
Technomancer Class: Skills, Class Tree, and Best Builds

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This is a page for the Technomancer Class in Outriders. Read on to learn about the skills, class tree, best builds, and more about the Technomancer Class!

Technomancer Introduction

Long-Ranged Damage Dealer

The Technomancer benefits the most from long-ranged kills, as long-range Weapon Damage is increased by 7.5%. Sniper Master increases Sniper Weapon Damage by 20% and Sharpshooter increases Long-Range Weapon Damage by 30%.

This works best in tandem with the Technomancer's arsenal of gadgets and artillery that can render enemies vulnerable.

Gadget Master

Technomancers have the power to summon gadgets to turn the tide of battle by crippling enemy movements with grenades and effectively Interrupting enemies, or stopping them in their tracks with Freeze or afflicting them with Toxic.

You can benefit the most from Gadgets when you use it on hordes of enemies or powerful enemies such as Elites and Bosses that have a massive amount of health and use skills to debilitate you.

Most Efficient Healing

The Technomancer also boasts the most efficient healing mechanic; healing up as your weapon or your skills deal damage to enemies. This mechanic is further amplified by Weapons Life Leech and Skills Life Leech.

Note that the Technomancer also has the skill Fixing Wave that instantly restores 33% Health to all players and 50% Health to turrets.

Technomancer Basic Information

Class Icon technomancer.png
Description Long Range, Support, Gadgets

Manipulate the Anomaly to animate constructs and bend them to your will, aiding allies and killing enemies from afar.
Melee Skill Deal damage and Freeze all enemies in a small radius.
Healing Mechanic As the Technomancer, you will recover a portion of the damage you deal as health.
Traits • Increase Long Range Weapon Damage by 7.5%
• Increase Skill Life Leech by 15%
• Increase Weapon Life Leech by 15%

The Technomancer class focuses on dealing damage from afar, as well as supporting allies by animating gadgets like turrets and providing healing.

This class is perfect for players who enjoy a support role, whether defensively through healing or offensively through crippling enemies for your team.

Technomancer Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
• Devastating at long range.

• Has skills with wide area of effect damage.

• Has skills that inflict status conditions.
• Limited mobility and vulnerable to flanking.

• Large crowds of enemies can prove to be overwhelming.

How to Use Technomancer Effectively

Buff Your Decay Skills

A Technomancer with a Toxic build can be devastating with Blighted Rounds and Blighted Turret. You can easily finish off large amounts of enemies and even Elites with this skill.

Top up Blighted Rounds with nodes in Class Trees such as Exposing Toxin, Toxicologist, Purge, and UT-14 Clips. Likewise, use mods such as Radical Therapy to deal 15% more damage to Toxic-afflicted enemies, and Toxic Piercer to increase the effectiveness of Toxic by 20%.

If Blighted Rounds is on cooldown, Blighted Turrets can still afflict enemies with Toxic, and you can still maximize mods with normal rounds of bullets.

Stop Enemies in Their Tracks

As the Technomancer lacks mobility and can be overwhelmed by oncoming hordes of enemies, use Cold Snap to freeze them in their place and either opt to establish distance and get to a more advantageous position or finish them off on the spot.

Use Turrets to Draw Attention Away From You

Cryo Turret and Blighted Turret are especially helpful in situations where you need to take some heat off of you. Set up a turret to distract enemies all the while afflicting with either Freeze or Toxic.

You also want to place the turret away from you and let it aid you in dealing damage from long-range or a safer position.

Technomancer Builds

Build Description
Pestilence A destructive Technomancer build that focuses on increased Weapon Damage. The Pestilence build utilizes Decay skills.
Tech Shaman A Tech Shaman build that maximizes Gadget skills, provides passive healing and weapon damage boosts.
Demolisher A support-damage flexi Demolisher build that utilizes Ordnance skills. This Technomancer build is an effective finisher in battles.
Endgame Technomancer This Endgame Technomancer build is similar to the Solo Technomancer Build, relying on Toxic but utlizing one Ordnance skill.
Solo Technomancer A Solo Technomancer build centered around a Pestilence class path, recommended for those playing the game on their own. It heavily relies on Toxic and Long-Range Damage.

Best Character Builds for Each Class

Technomancer Skills

Skill Description
Scrapnel ImageScrapnel Type: Ordnance, Interrupt
Throw a proximity mine. The explosion deals damage and Interrupts the skills of enemies caught within the blast radius. 22s cooldown.
Cryo Turret ImageCryo Turret Type: Gadget, Turret
Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Freeze onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage. 24s cooldown.
Pain Launcher ImagePain Launcher Type: Ordnance, Interrupt
Place a missile launcher and bomb the area in front of you. Each missile deals 45 damage per hit and Interrupts enemy skills. 40s cooldown.
Blighted Rounds ImageBlighted Rounds Type: Decay
Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons. 58s cooldown.
Tool of Destruction ImageTool of Destruction Type: Ordnance, Interrupt
Press the skill button to equip a Rocket Launcher that can Interrupt enemies and deals damage. Hold the skill button for a Minigun that deals damage per shot.
The skill will remain active until all ammo is depleted or until you switch weapons. 51.1s cooldown.
Fixing Wave ImageFixing Wave Type: Gadget, Heal
Release your energy to restore Health to all players and turrets, regardless of distance. 25.5s cooldown.
Cold Snap ImageCold Snap Type: Gadget
Drop a gadget to inflict Freeze onto all enemies within a large radious around you. 26.6s cooldown.
Blighted Turret ImageBlighted Turret Type: Decay
Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Toxic onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage. 7s cooldown.

Technomancer Class Tree

Demolisher Branch

Node Effect
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Ordnance Technician ImageOrdnance Technician Reduce ORDNANCE skills cooldown by 15%.
Disturbance Coating ImageDisturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Sidearm Adept ImageSidearm Adept Increase your pistols and revolver damage by 12%.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Brain Freeze ImageBrain Freeze Your class Melee skill also inflicts Toxic on every enemy hit.
Welcome Shot ImageWelcome Shot The first shot after reload deals damage with Firepower increased by 15% of your Anomaly Power.
A.N.E.T.A. Plates ImageA.N.E.T.A. Plates Increase your Resistance by 20%.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Adrenalizing Antenna ImageAdrenalizing Antenna Activating DECAY skills increases Anomaly Power for you and your allies by 30% for 10 seconds.
Toxicologist ImageToxicologist Toxic afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
Ordnance Technician ImageOrdnance Technician Reduce ORDNANCE skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Heavy Absorption ImageHeavy Absorption Activating ORDNANCE skills increases Skill Leech by 15% for 7 seconds.
D-Kay Toxin ImageD-Kay Toxin Increase Toxic damage by 20%.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Disturbance Coating ImageDisturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Vitality Magnet ImageVitality Magnet Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Armored Unit ImageArmored Unit Activating ORDNANCE skills increases your Armor by 50% for 15 seconds.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Team Player ImageTeam Player Decrease Elites' damage against you and your allies by 10%.
Emergency Transfusion ImageEmergency Transfusion Double your Skill Leech when your Health goes below 30%.
Anomaly Fuelled ImageAnomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
D-Kay Toxin ImageD-Kay Toxin Increase Toxic damage by 20%.
Techbond ImageTechbond Activating ORDNANCE skills increases Anomaly power by 50% for 10 seconds.

Tech Shaman Branch

Node Effect
Anomalous Body ImageAnomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
Gadgeteer ImageGadgeteer Reduce GADGET skills cooldown by 15%.
A.N.E.T.A. Plates ImageA.N.E.T.A. Plates Increase your Resistance by 20%.
Anomalous Body ImageAnomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
WinterWinter's Barrier After using class Melee skill, increase damage mitigation by 40% for 3 seconds.
Sols-56 Freezing Tanks ImageSols-56 Freezing Tanks Freeze afflicted on enemies last 20% longer.
Exposing Toxin ImageExposing Toxin Every time Toxic is afflicted on an enemy, Vulnerable status is inflicted as well.
Marked for Execution ImageMarked for Execution Vulnerable afflicted on an enemy is 40% more effective.
Armor Plates ImageArmor Plates Increase your Armor by 20%.
Fracture ImageFracture Enemies afflicted with Freeze receive 10% more damage.
Anomalous Body ImageAnomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
Wipe Out ImageWipe Out Enemies below 30% health receive 20% more damage.
Blurscreen ImageBlurscreen Your Health Regeneration threshold is increased by 20% of Maximum Health.
Engineer ImageEngineer Decrease TURRET'S health decay rate by 30%.
Vitality Magnet ImageVitality Magnet Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Gadgeteer ImageGadgeteer Reduce GADGET skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomalous Body ImageAnomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
Senior Engineer ImageSenior Engineer Increase TURRET skills health by 100%.
Exposing Frost ImageExposing Frost Every time Freeze is afflicted on an enemy, Vulnerable staus is inflicted as well.
Marked for Execution ImageMarked for Execution Vulnerable afflicted on an enemy is 40% more effective.
Sols-56 Freezing Tanks ImageSols-56 Freezing Tanks Freeze afflicted on enemies last 20% longer.
Armor Plates ImageArmor Plates Increase your Armor by 20%.
Suction Module ImageSuction Module Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Armor Plates ImageArmor Plates Increase your Armor by 20%.
Medical Unit ImageMedical Unit Using a GADGET skill increases all healing received by you and your allies by 30% for 7 seconds.
Doctor of Medicine ImageDoctor of Medicine Increase all healing by 20% for you and your allies.
Vitality Magnet ImageVitality Magnet Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Fracture ImageFracture Enemies afflicted with Freeze receive 10% more damage.
Overclocked ImageOverclocked Activating GADGET skills increases your Anomaly Power and Weapon Damage by 40% for 10 seconds.
For 10 seconds upon losing all Health you will receive a second chance to return to the battlefield with 50% Health. The effect may occur once every 180 seconds.

Pestilence Branch

Node Effect
Br/8 Impact Amplifier ImageBr/8 Impact Amplifier Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Sower of Decay ImageSower of Decay Reduce DECAY skills cooldown by 15%.
Suction Module ImageSuction Module Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Drill Coating ImageDrill Coating Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
BL-STM Havoc Nexus ImageBL-STM Havoc Nexus Increase your Critical Damage by 15%.
Toxicologist ImageToxicologist Toxic afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
Nitrogen Capsules ImageNitrogen Capsules Decrease the distance considered to be Long Range by 3 meters.
Sniper Master ImageSniper Master Increase your sniper weapon damage by 40%.
Sniper weapons will drop 12% more often.
Sniper weapons: Marksman Rifle, Automatic Sniper Rifle, and Bolt Action Rifle.
Cannonade ImageCannonade Activating ORDNANCE skills increases Weapon Damage for you and your allies by 30% for 10 seconds.
Br/8 Impact Amplifier ImageBr/8 Impact Amplifier Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Nitrogen Capsules ImageNitrogen Capsules Decrease the distance considered to be Long Range by 3 meters.
Purge ImagePurge Enemies afflicted with Toxic receive 10% more damage.
Br/8 Impact Amplifier ImageBr/8 Impact Amplifier Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Assault Master ImageAssault Master Increase your assault weapon damage by 20%.
Increase assault weapon drop chance by 12%.
Assault weapons: Assault Rifle, Light Machinegun, Submachine Gun, and Double Gun.
Assault Adept ImageAssault Adept Increase your assault weapon damage by 12%.
Sniper Adept ImageSniper Adept Increase your sniper weapon damage by 12%.
Two Sides of the Power ImageTwo Sides of the Power Increase damage received from all sources by 15% and dealth by 20%.
Drill Coating ImageDrill Coating Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Sharpshooter ImageSharpshooter Increase your Long Range Weapon Damage by 30%.
Grand Amplification ImageGrand Amplification Increase your Anomaly Power by 4% each unlocked Br/8 Impact Amplifier class node.
UT-14 Clips ImageUT-14 Clips Increase magazine size by 50%.
Charged Gunshot ImageCharged Gunshot First bullet after reload deals damage with 200% increased Weapon Damage. It can happen once every 5 seconds.
Purge ImagePurge Enemies afflicted with Toxic receive 30% more damage.
Empowering Antenna ImageEmpowering Antenna Activating DECAY increases Weapon Damage for you and your allies by 40% for 10 seconds.

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