
Best Seismic Shifter Build for Devastator

Outriders Seismic Shifter Build

This is a guide to building the Seismic Shifter, a Devastator Build in the game Outriders. To learn about the weapon, gear, and mods for the Seismic Shifter Build, read on.

Seismic Shifter Description

Seismic Shifter Build

A skill-based build that focuses on increasing damage and reducing cooldown of seismic skills, making you a mage-like tank.

Best Seismic Shifter Skill Set

Skill Description
Gravity LeapGravity Leap Leap into the air and strike your targets from above, dealing damage and Interrupting enemies within a small radius of the area you land in.
ImpaleImpale Select a target to Interrupt their skills, inflict Bleed, and deal damage. If the damage is lethal, the enemy will be impaled, granting a powerful bonus to Armor and Health regeneration to all allies for 9 seconds.
TremorTremor Create a series of explosions around you, each dealing damage and draining Health from enemies within a medium radius around you.

Gravity Leap lets you close in the distance between you and the enemy and deal massive AoE damage. With the right mods to buff this skill, you can kill a sniper enemy in a single strike and even fully restore your Health.

Impale interrupts a Boss from performing their strong attacks and deal a ton of damage. Add the Impaler mod to allow you use this skill two times before triggering the cooldown.

When playing in co-op, Impale grants all allies with Armor and Health regeneration, as long as the attack is lethal, and can provide support for classes with low Health such as the Technomancer.

Tremors is an AoE skill that drains Health from enemies. It can hit enemies with a medium radius and is useful to deal with enemies that swarm you such as the Cutthroats and Perforos.

Best Seismic Shifter Class Tree Build

Node Effect
Anomaly Reservoir ImageAnomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Rejuvenation ImageRejuvenation Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Endless Tremors ImageEndless Tremors Reduce SEISMIC skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomaly Reservoir ImageAnomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Perpetual Motion ImagePerpetual Motion Reduce KINETIC skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomaly Reservoir ImageAnomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Red Rivers ImageRed Rivers Increases Bleed duration by 30%.
Anomaly Reservoir ImageAnomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Red Rivers ImageRed Rivers Increases Bleed duration by 30%.
Anomaly Reservoir ImageAnomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Bloodbath ImageBloodbath Bleed afflicted on enemies deals 30% more damage.
Blood Donation ImageBlood Donation You are healed for 35% of your Bleed damage.
Rejuvenation ImageRejuvenation Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Skilled Sentry ImageSkilled Sentry Increase Armor by 20% and Resistance by 20% for 10 seconds when your skills end.
Bloodbath ImageBloodbath Bleed afflicted on enemies deals 30% more damage.
Stone Circle ImageStone Circle Extend the distance considered to be Close Range by an additional 4 meters.
Endless Tremors ImageEndless Tremors SEISMIC skills cooldown is reduced by 15%.
Executioner ImageExecutioner Increase damage by 20% against enemies below 30% of health.
Protected by the Anomaly ImageProtected by the Anomaly Increase your Armor Bonus by 40% of your Anomaly Power.
EarthEarth's Heritage Increase SEISMIC skills base damage by 50%.

This particular Seismic Shifter build focuses on using skills and increasing your Bleed damage to quickly kill enemies as fast as possible.

With increased Bleed duration and damage, the Blood Donation class node allows you to heal for 25% of your Bleed damage. Combine this with the Impale skill, you can easily restore your Health and ensure survivability.

To reduce a skill's cooldown, unlock every Endless Tremors class nodes in the class tree. In addition, you can also equip a mod that lets you use a particular skill two times before triggering its cooldown.

Best Weapons for Seismic Shifter

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Close Range Damage
✔️ Crit Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Seismic Shifter build.

List of Weapons

Weapon Type Variant
Grim Marrow ImageGrim Marrow Light Machinegun Stabilizing
Anomaly Effigy ImageAnomaly Effigy Pump Action Shotgun Standard
The Reaper ImageThe Reaper Light Machinegun Suppressing
Deathshield Automatic Shotgun Narrow
Imploder ImageImploder Double Gun Standard
GolemGolem's Limb Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Corr-2 PAS II "Rising Tide" ImageCorr-2 PAS II "Rising Tide" Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Custom Markson Z-EE ImageCustom Markson Z-EE Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Mahogany K-DOM AA/6 ImageMahogany K-DOM AA/6 Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Camo ECA-B AR ImageCamo ECA-B AR Assault Rifle Tactical
Piper "Fatal Morgana" ImagePiper "Fatal Morgana" Pump Action Shotgun Standard

Best Armor for Seismic Shifter

Armor Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Seismic Shifter build.

Seismic Commander Set Pieces

Seismic Commander Set
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Helmet Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Armor
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Leg Armor Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Gloves Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Footgear

Best Mods for Seismic Shifter

Bloody CrushBloody Crush Ultimate ImpaleUltimate Impale Rivers of BloodRivers of Blood
Bloody BoostBloody Boost Vampiric MagVampiric Mag Thirst for BloodThirst for Blood
Human CometHuman Comet Crush SequenceCrush Sequence Moaning WindsMoaning Winds

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