
Best Technomancer Builds | Solo and Endgame Builds

Best Technomancer Builds

This is a guide for the Best Builds for the Technomancer Class in Outriders. Read on to learn about the best gear setups, skill sets, and class tree specializations to match your gameplay style and how to use each of them efficiently!

Best Solo and Endgame Technomancer Build

Solo Technomancer Build

A Solo Technomancer build centered around a Pestilence class path, recommended for those playing the game on their own. It heavily relies on Toxic and Long-Range Damage.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Cold SnapCold Snap Drop a gadget to inflict Freeze onto all enemies within a large radious around you.
Blighted RoundsBlighted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
Blighted TurretBlighted Turret Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Toxic onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.

Node Set

This node set maximizes a Toxic build, makes use of Nitrogen Capsules to decrease Long Range distance, and Empowering Antenna to increase Weapon Damage when Decay is activated.

Mod Set

Spare MagSpare Mag Icicle StormIcicle Storm Radical TherapyRadical Therapy
Dum-Dum BulletsDum-Dum Bullets BloodlustBloodlust Dark SacrificeDark Sacrifice
ShatterShatter Sharp EyeSharp Eye Currently UnavailableEuthaniser

This mod set takes advantage of the Solo Technomancer's Toxic build, and builds up additional damage to multiple enemies, increases Assault Weapon Damage, and uses Emergency Stance as a defense line.

Endgame Technomancer Build

This Endgame Technomancer build is similar to the Solo Technomancer Build, relying on Toxic but utlizing one Ordnance skill.

Skill Set

Skill Description
ScrapnelScrapnel Throw a proximity mine. The explosion deals damage and Interrupts the skills of enemies caught within the blast radius.
Blighted RoundsBlighted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
Blighted TurretBlighted Turret Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Toxic onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.

Node Set

This node set follows a similar path to the Solo Technomancer build, however it utilizes Cannonade to increase Weapon Damage by 30% when Scrapnel is used, and favors Toxicologist over one node of Nitrogen Capsule to prolong Toxic on afflicted enemies.

Mod Set

Spare MagSpare Mag More TrapsMore Traps Radical TherapyRadical Therapy
SuppliesSupplies Dum-Dum BulletsDum-Dum Bullets BloodlustBloodlust
Dark SacrificeDark Sacrifice Sharp EyeSharp Eye Currently UnavailableEuthaniser

This mod set is similar to the Solo Technomancer Mod Set except it now supports Scrapnel. You can stack More Traps and Supplies to throw additional Scrapnel mines.

Best Path for Technomancer

Pestilence Path

The best path to choose for a Technomancer build is one that closely follows a Pestilence Path because of the damage buff it grants.

Of course the best path for your unique game play will still depend on your playstyle preference. Here's a short guide to help you choose the best path for you.

Path Advantages
Demolisher Anomaly Power and Decay Skills Damage
Tech Shaman Health, and Gadget and Freeze Skills Damage
Pestilence Firepower and Decay Skills Damage

List of Technomancer Builds

Demolisher Build

A support-damage flexi Demolisher build that utilizes Ordnance skills. This Technomancer build is an effective finisher in battles.

Skill Set

Skill Description
ScrapnelScrapnel Throw a proximity mine. The explosion deals damage and Interrupts the skills of enemies caught within the blast radius.
Tool of DestructionTool of Destruction Press the skill button to equip a Rocket Launcher that can Interrupt enemies and deals damage. Hold the skill button for a Minigun that deals damage per shot.
The skill will remain active until all ammo is depleted or until you switch weapons.
Blighted RoundsBlighted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Crit Damage
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Long Range Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Demolisher build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Anomaly Power
✔️ Skills Life Leech
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Demolisher build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Grim Inventor Set
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Mask Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Coat
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Leg Armor Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Gloves Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Boots

Best Demolisher Build for Technomancer

Tech Shaman Build

A Tech Shaman build that maximizes Gadget skills, provides passive healing and weapon damage boosts.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Cryo TurretCryo Turret Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Freeze onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.
Fixing WaveFixing Wave Release your energy to restore Health to all players and turrets, regardless of distance.
Cold SnapCold Snap Drop a gadget to inflict Freeze onto all enemies within a large radious around you.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Weapon Life Leech
✔️ Long Range Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Tech Shaman build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Max Health
✔️ Long Range Damage
✔️ Cooldown Reduction

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Tech Shaman build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Borealis Monarch Set
Crown of the Borealis MonarchCrown of the Borealis Monarch Robe of the Borealis MonarchRobe of the Borealis Monarch
Waistcloth of the Borealis MonarchWaistcloth of the Borealis Monarch Gloves of the Borealis MonarchGloves of the Borealis Monarch Boots of the Borealis MonarchBoots of the Borealis Monarch

Best Tech Shaman Build for Technomancer

Pestilence Build

A destructive Technomancer build that focuses on increased Weapon Damage. The Pestilence build utilizes Decay skills.

Skill Set

Skill Description
Blighted RoundsBlighted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
Tool of DestructionTool of Destruction Press the skill button to equip a Rocket Launcher that can Interrupt enemies and deals damage. Hold the skill button for a Minigun that deals damage per shot.
The skill will remain active until all ammo is depleted or until you switch weapons.
Blighted TurretBlighted Turret Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Toxic onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.

Gear Setup

Weapon Attributes
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Long Range Damage
✔️ Crit Damage

Weapons with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Pestilence build.

Armor Attributes
✔️ Bonus Firepower
✔️ Status Power
✔️ Close Range Damage / Long Range Damage

Armor with the three attributes listed are best equipped for the Pestilence build.

Recommended Legendary Armor Set

Plague Sower Set
Plague SowerPlague Sower's Coat
Plague SowerPlague Sower's Trousers Currently UnavailablePlague Sower's Hands Plague SowerPlague Sower's Boots

Best Pestilence Build for Technomancer

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Best Class Builds

Demolisher Tech Shaman Pestilence
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