
Dedication Quest Walkthrough and Chest Locations

Outriders - Dedication Quest Walkthrough and Chest Locations

This is a walkthrough for Dedication, a Main Quest in Outriders. Learn more about the objectives of this quest, available rewards, chest locations, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Reunion Dedication Salvation

Dedication Basic Information

Quest Type
Recommended Level 8
Rewards 1000 EXP
Repeat Rewards -
At Shira's, you learned the signal you detected in the forest 31 years ago is still being broadcast. Having the right frequency means you can finally find its source.
Shira believes the only way to explain a digital signal outliving all other electronics is that the signal is coming from somewhere beyond the Anomaly. This is the only hope humanity has. Dr. Abraham Zahedi can help you track down this signal, but he was captured in the First City by the Insurgents. You need to find him.

How to Unlock Dedication

Complete Reunion.

Dedication Quest Walkthrough

Search the First City for Zahedi

Main Quest IconClear the Outskirts.
Follow the waypoint and clear the first set of enemies on the Outskirts. Be wary of the Ironclad that appears after you cross the bridge.
Main Quest IconClear the Hilltop.→Open the Gate.
Head uphill through the anomalous trail and kill every enemy on the Hilltop. Open the Gate after to move on to the next area.
Main Quest IconClear the Gallows.→Retrieve the Key.→Open the Door.
Continue following the waypoint and wipe out every enemy in the Gallows. The last enemy you slay will drop the Key to the Door. Pick it up and then use it to open the Door.

Rescue Zahedi

Main Quest IconClear the Area.→Enter Radio Tower.
Head uphill and kill every enemy in the area. Insurgents will come in two waves, with a Juggernaut Captain appearing during the second. Enter the Radio Tower after to rescue Zahedi.

Tips and Strategies

Start From Weaker Enemies to Stronger Ones

Outriders - Ironclad

Heavy enemies such as the Ironclad and Juggernaut Captain will take a lot of bullets before they die. Pick off weaker enemies first to conserve ammo and have less distractions once you face off against the stronger ones.

Defeating the Juggernaut Captain

Outriders Juggernaut Captain Use the Bunker

The Juggernaut Captain is technically an Elite, but is the last Elite in the quest, which is why we will regard it as the Boss in this quest.

How to Beat Juggernaut Captain (Dedication Boss)

Dedication Chest Locations

Map Location Directions
1 Go inside the burned white building and head upstairs to find the chest on a corner.
2 From the Footbridge, head towards the Power Plant and enter the dark corridor.
3 Right before the Gallows, enter the white building with a warm yellow light and go to the balcony.
4 Enter the ruined building with a second floor and go to the room at the end of the balcony.

Outriders Related Links

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Rift Town
Outriders - Reunion Cover.pngReunion
First City
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The Stronghold
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Ancient Ruins
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The Gate
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Outriders - Beyond Quest.pngBeyond
Outriders - Bonds.pngBonds
Desolate Fort
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Canyon of the Grand Obelisk
Outriders - Sacrifice.pngSacrifice
Pax City
Outriders - Babylon.pngBabylon
The Caravel
Outriders - Humanity.pngHumanity

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