
How to Get Rejuvenation and Mod Effects | Is Rejuvenation Worth It?

Rejuvenation is an Armor Mod in Outriders. Find out whether Rejuvenation is a good Mod to use, the effects of Rejuvenation, and more!

Rejuvenation Overview

General Info

Tier II
Description Receive Firepower, Anomaly, and Armor bonus for 8 seconds whenever your Health is replenished. 10s Cooldown.

Is Rejuvenation Worth It?

Mod Ranking S Rank Icon
Reason Essential mod to have because of its bonuses to every aspect of your combat abilities.

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List of Mods

Tier II Armor Mods

AchillesAchilles' Heel AdrenalineAdrenaline Arms JugglerArms Juggler
Ash CleanerAsh Cleaner Ashen BoostAshen Boost Aura of ForceAura of Force
Barrel RollBarrel Roll Blazing AegisBlazing Aegis Blood PotionBlood Potion
BloodlustBloodlust Bloody BoostBloody Boost BrawlBrawl
Buckshot ShellsBuckshot Shells Bullet KindlingBullet Kindling Bullet RecyclingBullet Recycling
CritstackCritstack Damage AbsorberDamage Absorber DiffuseDiffuse
Dum-Dum BulletsDum-Dum Bullets Dying FirebreathDying Firebreath Emergency StanceEmergency Stance
Currently UnavailableEuthaniser Even OddsEven Odds Exposing StrikeExposing Strike
Extra BulletExtra Bullet Freezing BoostFreezing Boost Fresh MagFresh Mag
Head of the WardHead of the Ward Hidden and DangerousHidden and Dangerous Hidden MedkitHidden Medkit
High Velocity BulletsHigh Velocity Bullets Ice TrapIce Trap Martial ArtsMartial Arts
Mitigation from DeathMitigation from Death Move GrooveMove Groove No Resistance Against the FortifiedNo Resistance Against the Fortified
ParagonParagon Perseverance FistsPerseverance Fists Perseverance MunitionsPerseverance Munitions
Perseverance ShieldPerseverance Shield Personal SpacePersonal Space Phantom DashPhantom Dash
Plate DodgePlate Dodge Plate PiercerPlate Piercer Power from the AshesPower from the Ashes
Protection of the FlamesProtection of the Flames Radical TherapyRadical Therapy Reforging BulletsReforging Bullets
RejuvenationRejuvenation Reload ShieldReload Shield Resistance PiercerResistance Piercer
Savor the FeebleSavor the Feeble Seismic ImpulseSeismic Impulse Shield BlastShield Blast
Shield ZapShield Zap Sidearms SpecialistSidearms Specialist Stand TallStand Tall
The CycleThe Cycle Thirst for BloodThirst for Blood Toxic LeadToxic Lead
Toxic PiercerToxic Piercer Trample the WeakTrample the Weak Twice as HotTwice as Hot
Ultimate ParagonUltimate Paragon Untamed PowerUntamed Power Vampiric MagVampiric Mag
Vein RipperVein Ripper What Goes AroundWhat Goes Around

Tier III Armor Mods

Anomaly EchoAnomaly Echo Arms and AnomalyArms and Anomaly Captain HunterCaptain Hunter
Circle of PowerCircle of Power DeathDeath's Door IntrovertIntrovert
King SlayerKing Slayer Last One StandingLast One Standing Life of the PartyLife of the Party
Not ImpressedNot Impressed Power AssimilationPower Assimilation PurityPurity
Ready for AnythingReady for Anything Sharp EyeSharp Eye ShatterShatter
Currently UnavailableStare Into the Barrel Unstoppable ForceUnstoppable Force

Mod Types

Mod Types
Technomancer Mods Pyromancer Mods
Trickster Mods Devastator Mods
Weapon Mods Armor Mods
Best Mods to Equip Best Defensive Mods


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