
Best Demolisher Build for Technomancer

Outriders Demolisher Build

This is a guide to building the Demolisher, a Technomancer Build in the game Outriders. To learn about the weapon, gear, and mods for the Demolisher Build, read on.

Demolisher Description

Demolisher Build

A support-damage flexi Demolisher build that utilizes Ordnance skills. This Technomancer build is an effective finisher in battles.

Best Demolisher Skill Set

Skill Description
ScrapnelScrapnel Throw a proximity mine. The explosion deals damage and Interrupts the skills of enemies caught within the blast radius.
Tool of DestructionTool of Destruction Press the skill button to equip a Rocket Launcher that can Interrupt enemies and deals damage. Hold the skill button for a Minigun that deals damage per shot.
The skill will remain active until all ammo is depleted or until you switch weapons.
Blighted RoundsBlighted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.

Scrapnel Interrupts and creates a small blast that damages enemies near the proximity mine. This skill will give you and your allies a good opportunity to rain fire on enemies.

Being designed as part-support, part-DPS, the Demolisher can also shine in the front line. Tool of Destruction can help you body your way through tough enemies as it can Interrupt and inflict a great deal of damage.

Blighted Rounds is useful for neutralizing clusters of enemies. Enemies in proximity of your main target will also be affected, making it easier to thin out the waves of enemies in battle.

Best Demolisher Class Tree Build

Node Effect
Disturbance Coating ImageDisturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Disturbance Coating ImageDisturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Ordnance Technician ImageOrdnance Technician Reduce ORDNANCE skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Brain Freeze ImageBrain Freeze Your class Melee skill also inflicts Toxic on every enemy hit.
A.N.E.T.A. Plates ImageA.N.E.T.A. Plates Increase your Resistance by 20%.
Welcome Shot ImageWelcome Shot The first shot after reload deals damage with Firepower increased by 15% of your Anomaly Power.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Adrenalizing Antenna ImageAdrenalizing Antenna Activating DECAY skills increases Anomaly Power for you and your allies by 30% for 10 seconds.
Toxicologist ImageToxicologist Toxic afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Heavy Absorption ImageHeavy Absorption Activating ORDNANCE skills increases Skill Leech by 15% for 7 seconds.
Ordnance Technician ImageOrdnance Technician Reduce ORDNANCE skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Vitality Magnet ImageVitality Magnet Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
D-Kay Toxin ImageD-Kay Toxin Increase Toxic damage by 20%.
Disturbance Coating ImageDisturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Armored Unit ImageArmored Unit Activating ORDNANCE skills increases your Armor by 50% for 15 seconds.
Team Player ImageTeam Player Decrease Elites' damage against you and your allies by 10%.
D-Kay Toxin ImageD-Kay Toxin Increase Toxic damage by 20%.
Techbond ImageTechbond Activating ORDNANCE skills increases Anomaly power by 50% for 10 seconds.

The Demolisher is your perfect support-DPS hybrid. Focus on enhancing your Anomaly Power and Decay skills.

The Adrenalizing Antenna skill is perfect for this build especially paired up with Decay skill as it substantially buffs you and your allies.

Best Weapons for Demolisher

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Crit Damage
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Long Range Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Demolisher build.

List of Weapons

Weapon Type Variant
RarogRarog's Gaze Rifle Standard
Damascus Offering ImageDamascus Offering Light Machinegun Standard
Earthborn RenegadeEarthborn Renegade's Assault Rifle Assault Rifle Standard
Molten Eidola ImageMolten Eidola Rifle One-Shot
RPR-23 "Lamia" ImageRPR-23 "Lamia" Double Gun Burst Fire
Corr-09 ULT-2 "Red Widow" ImageCorr-09 ULT-2 "Red Widow" Assault Rifle Tactical
Cleaner "EmperorCleaner "Emperor's Will" Light Machinegun Suppressing
MM-4111 "Lamia" ImageMM-4111 "Lamia" Rifle One-Shot
Corr-9 RIF "Lamia" ImageCorr-9 RIF "Lamia" Assault Rifle Sharpshooter
Thunderbird ImageThunderbird Assault Rifle Standard

Best Armor for Demolisher

Armor Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Skills Life Leech
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Demolisher build.

Grim Inventor Set Pieces

Grim Inventor Set
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Mask Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Coat
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Leg Armor Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Gloves Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Boots

Best Mods for Demolisher

Spare MagSpare Mag Demolition ManDemolition Man More DamageMore Damage
MassacreMassacre Portable ArmoryPortable Armory More TrapsMore Traps
Radical TherapyRadical Therapy Upgraded GunUpgraded Gun Toxic LeadToxic Lead

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