
Trickster Class: Skills, Class Tree, and Best Builds

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This is a page for the Trickster Class in Outriders. Read on to learn about the skills, class tree, best builds, and more about the Trickster Class!

Trickster Introduction

The Trickster is a Space-Time Assassin. Teleport behind enemy lines, slow down time, watch enemies explode in slow motion with Temporal Blade. Equipped with control over space and time, the kill combinations for this Class are endless.

Tricksters are healed for every close-range kill and granted Shield for every enemy that dies by their Skills giving you some protection as you continue clearing the field.

Close-Range Killer

A Trickster's Healing Mechanic works best when you get up close and personal with your prey. You can rely on Shards to heal up, no one's stopping you; but you're a time-bending apex predator, act like one. Get in there, throw yourself in the fray, and slash your way to victory.

Shield Hero

Another component that's unique to the Trickster is the ability to generate a Shield for every enemy you kill. Despite having the lowest base HP, your Shield is the best defense against enemy attacks just make sure you keep on killing to keep that Shield up.

Shielded Readiness takes this even further by giving you addtitional 20% Shield for every enemy killed by cancelling your Healing Mechanic. Either way, this Shielding mechanic turns you into one formidable killer.

Trickster Basic Information

Class Icon trickster.png
Description Close Range, Hit & Run, Spacetime

Bend the laws of space and time to appear out of nowhere, assassinate your enemies, and return to safety in the blink of an eye.
Melee Skill Deal damage and inflict Slow to all enemies within a small radius.
Healing Mechanic As the Trickster, each enemy killed in close range heals you and grants a portion of Shield.
Traits • Receive additional 5% Maximum Health
• Active Shield grants 5% damage mitigation.
• Every Close Range kill heals you by 20% of your Maximum Health and grants you 12% Shield

The Trickster class can move in and out of the enemies quickly using spacetime skills. Its moves are mostly for close range combat and players can customize their Trickster to a DPS build or a Tank build that can both make the most out of its healing mechanic and shield.

Players who prefer getting behind enemy lines before assassinating enemies quickly in close range combat suits the Trickster class best.

If you wish to clear the game solo using the Trickster class, we recommend you to check our Solo Trickster build.

►Best Trickster Builds

Trickster Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
High mobility; the Trickster has the fastest base Movement along with Movement bonuses granted by certain skills

High base Firepower; as a close-range combatant, the Trickster is granted more firepower to deal with enemies as it pushes forward.
Lowest base HP; the main reason why the Trickster is granted a portion of Shield alongside its Healing Mechanic is due to its low base HP

Close-range Interrupts; unlike the Pyromancer and Devastator, the Trickster's interrupt skills are only useful if you can close the distance before the enemy skill is done charging.

Remedy that Low HP and Armor with Mods

There are various Mods that could alter how much HP and Armor your Trickster can get. For a quick close-ranged kill against multiple enemies, these four would be the top of the line:

even odds.jpgEven Odds mitigation from death.pngMitigation from Death damage absorber.jpgDamage Absorber plate dodge.pngPlate Dodge

How to Use Trickster Effectively

Blink-Trap Slash

As a Trickster, your Skills work better when used in combinations with one another. One of the earliest combinations you can do is the Blink-Trap Slash where you teleport behind enemie groups, encase then in Slow Trap, and slash them with Temporal Blade just before the skill ends.

Use Twisted Rounds on Elites

There are lots of Mods that could enhance Twisted Rounds, so you can choose from a variety of combinations that will suit your gamestyle. Elites can take a lot of heavy damage, so make sure you unload your Anomaly Rounds right between their eyes.

Borrow Time for Scouting

Use Borrowed Time to quickly scout for enemies in a new area, this will help you plan your strategy after gathering information from behind enemy lines.

Trickster Builds

Build Description
Reaver A Trickster Cyclone build that relies on maneuvering your character to the best location to damage the most number of enemies in the span of each skill duration.
Harbinger The Harbinger is a Survival-focused build. This build will rely on perfectly timed tactics to survive any battle. We recommend this build for farming your World Tier.
Assassin This Trickster build focuses on maximizing weapon damage as well as using skills and unlocking class tree nodes that work perfectly well with weapons, especially Shotguns.
Solo Trickster A modified version of the Reaver build and is recommended for those playing the game on their own. This build focuses on retaining heavy Anomaly Power damage while still regarding the need for Health bonuses
Endgame Trickster A Trickster Build meant to cover Co-op Expeditions in the post-game campaign. This build will follow the same node set as the Solo Trickster but with a slightly different Mod set.

Best Character Builds for Each Class

Trickster Skills

Skill Description
Temporal Blade ImageTemporal Blade Type: Damage Interrupt
Paralyze and slice enemies in front of you, dealing damage and inflicting Slow and Interrupt to all targets. 19.8s cooldown.
Slow Trap ImageSlow Trap Type: Deception
Create a spacetime Anomaly sphere that inflicts Slow onto enemies and projectiles. 30.8s cooldown.
Hunt The Prey ImageHunt The Prey Type: Movement
Select an enemy and teleport behind them, receiving a Shield bonus. 11s cooldown.
Twisted Rounds ImageTwisted Rounds Type: Damage
Fill your current weapon's magazine with Anomaly-infused bullets that increase your Fire Power. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons. 25s cooldown.
Cyclone Slice ImageCyclone Slice Type: Damage, Interrupt
Create a whirlwind of Anomaly blades that deal damage and Interrupt onto enemies within a small radius of you with every hit. 14s cooldown.
Borrowed Time ImageBorrowed Time Type: Movement
Receive Shield and mark your location for some time. Triggering the skill again will bend spacetime and teleport you back to the marked spot. 13.8s cooldown.
VenatorVenator's Knife Type: Deception
Throws a temporal knife at an enemy. The blade will ricochet at enemies within a small radius, marking them while also dealing damage. All marked targets will be inflicted with Slow, and for a few seconds the first damage dealt will be doubled. 10s cooldown.
Time Rift ImageTime Rift Type: Deception, Interrupt
Create a shockwave that suspends enemies in the air, leaving them unable to fight for 3.5s and inflicts Weakness. 15.4s cooldown.

Trickster Class Tree

Reaver Branch

Node Effect
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Disturbance Coating ImageDisturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 10%.
Life Transfer ImageLife Transfer Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Anomaly Scything ImageAnomaly Scything Activation Melee skill increases your Anomaly Power by 30% for 5 seconds.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Assault Master ImageAssault Master Increase your assault weapon damage by 7% for each unlocked Concentration class node.
Increase assault weapon drop chance by 12%.
Assault weapons: Assault Rifle, Light Machinegun, Submachine Gun, and Double Gun.
Continuum ImageContinuum Decrease the cooldown of your DAMAGE skills by 15%.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Countershield ImageCountershield Activating your DECEPTION skills increases Anomaly Power by 50% for 10 seconds.
Disturbance Coating ImageDisturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 10%.
Atrophy ImageAtrophy Weakness afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Combat ShieldCombat Shield's Timeline Activating MOVEMENT skill increases Anomaly Power by 50% for 10 seconds.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Life Transfer ImageLife Transfer Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Continuum ImageContinuum Decrease the cooldown of your DAMAGE skills by 15%.
Anomalic Acceleration ImageAnomalic Acceleration When your DAMAGE skill ends, increase your Anomaly Power by 50% for 10 seconds.
Life Transfer ImageLife Transfer Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Leap of Clincher ImageLeap of Clincher Activating MOVEMENT skills increases your Resistance Piercing by 15% for 10 seconds.
Scion of the Void ImageScion of the Void At the end of any DAMAGE skill, increase your Armor Piercing by 30% and Resistance Piercing by 25% for 10 seconds.
ShadowShadow's Embrace Your Firepower is increased by 15% of your Anomaly Power.
Shielded Readiness ImageShielded Readiness You will not be healed for each enemy that dies in Close Range. Instead, your Shield gain will be increased by an additional 20%.
Altered Executioner ImageAltered Executioner For each enemy in Close Range, your Anomaly Power is increased by 10%.

Harbinger Branch

Node Effect
Anomaly Persistence ImageAnomaly Persistence Increase your Health by 10%.
Immunity ImageImmunity Increase your Resistance by 15%.
Oddity Resistance ImageOddity Resistance Receive 20% less damage from Elites.
Anomaly Persistence ImageAnomaly Persistence Increase your Health by 10%.
Leap of Quietus ImageLeap of Quietus Activating MOVEMENT skills increases your Armor Piercing by 15% for 10 seconds.
Cycle of Life and Death ImageCycle of Life and Death Gain additional 10% Health for each enemy that died at Close Range.
Against the Odds ImageAgainst the Odds When surrounded by enemies, reloading your weapon deals 16 damage and interrupts enemies' abilities. Damage scales with Anomaly Power.
Cycle of Life and Death ImageCycle of Life and Death Gain additional 10% Health for each enemy that died at Close Range.
Atrophy ImageAtrophy Weakness afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
ShieldShield's Timeline Decrease your Shield degradation speed by 30%.
Anomaly Persistence ImageAnomaly Persistence Increase your Health by 10%.
Wither Scything ImageWither Scything Your class Melee skill inflicts Weakness to all enemies hit.
ShieldShield's Increment Increase your Shield gain by 10%.
ShieldShield's Timeline Decrease your Shield degradation rate by 30%.
Immunity ImageImmunity Increase your Resistance by 15%.
Outrider Executioner ImageOutrider Executioner Activating MOVEMENT skills increases your Weapon Damage by 50% for 8 seconds.
Ace of Trumps ImageAce of Trumps Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Singularity ImageSingularity Decrease the cooldown of your DECEPTION skills by 15%.
Mitigation in Motion ImageMitigation in Motion When your DAMAGE skills end, increase your damage mitigation by 10% for 10 seconds.
ShieldShield's Increment Increase your Shield gain by 10%.
Anomaly Cloak ImageAnomaly Cloak Increase your Armor by 20%.
ShieldShield's Timeline Decrease your Shield degradation rate by 30%.
Long Odds ImageLong Odds For each enemy in Close Range, your Armor is increased by 15%.
Anomaly Persistence ImageAnomaly Persistence Increase your Health by 10%.
Profit Squared ImageProfit Squared Every ammo pick-up heals you for 5% of your Maximum Health.
Dualshield ImageDualshield Increase your damage mitigation while your Shield is active by an additional 6%.
Anomaly Cloak ImageAnomaly Cloak Increase your Armor by 20%.
Disruption Shield ImageDisruption Shield Every activation of DECEPTION skills grants you 20% Shield.

Assassin Branch

Node Effect
Arms Trick ImageArms Trick Increase Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Ace of Trumps ImageAce of Trumps Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Bulletstorm ImageBulletstorm Decrease reload time by 20%.
Death Probability ImageDeath Probability Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Arms Trick ImageArms Trick Increase Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Shotgun Master ImageShotgun Master Increase your shotgun weapon damage by 15%.
Increase shotgun weapons drop chance by 12%.
Shotgun weapons: Pump Action Shotgun, Automatic Shotgun
Equilibrium ImageEquilibrium Decrease the cooldown of your MOVEMENT skills by 15%.
Deadly Shadow ImageDeadly Shadow Increase your Critical Damage by 20%.
Arms Trick ImageArms Trick Increase Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Disruptive Firepower ImageDisruptive Firepower Activation of DECEPTION skills increases your Weapon Damage by 50% for 8 seconds.
Ace of Trumps ImageAce of Trumps Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Singularity ImageSingularity Decrease the cooldown of your DECEPTION skills by 15%.
Scion of the Power ImageScion of the Power When your DAMAGE skill ends, increase your Anomaly Power by 50% for 8 seconds.
Unforseen End ImageUnforseen End When attacking enemies from behind, all your Weapon Damage is increased by 20%.
Death Probability ImageDeath Probability Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Arms Trick ImageArms Trick Increase Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Death Probability ImageDeath Probability Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Equilibrium ImageEquilibrium Decrease the cooldown of your MOVEMENT skills by 15%.
Transfusion ImageTransfusion Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Unforseen End ImageUnforseen End When attacking enemies from behind, all your Weapon Damage is increased by 20%.
Bounty Hunter ImageBounty Hunter Increase your Weapon Damage against Elites by 15%.
Oddity Summation ImageOddity Summation Increase your magazine size by 50%.
Assault Adept ImageAssault Adept Increase your assault weapon damage by 12%.
Shotgun Adept ImageShotgun Adept Increase your shotgun weapon damage by 12%.
Cold Calculation ImageCold Calculation For each enemy in Close Range, your Weapon Damage is increased by 8%.

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