
Best Ash Breaker Build for Pyromancer

Outriders Ash Breaker Build

This is a guide to building the Ash Breaker, a Pyromancer Build in the game Outriders. To learn about the weapon, gear, and mods for the Ash Breaker Build, read on.

Ash Breaker Description

Ash Breaker Build

This versatile Pyromancer build specializes in maximizing your DPS and your ability to control enemies by focusing on your Ash status effect.

Best Ash Breaker Skill Set

Skill Description
Ash BlastAsh Blast Create an Anomaly blast to inflict Ash onto all enemies within a large radius around you.
Volcanic RoundsVolcanic Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with bullets that will ignite air around enemies and inflict Burn onto them, even if the bullet misses. If the bullet hits, it causes skill damage, ignoring armor and piercing the target, damaging others behind them. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
EruptionEruption Create a volcanic eruption beneath the selected enemy, dealing damage to all enemies within a small radius of the target. The eruption spews lava, dealing damage over time within a small area.

Ash Blast turns enemies around you into Ash. Pair it with the Death Sentence and Ash Increase Range mods to maximize the skill's full potential.

Volcanic Rounds buffs your bullets with the Burn effect. Mark enemies or use any of the other two skills mentioned and then blast them with your Burn-infused gun for maximum destruction.

Eruption is a powerful skill that creates a volcanic eruption beneath an enemy. With the Improved Damage and Giga Blast mods, you can annihilate heavy enemies with just one use.

Best Ash Breaker Class Tree Build

Node Effect
Inferno Weapon ImageInferno Weapon Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Moths to the Flame ImageMoths to the Flame Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Marble Orchard ImageMarble Orchard Reduce IMMOBILIZE skills cooldown by 15%.
Mark of the Anomaly ImageMark of the Anomaly Increase your Weapon Damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Assault Master ImageAssault Master Increase your assault weapon damage by 20%.
Increase assault weapon drop chance by 12%.
Assault weapons: Assault Rifle, Light Machinegun, Submachine Gun, and Double Gun.
Sidearm Adept ImageSidearm Adept Increase your pistols and revolver damage by 12%.
Trial of the Ashes ImageTrial of the Ashes Enemies afflicted with Ash receive 30% more damage.
Mark of the Anomaly ImageMark of the Anomaly Increase your Weapon Damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Hot Situation ImageHot Situation Activating your IMMOBILIZE skills increases your Anomaly Power by 45% for 10 seconds.
Curse of the Pompeii ImageCurse of the Pompeii Ash inflicted on enemies lasts 15% longer.
Mark of the Anomaly ImageMark of the Anomaly Increase your Weapon Damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Sniper Master ImageSniper Master Increase your sniper weapon damage by 40%.
Sniper weapons will drop 12% more often.
Sniper weapons: Marksman Rifle, Automatic Sniper Rifle, and Bolt Action Rifle.
Inferno Weapon ImageInferno Weapon Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Mark of the Anomaly ImageMark of the Anomaly Increase your Weapon Damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Ashes to Ashes ImageAshes to Ashes Every time Ash is inflicted on an enemy, Vulnerable status is inflicted as well.
Nimble as a Flame ImageNimble as a Flame Decrease reload time by 20%.
...Hurt Twice as Long Image...Hurt Twice as Long Increase damage against Elites by 10%.
Elites deal 10% less damage to you.
Trial of the Ashes ImageTrial of the Ashes Enemies afflicted with Ash receive 10% more damage.
Marble Orchard ImageMarble Orchard Reduce IMMOBILIZE skills cooldown by 15%.
Burning Situation ImageBurning Situation Activating IMMOBILIZE skills increases your Weapon Damage by 60% for 10 seconds.

The Ash Breaker build is all about increasing your weapon damage and utilizing your Immobilize skills to their fullest. Start the path by acquiring nodes that will increase the damage you inflict against enemies (Inferno Weapon, Mark of the Anomaly, Trial of the Ashes).

Then, invest in nodes that will improve your Immobilize skills (Marble Orchard, Hot SItuation, Burning Situation). This will allow you to use them more often to control and displace enemies around you, as well as having a reliable healing system.

Finally, choose a Master node depending on the type of gun you're accustomed to. That way, you can save a few class points to acquire other nodes that you might personally need that are not on this build.

Best Weapons for Ash Breaker

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Weapon Leech
✔️ Crit Damage
✔️ Close Range Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Ash Breaker build.

Weapon Type Variant
Inferno Seed ImageInferno Seed Assault Rifle Tactical
Amber Vault ImageAmber Vault Double Gun Standard
Funeral Pyre ImageFuneral Pyre Automatic Shotgun Slug
Corr-19 LMG "Sunscorched" ImageCorr-19 LMG "Sunscorched" Light Machinegun Stabilizing
GolemGolem's Limb Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Markson ZAX "Setting Sun" ImageMarkson ZAX "Setting Sun" Pump Action Shotgun Standard
Corr-09 ULT-2 "Red Widow" ImageCorr-09 ULT-2 "Red Widow" Assault Rifle Tactical
Mad V "Lamia" ImageMad V "Lamia" Automatic Shotgun Narrow
K-DOM NC/09 "Fatal Morgana" ImageK-DOM NC/09 "Fatal Morgana" Double Gun Burst Fire
The Reaper ImageThe Reaper Light Machinegun Suppressing

Best Armor for Ash Breaker

Armor Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Status Power

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Ash Breaker build.

Torturer Set Pieces

Torturer Set
TorturerTorturer's Mask TorturerTorturer's Vest
TorturerTorturer's Waistcloth Currently UnavailableTorturer's Gloves TorturerTorturer's Footgear

Best Mods for Ash Breaker

Extra MagExtra Mag Flame GrasperFlame Grasper Lava ShotsLava Shots
Death SentenceDeath Sentence CrematoriumCrematorium Ultimate Ashen BulletsUltimate Ashen Bullets
Dum-Dum BulletsDum-Dum Bullets Personal SpacePersonal Space Ash Armor DownAsh Armor Down

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1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

why is Flame Grasper a mod shown to use when not chosen in the select 3 abilities?


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