
Best Builds for Each Class

Best Character Builds for Each Class.jpg

This is a guide for the Best Builds for each Class in Outriders. Read on to learn about the best gear setups, skill sets, and class tree specializations to match your gameplay style and how to use each of them efficiently!

List of Builds for Each Class

Builds by Class
Technomancer Pyromancer
Trickster Devastator

Best Class Builds

Demolisher Tech Shaman Pestilence
Tempest Fire Storm Ash Breaker
Assassin Harbinger Reaver
Seismic Shifter Warden Vanquisher

Best Technomancer Builds

Outriders Technomancer.jpg

Solo Technomancer Build

A Solo Technomancer build centered around a Pestilence class path, recommended for those playing the game on their own. It heavily relies on Toxic and Long-Range Damage.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Cold SnapCold Snap Drop a gadget to inflict Freeze onto all enemies within a large radious around you.
Blighted RoundsBlighted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
Blighted TurretBlighted Turret Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Toxic onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.

Node Set

This node set maximizes a Toxic build, makes use of Nitrogen Capsules to decrease Long Range distance, and Empowering Antenna to increase Weapon Damage when Decay is activated.

Mod Set

Spare MagSpare Mag Critical AnalysisCritical Analysis Painful ChillPainful Chill
Emergency StanceEmergency Stance Radical TherapyRadical Therapy Dum-Dum BulletsDum-Dum Bullets
Legendary MinefieldLegendary Minefield Burst of DecayBurst of Decay KnockwaveKnockwave

This mod set takes advantage of the Solo Technomancer's Toxic build, and builds up additional damage to multiple enemies, increases Assault Weapon Damage, and uses Emergency Stance as a defense line.

Endgame Technomancer Build

This Endgame Technomancer build is similar to the Solo Technomancer Build, relying on Toxic but utlizing one Ordnance skill.

Skill Set

Skill Description
ScrapnelScrapnel Throw a proximity mine. The explosion deals damage and Interrupts the skills of enemies caught within the blast radius.
Blighted RoundsBlighted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
Blighted TurretBlighted Turret Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Toxic onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.

Node Set

This node set follows a similar path to the Solo Technomancer build, however it utilizes Cannonade to increase Weapon Damage by 30% when Scrapnel is used, and favors Toxicologist over one node of Nitrogen Capsule to prolong Toxic on afflicted enemies.

Mod Set

Spare MagSpare Mag Critical AnalysisCritical Analysis More TrapsMore Traps
Emergency StanceEmergency Stance Radical TherapyRadical Therapy Dum-Dum BulletsDum-Dum Bullets
Legendary MinefieldLegendary Minefield Burst of DecayBurst of Decay KnockwaveKnockwave

This mod set is similar to the Solo Technomancer Mod Set except it now supports Scrapnel. You can stack More Traps and Supplies to throw additional Scrapnel mines.

Demolisher Build

A support-damage flexi Demolisher build that utilizes Ordnance skills. This Technomancer build is an effective finisher in battles.

Skill Set

Skill Description
ScrapnelScrapnel Throw a proximity mine. The explosion deals damage and Interrupts the skills of enemies caught within the blast radius.
Tool of DestructionTool of Destruction Press the skill button to equip a Rocket Launcher that can Interrupt enemies and deals damage. Hold the skill button for a Minigun that deals damage per shot.
The skill will remain active until all ammo is depleted or until you switch weapons.
Blighted RoundsBlighted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Crit Damage
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Long Range Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Demolisher build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Skills Life Leech
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Demolisher build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Grim Inventor Set
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Mask Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Coat
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Leg Armor Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Gloves Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Boots

Best Demolisher Build for Technomancer

Tech Shaman Build

A Tech Shaman build that maximizes Gadget skills, provides passive healing and weapon damage boosts.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Cryo TurretCryo Turret Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Freeze onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.
Fixing WaveFixing Wave Release your energy to restore Health to all players and turrets, regardless of distance.
Cold SnapCold Snap Drop a gadget to inflict Freeze onto all enemies within a large radious around you.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Weapon Life Leech
✔️ Long Range Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Tech Shaman build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Max Health
✔️ Long Range Damage
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Tech Shaman build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Borealis Monarch Set
Crown of the Borealis MonarchCrown of the Borealis Monarch Robe of the Borealis MonarchRobe of the Borealis Monarch
Waistcloth of the Borealis MonarchWaistcloth of the Borealis Monarch Gloves of the Borealis MonarchGloves of the Borealis Monarch Boots of the Borealis MonarchBoots of the Borealis Monarch

Best Tech Shaman Build for Technomancer

Pestilence Build

A destructive Technomancer build that focuses on increased Weapon Damage. The Pestilence build utilizes Decay skills.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Blighted RoundsBlighted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
Tool of DestructionTool of Destruction Press the skill button to equip a Rocket Launcher that can Interrupt enemies and deals damage. Hold the skill button for a Minigun that deals damage per shot.
The skill will remain active until all ammo is depleted or until you switch weapons.
Blighted TurretBlighted Turret Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Toxic onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Long Range Damage
✔️ Crit Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Pestilence build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Close Range Damage / Long Range Damage

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Pestilence build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Plague Sower Set
Plague SowerPlague Sower's Coat
Plague SowerPlague Sower's Trousers Currently UnavailablePlague Sower's Hands Plague SowerPlague Sower's Boots

Best Pestilence Build for Technomancer

Best Pyromancer Builds

Outriders Pyromancer.jpg

Solo Pyromancer Build

This Solo Pyromancer build is based on our Ash Breaker build. It aims to maximize your DPS and your ability to control enemies by focusing on your Ash status effect, making it perfect for solo players.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Ash BlastAsh Blast Create an Anomaly blast to inflict Ash onto all enemies within a large radius around you.
Volcanic RoundsVolcanic Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with bullets that will ignite air around enemies and inflict Burn onto them, even if the bullet misses. If the bullet hits, it causes skill damage, ignoring armor and piercing the target, damaging others behind them. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
EruptionEruption Create a volcanic eruption beneath the selected enemy, dealing damage to all enemies within a small radius of the target. The eruption spews lava, dealing damage over time within a small area.

Node Set

As mentioned above, this build borrows elements from our Ash Breaker build with a few minor adjustments, focusing on your Immobilize skills and Anomaly Power.

Mod Set

Not ImpressedNot Impressed Killing SpreeKilling Spree Death ChainsDeath Chains
Emergency StanceEmergency Stance Perpetuum MobilePerpetuum Mobile CrematoriumCrematorium
Improved Ashen BulletsImproved Ashen Bullets StrigaStriga Ashen BoostAshen Boost

This mod set maximizes your Firepower while also taking advantage of your Ash status effect. Additional mods such as Emergency Stance and Not Impressed were added to improve your survivability in combat.

Endgame Pyromancer Build

Skill Set

This Endgame Pyromancer build is a mix of both the Tempest and Fire Storm builds, making it a much more complex build that stacks up your damage against enemies. Recommended for endgame Expeditions.

Skill Description
HeatwaveHeatwave Summon a fiery wave that deals damage and inflicts Burn onto all enemies in its path.
OverheatOverheat Deal damage to all enemies within a large radius and Interrupt their skills. Enemies afflicted with Burn receive additional damage (the Burn will be consumed).
Thermal BombThermal Bomb Select an enemy to Burn, Interrupt, and deal damage to. If killed while still afflicted by the skill, the enemy will explode, dealing damage within a large radius.

Node Set

This node set delves into the Fire Storm path, but branches off to the Tempest path as well to buff your Anomaly Power. With this, you can slice up dangerous territories to set yourself up for desctructive kills.

Mod Set

Death ChainsDeath Chains Emergency StanceEmergency Stance Stand TallStand Tall
Move GrooveMove Groove Golem RisingGolem Rising Judgment EnforcerJudgment Enforcer
Twice as HotTwice as Hot Damage AbsorberDamage Absorber Ride the WaveRide the Wave

The mods above primarily focuses on reaching the full potential of your skills, as well as bulking your protection to turn yourself into the ultimate Tank.

Tempest Build

A devastating Pyromancer nuke-based build that relies on weaving skills together with optimal player positioning to maximize its effectiveness.

Skill Set

Skill Description
OverheatOverheat Deal damage to all enemies within a large radius and Interrupt their skills. Enemies afflicted with Burn receive additional damage (the Burn will be consumed).
F.A.S.E.R BeamF.A.S.E.R Beam Fire an energy beam that deals damage that benefits from Status Power (increasing the damage of status effects), inflicting Burn and causing interrupt to enemies hit, as well as enemies within a small radius around you.
EruptionEruption Create a volcanic eruption beneath the selected enemy, dealing damage to all enemies within a small radius of the target. The eruption spews lava, dealing damage over time within a small area.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Resistance Pierce
✔️ Status Power

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Tempest build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Skills Life Leech
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Tempest build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Lava Lich Set
Currently UnavailableHelmet of the Lava Lich Currently UnavailableUpper Robe of the Lava Lich
Lower Robe of the Lava LichLower Robe of the Lava Lich Currently UnavailableCharms of the Lava Lich Boots of the Lava LichBoots of the Lava Lich

Best Tempest Build for Pyromancer

Fire Storm Build

A destructive Pyromancer build that focuses in boosting skill damage and efficiency, making you into a walking explosion.

Skill Set

Skill Description
HeatwaveHeatwave Summon a fiery wave that deals damage and inflicts Burn onto all enemies in its path.
Volcanic RoundsVolcanic Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with bullets that will ignite air around enemies and inflict Burn onto them, even if the bullet misses. If the bullet hits, it causes skill damage, ignoring armor and piercing the target, damaging others behind them. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
F.A.S.E.R BeamF.A.S.E.R Beam Fire an energy beam that deals damage that benefits from Status Power (increasing the damage of status effects), inflicting Burn and causing interrupt to enemies hit, as well as enemies within a small radius around you.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Weapon Leech
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Close Range Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Fire Storm build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Max Health
✔️ Skill Leech
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Fire Storm build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Acari Set
Helmet of the AcariHelmet of the Acari Currently UnavailableArmor of the Acari
Currently UnavailableWaistcloth of the Acari Gauntlets of the AcariGauntlets of the Acari Currently UnavailableBoots of the Acari

Best Fire Storm Build for Pyromancer

Ash Breaker Build

This versatile Pyromancer build specializes in increasing weapon damage. Investing in certain nodes and mods will make every gun you hold a force to be reckoned with.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Ash BlastAsh Blast Create an Anomaly blast to inflict Ash onto all enemies within a large radius around you.
Volcanic RoundsVolcanic Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with bullets that will ignite air around enemies and inflict Burn onto them, even if the bullet misses. If the bullet hits, it causes skill damage, ignoring armor and piercing the target, damaging others behind them. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
EruptionEruption Create a volcanic eruption beneath the selected enemy, dealing damage to all enemies within a small radius of the target. The eruption spews lava, dealing damage over time within a small area.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Weapon Leech
✔️ Close Range Damage
✔️ Crit Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Ash Breaker build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Crit Chance

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Ash Breaker build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Torturer Set
TorturerTorturer's Mask TorturerTorturer's Vest
TorturerTorturer's Waistcloth Currently UnavailableTorturer's Gloves TorturerTorturer's Footgear

Best Ash Breaker Build for Pyromancer

Best Trickster Builds

Outriders Trickster.jpg

Solo Trickster Build

This Solo Trickster build is a modified version of the Reaver build and is recommended for those playing the game on their own. This build focuses on retaining heavy Anomaly Power damage while still regarding the need for Health bonuses.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Temporal Blade ImageTemporal Blade Type: Damage Interrupt
Paralyze and slice enemies in front of you, dealing damage and inflicting Slow and Interrupt to all targets. 19.8s cooldown.
Slow Trap ImageSlow Trap Type: Deception
Create a spacetime Anomaly sphere that inflicts Slow onto enemies and projectiles. 30.8s cooldown.
Twisted Rounds ImageTwisted Rounds Type: Damage
Fill your current weapon's magazine with Anomaly-infused bullets that increase your Fire Power. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons. 25s cooldown.

Node Set

This Node set was chosen to make up for the HP bonuses that a Trickster lacks. There were chosen to ensure better chances of surviving since you will have no teammates to revive you.

Mod Set

Temporal ArmorTemporal Armor Life of the PartyLife of the Party Move GrooveMove Groove
Personal SpacePersonal Space Seismic ImpulseSeismic Impulse Untamed PowerUntamed Power
Damage AbsorberDamage Absorber SlasherSlasher Additional MagAdditional Mag

These mods were carefully selected to ensure that while playing solo, you will not be easily overwhelmed by multiple enemies attacking from every angle.

Endgame Trickster Build

This Endgame Trickster is meant to cover Co-op Expeditions in the post-game campaign. This build will follow the same node set as the Solo Trickster but with a slightly different Skill and Mod set.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Temporal Blade ImageTemporal Blade Type: Damage Interrupt
Paralyze and slice enemies in front of you, dealing damage and inflicting Slow and Interrupt to all targets. 19.8s cooldown.
Twisted Rounds ImageTwisted Rounds Type: Damage
Fill your current weapon's magazine with Anomaly-infused bullets that increase your Fire Power. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons. 25s cooldown.
VenatorVenator's Knife Type: Deception
Throws a temporal knife at an enemy. The blade will ricochet at enemies within a small radius, marking them while also dealing damage. All marked targets will be inflicted with Slow, and for a few seconds the first damage dealt will be doubled. 10s cooldown.

Mod Set

Temporal ArmorTemporal Armor Life of the PartyLife of the Party Shield of the FallenShield of the Fallen
Life DrainLife Drain Personal SpacePersonal Space Seismic ImpulseSeismic Impulse
Untamed PowerUntamed Power Ultimate ParagonUltimate Paragon Damage AbsorberDamage Absorber

Reaver Build

A Trickster Cyclone build that relies on maneuvering your character to the best location to damage the most number of enemies in the span of each skill duration.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Temporal BladeTemporal Blade Paralyze and slice enemies in front of you, dealing damage and inflicting Slow and Interrupt to all targets.
Twisted RoundsTwisted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with Anomaly-infused bullets that increase your Fire Power. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
Cyclone SliceCyclone Slice Create a whirlwind of Anomaly blades that deal damage and Interrupt onto enemies within a small radius of you with every hit.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Skill Life Leech
✔️ Weapon Life Leech

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Reaver build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Reaver build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Edge of Time Set
Goggles of the Edge of TimeGoggles of the Edge of Time Armor of the Edge of TimeArmor of the Edge of Time
Pants of the Edge of TimePants of the Edge of Time Gloves of the Edge of TImeGloves of the Edge of TIme Footwear of the Edge of TimeFootwear of the Edge of Time

Best Reaver Build for Trickster

Harbinger Build

The Harbinger is a Survival-focused build. This build will rely on perfectly timed tactics to survive any battle. We recommend this build for farming your World Tier.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Slow TrapSlow Trap Create a spacetime Anomaly sphere that inflicts Slow onto enemies and projectiles.
VenatorVenator's Knife Throws a temporal knife at an enemy. The blade will ricochet at enemies within a small radius, marking them while also dealing damage. All marked targets will be inflicted with Slow, and for a few seconds the first damage dealt will be doubled.
Time RiftTime Rift Create a shockwave that suspends enemies in the air, leaving them unable to fight for 3.5s and inflicts Weakness.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Close Range Damage
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Harbinger build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Skill Life Leech
✔️ Weapon Life Leech

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Harbinger build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Ugake Otarah Set
Currently UnavailableUgake Otarah's Cowl Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Talisman
Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Waistcloth Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Arm Wraps Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Boots

Best Harbinger Build for Trickster

Assassin Build

This Trickster build focuses on maximizing weapon damage as well as using skills and unlocking class tree nodes that work perfectly well with weapons, especially Shotguns.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Borrowed TimeBorrowed Time Receive Shield and mark your location for some time. Triggering the skill again will bend spacetime and teleport you back to the marked spot.
VenatorVenator's Knife Throws a temporal knife at an enemy. The blade will ricochet at enemies within a small radius, marking them while also dealing damage. All marked targets will be inflicted with Slow, and for a few seconds the first damage dealt will be doubled.
Twisted RoundsTwisted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with Anomaly-infused bullets that increase your Fire Power. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Close Range Damage
✔️ Weapon Life Leech

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Assassin build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Max Health
✔️ Crit Damage
✔️ Skill Life Leech

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Assassin build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Chronosuit Set
Currently UnavailableChronosuit Mask Currently UnavailableUpper Chronosuit
Lower ChronosuitLower Chronosuit Chronosuit GlovesChronosuit Gloves Chronosuit FootgearChronosuit Footgear

Best Assassin Build for Trickster

Best Devastator Builds

Outriders Devastator.jpg

Solo Devastator Build

This Solo Devastator build is similar to our Seismic Shifter build and is recommended for those playing the game on their own.

Skill Set

Skill Description
EarthquakeEarthquake Release shockwave to deal damage and Interrupt all enemies in front of you.
GolemGolem Fortify yourself against 65% of incoming damage for 8 seconds.
ImpaleImpale Select a target to Interrupt their skills, inflict Bleed, and deal damage. If the damage is lethal, the enemy will be impaled, granting a powerful bonus to Armor and Health regeneration to all allies for 9 seconds.

Node Set

The build focuses on building up high Anomaly Power and Bleed status condition. This lets you clear areas of enemies easily while keeping your health up with Bleed damage over time.

Mod Set

Golem of DeathGolem of Death Bloody BoostBloody Boost Emergency StanceEmergency Stance
ClaymoreClaymore Improved Bleeding BulletsImproved Bleeding Bullets RejuvenationRejuvenation
Stand TallStand Tall Golem RisingGolem Rising Personal SpacePersonal Space

The mods above take advantage of the Solo Devastator's Bleed buildup to boost the overall damage output and provide passive effects.

All weapons should have at least the Improved Bleeding Bullets mod to make the most out of this mod set.

Endgame Devastator Build

This Endgame Devastator build is a mix between the Warden and Vanquisher builds as it makes use of the nodes from both skill trees, giving you a balanced defensive offense build. Recommended for co-op Expeditions.

Skill Set

Skill Description
GolemGolem Fortify yourself against 65% of incoming damage for 8 seconds.
Reflect BulletsReflect Bullets Create a barrier that captures all enemy projectiles and accumulates damage. After 10 seconds of triggering the skill, the accumulated damage is reflected back to enemies in front of you. The barrier also protects against melee attacks by reflecting some damage back.
TremorTremor Create a series of explosions around you, each dealing damage and draining Health from enemies within a medium radius around you.

Node Set

The nodes from the Warden allows this build to have enough health regeneration and to ensure survivability in high World Tiers or in Expeditions.

Mod Set

Golem of DeathGolem of Death Emergency StanceEmergency Stance Aura of ForceAura of Force
ClaymoreClaymore RejuvenationRejuvenation Stand TallStand Tall
Golem RisingGolem Rising BloodlustBloodlust Personal SpacePersonal Space

The mods above allow the Endgame Devastator to have increased firepower and skill damage, which is important especially when taking on Expeditions or higher World Tiers.

Seismic Shifter Build

A skill-based build that focuses on increasing damage and reducing cooldown of seismic skills, making you a mage-like tank.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Gravity LeapGravity Leap Leap into the air and strike your targets from above, dealing damage and Interrupting enemies within a small radius of the area you land in.
ImpaleImpale Select a target to Interrupt their skills, inflict Bleed, and deal damage. If the damage is lethal, the enemy will be impaled, granting a powerful bonus to Armor and Health regeneration to all allies for 9 seconds.
TremorTremor Create a series of explosions around you, each dealing damage and draining Health from enemies within a medium radius around you.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Close Range Damage
✔️ Crit Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Seismic Shifter build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Seismic Shifter build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Seismic Commander Set
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Helmet Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Armor
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Leg Armor Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Gloves Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Footgear

Best Seismic Shifter Build for Devastator

Warden Build

A defensive Warden build with high Health and Health regeneration. With the proper weapon and armor loadout, this build also lets you charge head-on to enemies without needing to take cover.

Skill Set

Skill Description
ImpaleImpale Select a target to Interrupt their skills, inflict Bleed, and deal damage. If the damage is lethal, the enemy will be impaled, granting a powerful bonus to Armor and Health regeneration to all allies for 9 seconds.
GolemGolem Fortify yourself against 65% of incoming damage for 8 seconds.
Gravity LeapGravity Leap Leap into the air and strike your targets from above, dealing damage and Interrupting enemies within a small radius of the area you land in.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Close Range Damage
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Warden build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Skill Life Leech
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Warden build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Statue Set
Currently UnavailableStatue's Head Currently UnavailableStatue's Torso
Currently UnavailableStatue's Legs Currently UnavailableStatue's Hands StatueStatue's Feet

Best Warden Build for Devastator

Vanquisher Build

This Vanquisher build specializes on maximizing your damage input, as well as increasing your chosen weapon's damage. Recommended for those looking for pure offensive builds.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Gravity LeapGravity Leap Leap into the air and strike your targets from above, dealing damage and Interrupting enemies within a small radius of the area you land in.
BoulderdashBoulderdash Charge forward to Interrupt all enemies in your path and deal damage. At the end of the charge, you will smash the ground and deal additional damage to all enemies within a small radius around you.
Endless MassEndless Mass Select a target to encase in stone, inflicting Bleed and pulling enemies within a small radius towards the initial target. The stone will then explode, dealing damage to all enemies within a small radius around the target.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Close Range Damage
✔️ Weapon Life Leech

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Vanquisher build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Healing Received
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Vanquisher build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Deathproof Set
Currently UnavailableDeathproof Mask Deathproof Chest ArmorDeathproof Chest Armor
Currently UnavailableDeathproof Leg Armor Currently UnavailableDeathproof Gauntlets Currently UnavailableDeathproof Footgear

Best Vanquisher Build for Devastator

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1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

All you did was list the subclasses.....I hadn't realized the interns were writing all the articles now.


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