activating MOVEMENT skills increases your Weapon Damage by 50% for 8 seconds.
Ace of Trumps ImageAce of Trumps Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Unforseen End ImageUnforseen End When attacking enemies from behind, all your Weapon Damage is increased by 20%.
Arms Trick ImageArms Trick Increase Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Death Probability ImageDeath Probability Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Death Probability ImageDeath Probability Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Unforseen End ImageUnforseen End When attacking enemies from behind, all your Weapon Damage is increased by 20%.
Bounty Hunter ImageBounty Hunter Increase your Weapon Damage against Elites by 15%.
Oddity Summation ImageOddity Summation Increase your magazine size by 50%.
Assault Adept ImageAssault Adept Increase your assault weapon damage by 12%.
Shotgun Adept ImageShotgun Adept Increase your shotgun weapon damage by 12%.
Cold Calculation ImageCold Calculation For each enemy in Close Range, your Weapon Damage is increased by 8%.

The Assassin is an apex predator. If your playstyle is agrresively hunting down enemies and gunning them down, this may be the build for you. This build will be centered on maximizing your damage output, focusing on skills that buff up Weapon Damage

The Cold Calculation skill node drastically improves your Weapon Damage for each enemy within close range, giving you more incentive to through yourself into the heat of battle.

Best Weapons for Assassin

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Close Range Damage
✔️ Weapon Life Leech

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Assassin build.

List of Weapons

Weapon Type Variant
The Bulwark ImageThe Bulwark Automatic Shotgun Standard
Funeral Pyre ImageFuneral Pyre Automatic Shotgun Slug
Anomaly Effigy ImageAnomaly Effigy Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Deathshield Automatic Shotgun Narrow
GolemGolem's Limb Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Corr-2 PAS II "Rising Tide" ImageCorr-2 PAS II "Rising Tide" Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Custom Markson Z-EE ImageCustom Markson Z-EE Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Mahogany K-DOM AA/6 ImageMahogany K-DOM AA/6 Pump Action Shotgun Standard
H.L.R. 30d "Red Widow" ImageH.L.R. 30d "Red Widow" Automatic Shotgun Slug
Markson OL "Space Revenant" ImageMarkson OL "Space Revenant" Automatic Shotgun Narrow
Piper "Fatal Morgana" ImagePiper "Fatal Morgana" Pump Action Shotgun Standard

Best Armor for Assassin

Armor Attributes
✔️ Max Health
✔️ Crit Damage
✔️ Skill Life Leech

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Assassin build.

Chronosuit Set Pieces

Chronosuit Set
Currently UnavailableChronosuit Mask Currently UnavailableUpper Chronosuit
Lower ChronosuitLower Chronosuit Chronosuit GlovesChronosuit Gloves Chronosuit FootgearChronosuit Footgear

Best Mods for Assassin

Weakening The PreyWeakening The Prey BackstabberBackstabber GunshieldGunshield
Anomaly CutAnomaly Cut Eager EdgesEager Edges Time-Space ProtectionTime-Space Protection
Stretched TimeStretched Time BloodlustBloodlust Buckshot ShellsBuckshot Shells

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

Why do you have ‘Hunt the Prey’ Mods included when that’s not a Skill you suggested? Shouldn’t that be TWISTED ROUNDS mods instead???


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