
Retaliation Quest Walkthrough and Chest Locations

Outriders - Retaliation Quest Walkthrough and Chest Locations

This is a walkthrough for Retaliation, a Main Quest in Outriders. Learn more about the objectives of this quest, available rewards, chest locations, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Relics Retaliation Frontier

Retaliation Basic Information

Quest Type
Recommended Level 20
Rewards 8000 EXP
Repeat Rewards -
A gigantic gate blocks your way forward. To advance toward the signal, you will need to find a way to open it. But first, Kang continues to chase you through the Forest. You intend to put an end to his pursuit.

How to Unlock Retaliation

Complete Relics.

Retaliation Quest Walkthrough

Deal with Kang's pursuing forces

Main Quest IconTake out Kang's Soldiers.→Clear the Path.
Follow the waypoint and clear the first set of enemies in the Area. Clear the Path after to move on to the next area.
Main Quest IconTake out Kang's Soldiers.
Wipe out the rest of Kang's soldiers to finish the quest. Beware of Kang's Huntmaster, as it will be a challenge to take him down.

Boss Strategy: Kang's Huntmaster

How to Beat Kang's Huntmaster

Outriders Retaliation Stone Skin Aura

A Captain under Kang's command, this Huntmaster spearheaded the incursion that sought to recover the Drop Pod that fell near the Ancient Ruins.
How to Beat Kang's Huntmaster

Retaliation Chest Locations

Map Location Directions
1 Take the stairs before clearing the Path and this chest will be next to the ammo cache.
2 From where you came in the second area, go to the left side of the area and take the stairs.
3 From where you came in the second area, go to the right side of the area and take the stairs.

Outriders Related Links

All Quest Walkthroughs

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Rift Town
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First City
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Forest Enclave
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The Stronghold
Outriders - Expedition Quest.pngJudgment
Ancient Ruins
Outriders - August.pngRelics
The Gate
Outriders - Retaliation Quest.pngRetaliation Outriders - Frontier Quest.pngFrontier
Outriders - Beyond Quest.pngBeyond
Outriders - Bonds.pngBonds
Desolate Fort
Outriders - Echoes Quest.pngEchoes
Canyon of the Grand Obelisk
Outriders - Sacrifice.pngSacrifice
Pax City
Outriders - Babylon.pngBabylon
The Caravel
Outriders - Humanity.pngHumanity

Quest Walkthroughs

Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
Historian Quests Wanted Quests Hunter Quests


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