
Best Harbinger Build for Trickster

Outriders Harbinger Build

This is a guide to building the Harbinger, a Trickster Build in the game Outriders. To learn about the weapon, gear, and mods for the Harbinger Build, read on.

Harbinger Description

Harbinger Build

The Harbinger is a Survival-focused build. This build will rely on perfectly timed tactics to survive any battle. We recommend this build for farming your World Tier.

Best Harbinger Skill Set

Skill Description
Slow TrapSlow Trap Create a spacetime Anomaly sphere that inflicts Slow onto enemies and projectiles.
VenatorVenator's Knife Throws a temporal knife at an enemy. The blade will ricochet at enemies within a small radius, marking them while also dealing damage. All marked targets will be inflicted with Slow, and for a few seconds the first damage dealt will be doubled.
Time RiftTime Rift Create a shockwave that suspends enemies in the air, leaving them unable to fight for 3.5s and inflicts Weakness.

Slow-trap is a staple early in the game, but its full potential can be seen when paired with mods like Weakening Zone and Ultimate Big Range. This will give you sufficient time to map out close enemies and plan your attacks.

Time Rift is another crowd-control Trickster skill. Using this skill, temporarily incapacitates enemies allowing you to pick them off easily.

Venator's Knife is not only good for crowd-control, but also gives a significant buff to the first damage you lay on an enemy affected by the skill. Since this build does not buff up on Damage Stats, using this skill ensures that your first strike will always be doubled.

Best Harbinger Class Tree Build

Node Effect
Anomaly Persistence ImageAnomaly Persistence Increase your Health by 10%.
Oddity Resistance ImageOddity Resistance Receive 20% less damage from Elites.
Immunity ImageImmunity Increase your Resistance by 15%.
Anomaly Persistence ImageAnomaly Persistence Increase your Health by 10%.
Against the Odds ImageAgainst the Odds When surrounded by enemies, reloading your weapon deals 16 damage and interrupts enemies' abilities. Damage scales with Anomaly Power.
Cycle of Life and Death ImageCycle of Life and Death Gain additional 10% Health for each enemy that died at Close Range.
ShieldShield's Timeline Decrease your Shield degradation rate by 30%.
Atrophy ImageAtrophy Weakness afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
Anomaly Persistence ImageAnomaly Persistence Increase your Health by 10%.
Immunity ImageImmunity Increase your Resistance by 15%.
ShieldShield's Timeline Decrease your Shield degradation speed by 30%.
Singularity ImageSingularity Decrease the cooldown of your DECEPTION skills by 15%.
Anomaly Cloak ImageAnomaly Cloak Increase your Armor by 20%.
ShieldShield's Increment Increase your Shield gain by 10%.
ShieldShield's Timeline Decrease your Shield degradation rate by 30%.
Long Odds ImageLong Odds For each enemy in Close Range, your Armor is increased by 15%.
Anomaly Persistence ImageAnomaly Persistence Increase your Health by 10%.
Profit Squared ImageProfit Squared Every ammo pick-up heals you for 5%.
Dualshield ImageDualshield Increase your damage mitigation while your Shield is active by an additional 6%.
Disruption Shield ImageDisruption Shield Every activation of DECEPTION skills grants you 20% Shield.

The Harbinger is a Build built for survival. If you plan on working your way to those World Tiers rewards, this may be the build for you. This build will be centered on maximizing your crowd-control whenever you play solo.

Alternatively, you can rely on Anomaly Shards to boost your Armor and Health as you build your way up to that Full Harbinger Build.

The Disruption Shield skill node grants a percentage of Shield for every activation of a Deception skill. We recommend reducing your Global Skill Cooldown to maximize this Skill Node.

Best Weapons for Harbinger

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Close Range Damage
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Harbinger build.

List of Weapons

Weapon Type Variant
Amber Vault ImageAmber Vault Double Gun Standard
Grim Marrow ImageGrim Marrow Light Machinegun Stabilizing
The Reaper ImageThe Reaper Light Machinegun Suppressing
The Daimyo ImageThe Daimyo Submachine Gun Tactical
Heir to the Desert ImageHeir to the Desert Assault Rifle Tactical
Imploder ImageImploder Double Gun Standard
Corr-09 ULT-2 "Red Widow" ImageCorr-09 ULT-2 "Red Widow" Assault Rifle Tactical
Corr-19 LMG "Red Widow" ImageCorr-19 LMG "Red Widow" Light Machinegun Suppressing
Camo ECA-B AR ImageCamo ECA-B AR Assault Rifle Tactical
Everglade ECA-B SP-AR ImageEverglade ECA-B SP-AR Assault Rifle Tactical

Best Armor for Harbinger

Armor Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Skill Life Leech
✔️ Weapon Life Leech

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Harbinger build.

Ugake Otarah Set Pieces

Ugake Otarah Set
Currently UnavailableUgake Otarah's Cowl Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Talisman
Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Waistcloth Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Arm Wraps Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Boots

Best Mods for Harbinger

Ultimate Big RangeUltimate Big Range Weakening ZoneWeakening Zone Eager EdgesEager Edges
A Little Bit of PainA Little Bit of Pain Double TimeDouble Time Even OddsEven Odds
Untamed PowerUntamed Power Mitigation from DeathMitigation from Death Damage AbsorberDamage Absorber

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