
Arrival Quest Walkthrough

Outriders - Arrival Quest Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for Arrival, Main Quest in Outriders. Learn more about the objectives of this quest, available rewards, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Arrival Tempest

Arrival Basic Information

Quest Type
Recommended Level 1
Rewards -
Repeat Rewards -

How to Unlock Arrival

This is the first quest that the player unlocks.

Arrival Quest Walkthrough


Main Quest Icon.pngFollow Captain Tanner.→Mark the location for the Outriders' camp.
Follow Captain Jack up the mountain. This is the tutorial level, so it's best to pay attention to the in-game instructions to get familiarized with the gameplay. Once you've reached your destination, mark the location to set up camp.
Main Quest Icon.pngLook around the camp.→Talk to Jakub about field testing your weapons.
After setting up camp, look around for a bit and then talk to Jakub for the gunplay tutorial. Follow the instructions carefully to learn how to use guns in the game.
Main Quest Icon.pngTalk to Shira.→Locate the probe.
Return to base and talk to Shira, who asks you to locate the probe. Follow the waypoint uphill until you see the probe at the edge of the cliff.
Main Quest Icon.pngGather data from the probe.→Report back to Tanner.
Interact with the probe to gather the data. Then return to Tanner to proceed to the next quest.

Outriders Related Links

All Quest Walkthroughs

Outriders - Arrival.pngArrival Outrider - Tempest Cover.pngTempest
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Rift Town
Outriders - Reunion Cover.pngReunion
First City
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Forest Enclave
Outriders - Mayhem Quest.pngMayhem Outriders - Asylum Quest.pngAsylum
The Stronghold
Outriders - Expedition Quest.pngJudgment
Ancient Ruins
Outriders - August.pngRelics
The Gate
Outriders - Retaliation Quest.pngRetaliation Outriders - Frontier Quest.pngFrontier
Outriders - Beyond Quest.pngBeyond
Outriders - Bonds.pngBonds
Desolate Fort
Outriders - Echoes Quest.pngEchoes
Canyon of the Grand Obelisk
Outriders - Sacrifice.pngSacrifice
Pax City
Outriders - Babylon.pngBabylon
The Caravel
Outriders - Humanity.pngHumanity

Quest Walkthroughs

Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
Historian Quests Wanted Quests Hunter Quests


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