
Best Reaver Build for Trickster

Outriders Reaver Build

This is a guide to building the Reaver, a Trickster Build in the game Outriders. To learn about the weapon, gear, and mods for the Reaver Build, read on.

Reaver Description

Reaver Build

A Trickster Cyclone build that relies on maneuvering your character to the best location to damage the most number of enemies in the span of each skill duration.

Best Reaver Skill Set

The Reaver's skill is determined not only by the Skill Nodes in its Skill Tree, but also for its practicality.

Skill Description
Temporal BladeTemporal Blade Paralyze and slice enemies in front of you, dealing damage and inflicting Slow and Interrupt to all targets.
Twisted RoundsTwisted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with Anomaly-infused bullets that increase your Fire Power. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
Cyclone SliceCyclone Slice Create a whirlwind of Anomaly blades that deal damage and Interrupt onto enemies within a small radius of you with every hit.

Temporal Blade is the bread and butter of the Trickster class. This allows you to Interrupt enemy skils before they activate, while also dealing considerable amounts of damage because this build focuses on enhancing your Anomaly Power.

Cyclone Slice is the heart of this build. A skill that utilizes both crowd-control as well as Interrupts. The best way to fully utilize this skill is to max out on Skills Life Leech attribute. This allows your Cyclone Slice to heal you up as you damage crowds of enemies.

Lastly, Twisted Rounds will be your equalizer when it comes to Boss fights. Raising your Anomaly Power using shards can push your damage output to the limits. Pair this with the Perpetuum Mobile mod and you can have potentially limitless rounds of Anomaly-powered bullets.

Best Reaver Class Tree Build

Node Effect
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Life Transfer ImageLife Transfer Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Assault Master ImageAssault Master Increase your assault weapon damage by 7% for each unlocked Concentration class node.
Increase assault weapon drop chance by 12%.
Assault weapons: Assault Rifle, Light Machinegun, Submachine Gun, and Double Gun.
Anomaly Scything ImageAnomaly Scything Activation Melee skill increases your Anomaly Power by 30% for 5 seconds.
Against the Odds ImageAgainst the Odds When surrounded by enemies, reloading your weapon deals 16 damage and interrupts enemies' abilities. Damage scales with Anomaly Power.
Cycle of Life and Death ImageCycle of Life and Death Gain additional 10% Health for each enemy that died at Close Range.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Continuum ImageContinuum Decrease the cooldown of your DAMAGE skills by 15%.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Countershield ImageCountershield Activating your DECEPTION skills increases Anomaly Power by 50% for 10 seconds.
Disturbance Coating ImageDisturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 10%.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Life Transfer ImageLife Transfer Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Concentration ImageConcentration Increase your Anomaly power by 6%.
Life Transfer ImageLife Transfer Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Scion of the Void ImageScion of the Void At the end of any DAMAGE skill, increase your Armor Piercing by 30% and Resistance Piercing by 25% for 10 seconds.
ShadowShadow's Embrace Your Firepower is increased by 15% of your Anomaly Power.
Altered Executioner ImageAltered Executioner For each enemy in Close Range, your Anomaly Power is increased by 10%.

The Reaver is an absolute Anomaly Storm in the form of a person. This build will be centered on maximizing your damage output while also maintaining crowd-control. Alternatively, you can rely on Anomaly Shards to boost your Anomaly Power and lower your skill cooldowns as you build your way up to that Full Reaver Build.

The Shadow's Embrace skill node allows a percentage of your Anomaly Power to be added as Firepower bonuses, buffing two Stats at once.

Best Weapons for Reaver

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Skill Life Leech
✔️ Weapon Life Leech

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Reaver build.

List of Weapons

Weapon Type Variant
The Migraine ImageThe Migraine Submachine Gun Standard
Fatal Symbiont ImageFatal Symbiont Submachine Gun Standard
Grim Marrow ImageGrim Marrow Light Machinegun Stabilizing
The Reaper ImageThe Reaper Light Machinegun Suppressing
The Wicker ImageThe Wicker Submachine Gun Standard
The Daimyo ImageThe Daimyo Submachine Gun Tactical
Imploder ImageImploder Double Gun Standard
Damascus Offering ImageDamascus Offering Light Machinegun Standard
Corr-19 LMG "Red Widow" ImageCorr-19 LMG "Red Widow" Light Machinegun Suppressing
Camo ECA-B AR ImageCamo ECA-B AR Assault Rifle Tactical

Best Armor for Reaver

Armor Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Reaver build.

Edge of Time Set Pieces

Edge of Time Set
Goggles of the Edge of TimeGoggles of the Edge of Time Armor of the Edge of TimeArmor of the Edge of Time
Pants of the Edge of TimePants of the Edge of Time Gloves of the Edge of TImeGloves of the Edge of TIme Footwear of the Edge of TimeFootwear of the Edge of Time

Best Mods for Reaver

Cut LooseCut Loose Strong SliceStrong Slice Grand BastionGrand Bastion
Blue BloodBlue Blood SlasherSlasher Perpetuum MobilePerpetuum Mobile
Dum-Dum BulletsDum-Dum Bullets Move GrooveMove Groove Personal SpacePersonal Space

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1 gutzanover 3 years

Hi, thanks for the input. But I have a doubt on this build, Countershield only works with deception skills, right? Which one of: temporal blade , twisted round or cyclone slice is a deception one?


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