
Devastator Class: Skills, Class Tree, and Best Builds

Outriders - Devastator Class Skills Class Tree and Best Builds

This is a page for the Devastator Class in Outriders. Read on to learn about the skills, class tree, best builds, and more about the Devastator Class!

Devastator Introduction

The Devastator is destruction incarnate. Charge your enemies straight ahead and level the battlefield with your seismic abilities.

A Devastator isn't just a one-man army, they're an unstoppable force of nature that will leave nothing and no one standing in their wake.

An All-Rounder Class

Playing as a Devastator allows you to brute force your way through enemy lines and still maintain high health, making this a jack-of-all-trades class.

Take advantage of mods that heal you for every damage dealt to ensure survivability in the battlefield.

Support for the Team

The Devastator may not have a high overall damage output compared to other classes but it does make up for its support abilities.

The Warden's Outrider Commander, for example, increases all healing by 20% and Shield by 20% for you and your allies. This allows your other teammates to survive waves of enemies during Expeditions.

The Reflect Bullets skill allows you to shield your allies from incoming attacks while Endless Mass pulls in enemies, allowing teammates to strike.

Devastator Basic Information

Class Icon devastator.png
Description Close Range, Tank, Stand Your Ground

Take point and defend your allies. Ground and foes alike will tremble as you pass.
Melee Skill Deal damage and inflict Bleed to all enemies within a small radius.
Healing Mechanic As the Devastator, you will recover health from slain enemies that stood too close.
Traits • Every Close Range kill heals you by 24% of your Maximum Health
• Receive additional 15% Maximum Health
• Increase Armor by 30%

The Devastator class specializes in acting as a vanguard by drawing enemy fire to protect allies before unleashing AoE attacks upon reaching the enemy lines.

This class is best for players who loves the tank role as you're going to need to charge to the heart of the battle to maximize the Devastator's skills and mechanics while also dealing huge amounts of damage.

Playing as the Devastator is highly recommended for solo or novice players. See the guide below for our Solo Devastator build

Best Devastator Builds

Devastator Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
• Powerful at close range and mid-range.

• High armor stat lets you survive most encounters.
• Low overall damage output compared to other classes.

• Has no skill that increases fire power or adds status conditions (i.e. Blighted Rounds, Twisted Rounds, and Volcanic Rounds).

How to Use Devastators Effectively

Charge Head-on

Devastators can easily charge to the frontlines and take out enemies. Use Gravity Leap to close in on the snipers and hiding enemies.

Before charging head-on, activate Golem to boost your defenses. Attach a piece of armor with the Golem of Death mod to extend the skill's duration as long as you maintain a kill streak.

Focus on Building Firepower

Since Devastators do not have any skills that let them enhance their weapon rounds such as the Technomancer's Blighted Rounds, you need to have the proper loadout to increase your overall damage output.

To increase firepower, is it recommended to equip the Claymore weapon mod for all your weapons and one mod that inflicts a status condition.

Depending on your build, you can equip an armor mod that increases your Bleed damage or a mod that increases Firepower or Anomaly such as the Rejuvenation armor mod.

Devastator Builds

Build Description
Warden A defensive Warden build with high Health and Health regeneration. With the proper weapon and armor loadout, this build also lets you charge head-on to enemies without needing to take cover.
Seismic Shifter A skill-based build that focuses on increasing damage and reducing cooldown of seismic skills, making you a mage-like tank.
Vanquisher This Vanquisher build specializes on maximizing your damage input, as well as increasing your chosen weapon's damage. Recommended for those looking for pure offensive builds.
Solo Devastator A Seismic Shifter based build that focuses on building high anomaly power and Bleed damage to clear enemies in the battlefield alone.
Endgame Devastator A mix between the Warden and Vanquisher builds, the Endgame Devastator build is a balanced "defensive offensive" build recommended for co-op Expeditions.

Best Character Builds for Each Class

Devastator Skills

Skill Description
Earthquake ImageEarthquake Type: Seismic, Interrupt
Release shockwave to deal damage and Interrupt all enemies in front of you. 14s cooldown.
Golem ImageGolem Type: Protection
Fortify yourself against 65% of incoming damage for 8 seconds. 26s cooldown.
Gravity Leap ImageGravity Leap Type: Kinetic, Interrupt
Leap into the air and strike your targets from above, dealing damage and Interrupting enemies within a small radius of the area you land in. 20s cooldown.
Reflect Bullets ImageReflect Bullets Type: Protection
Create a barrier that captures all enemy projectiles and accumulates damage. After 10 seconds of triggering the skill, the accumulated damage is reflected back to enemies in front of you. The barrier also protects against melee attacks by reflecting some damage back. 22s cooldown.
Impale ImageImpale Type: Seismic, Interrupt
Select a target to Interrupt their skills, inflict Bleed, and deal damage. If the damage is lethal, the enemy will be impaled, granting a powerful bonus to Armor and Health regeneration to all allies for 9 seconds. 30.7s cooldown.
Tremor ImageTremor Type: Seismic
Create a series of explosions around you, each dealing damage and draining Health from enemies within a medium radius around you. 20.5s cooldown.
Boulderdash ImageBoulderdash Type: Kinetic, Interrupt
Charge forward to Interrupt all enemies in your path and deal damage. At the end of the charge, you will smash the ground and deal additional damage to all enemies within a small radius around you. 20.5s cooldown.
Endless Mass ImageEndless Mass Type: Kinetic
Select a target to encase in stone, inflicting Bleed and pulling enemies within a small radius towards the initial target. The stone will then explode, dealing damage to all enemies within a small radius around the target. 22.3s cooldown.

Devastator Class Tree

Seismic Shifter Branch

Node Effect
Anomaly Reservoir ImageAnomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Endless Tremors ImageEndless Tremors SEISMIC skills cooldown is reduced by 15%.
Rejuvenation ImageRejuvenation Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Anomaly Reservoir ImageAnomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Unending Watch ImageUnending Watch Reduce PROTECTION skill cooldown by 15%.
Paladin ImagePaladin Using PROTECTION skills increases Anomaly Power by 45% for 10 seconds.
Perpetual Motion ImagePerpetual Motion Reduce KINETIC skills cooldown by 15%.
Pure Anomaly ImagePure Anomaly Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Anomaly Reservoir ImageAnomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Anomaly Bullets ImageAnomaly Bullets Increase Firepower by 15% of your Anomaly Power.
Endless Tremors ImageEndless Tremors Reduce SEISMIC skills cooldown by 15%.
Red Rivers ImageRed Rivers Increases Bleed duration by 30%.
Anomaly Reservoir ImageAnomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Strong Arm of the Law ImageStrong Arm of the Law Double the damage of class Melee skill.
Red Rivers ImageRed Rivers Increases Bleed duration by 30%.
Executioner ImageExecutioner Increase damage by 20% against enemies below 30% of health.
Anomaly Reservoir ImageAnomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Bloodbath ImageBloodbath Bleed afflicted on enemies deals 30% more damage.
Blood Donation ImageBlood Donation You are healed for 35% of your Bleed damage.
Rejuvenation ImageRejuvenation Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Protected by the Anomaly ImageProtected by the Anomaly Increase your Armor Bonus by 40% of your Anomaly Power.
Skilled Sentry ImageSkilled Sentry Increase Armor by 20% and Resistance by 20% for 10 seconds when your skills end.
Bloodbath ImageBloodbath Bleed afflicted on enemies deals 30% more damage.
Pure Anomaly ImagePure Anomaly Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
EarthEarth's Heritage Increase SEISMIC skills base damage by 50%.

Warden Branch

Node Effect
Colossus ImageColossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Anomaly in Veins ImageAnomaly in Veins Every second regenerate your Health by 1%.
Tank ImageTank Increase your Armor by 20%.
Colossus ImageColossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Strong Arm of the Anomaly ImageStrong Arm of the Anomaly After using class Melee skill, increase Resistance Piercing by 15% for each hit enemy for 10 seconds.
Colossus ImageColossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Into the Fray ImageInto the Fray Increase your damage mitigation by 15% for 10 seconds after your KINETIC skills end.
Vim and Vigor ImageVim and Vigor Increase Weapon Damage by 10% for each unlocked Anomaly in Veins class node.
Resistance Paragon ImageResistance Paragon Increase your Resistance by 20%.
Anomaly in Veins ImageAnomaly in Veins Every second regenerate your Health by 1%.
Colossus ImageColossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Stone Circle ImageStone Circle Extend the distance considered to be Close Range by an additional 4 meters.
Through the Mob ImageThrough the Mob Increase your Armor by 7% for each enemy in Close Range.
Tank ImageTank Increase your Armor by 20%.
Anomaly in Veins ImageAnomaly in Veins Every second regenerate your Health by 1%.
Heirloom Armor ImageHeirloom Armor When an enemy dies in your Close Range, 20% of their Armor will be transferred to you for 10 seconds.
Profit Squared ImageProfit Squared Every ammo pick-up heals you for 5%.
Colossus ImageColossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Outrider Commander ImageOutrider Commander Increase all healing by 20% and Shield by 20% for you and your allies.
Unending Watch ImageUnending Watch Reduce PROTECTION skill cooldown by 15%.
Colossus ImageColossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Resist the Mob ImageResist the Mob Increase Resistance by 15% for each enemy in Close Range.
Unbroken Vow ImageUnbroken Vow You have 100% chance to ignore damage that would kill you and gain 50% Health. The effect may occur once every 180 seconds.
Tank ImageTank Increase your Armor by 20%.
Overlord of the Battleground ImageOverlord of the Battleground Gain additional 10% Health for each enemy that died at Close Range.
Tank ImageTank Increase your Armor by 20%.
Resistance Paragon ImageResistance Paragon Increase your Resistance by 20%.
Mighty Tank ImageMighty Tank Increase Firepower by 10% of your Armor.
Increase Anomaly Power by 10% of your Armor.

Vanquisher Branch

Node Effect
Havoc ImageHavoc Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Armorbreaker ImageArmorbreaker Increase your Armor Piercing by 15%.
Shotgun Adept ImageShotgun Adept Increase your shotgun weapon damage by 12%.
Brawler ImageBrawler Increase your Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Shotgun Master ImageShotgun Master Increase your shotgun weapon damage by 15%.
Increase shotgun weapons drop chance by 12%.
Shotgun weapons: Pump Action Shotgun, Automatic Shotgun
Perpetual Motion ImagePerpetual Motion Reduce KINETIC skills cooldown by 15%.
Armorbreaker ImageArmorbreaker Increase your Armor Piercing by 15%.
Assault Adept ImageAssault Adept Increase your assault weapon damage by 12%.
Champion ImageChampion Using PROTECTION skills increases Weapon Damage by 45% for 10 seconds.
Havoc ImageHavoc Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Steady Hands ImageSteady Hands Decrease weapon recoil by 30%.
BullBull's Eye Increase your Critical Damage by 20%.
Havoc ImageHavoc Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Assault Master ImageAssault Master Increase your assault weapon damage by 20%.
Increase assault weapon drop chance by 12%.
Assault weapons: Assault Rifle, Light Machinegun, Submachine Gun, and Double Gun.
Perpetual Motion ImagePerpetual Motion Reduce KINETIC skills cooldown by 15%.
Brawler ImageBrawler Increase your Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Havoc ImageHavoc Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Dry Them Out ImageDry Them Out Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Bounty Hunter ImageBounty Hunter Increase your damage against Elites by 15%.
Elites deal 15% less damage to you.
Bulletstorm ImageBulletstorm Reload your weapon 20% faster.
Ammo Stockpile ImageAmmo Stockpile Increase your magazine size by 50%.
Confrontation ImageConfrontation Enemies who damage you will have their physical damage reduced by 10% for 5 seconds. The effect is doubled if you damage that enemy as well.
Armorbreaker ImageArmorbreaker Increase your Armor Piercing by 15%.
Dry Them Out ImageDry Them Out Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Altered Charge ImageAltered Charge When KINETIC skills end, increase your Weapon Damage by 70% for 10 seconds.

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