New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Fur Standing On End Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Fur Standing On End, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Fur Standing On End, as well as the reward!

Fur Standing On End Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Cave Lv. 3
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap JolteonJolteon
Target Pokemon 2 New Pokemon Snap PumpkabooPumpkaboo
Quest Giver Phil
How to Unlock ・After adding Jolteon to your Photodex
Request Text ・“So I can tell Jolteon's mad in this photo I took, but I dunno why... Maybe it saw something else there. The air was, like, crackling with tension!”

Course and Map Information

Fur Standing On End Map.jpg

Cave Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear Fur Standing On End

Calm Mawile

Run Cave on Research Level 3 and follow the steps below to calm Mawile.

Start Cave at Research Level 3. Proceed through the course and head to towards the Branching Route.
Throw Illumia Orbs at the two Carbink and the Mawile.
After throwing the Illumina Orbs, look to your right to find Diancie emerging from one of the stalactites. Throw an Illumina Orb at Diancie and it will emit a pink light, calming both Mawile.

You will discover a branching path past the second Mawile. Take this path to move on to the other side of the garden.

Guide Jolteon to Pumpkaboo

Throw fluffruits at Jolteon.jpg

Look below on your left to find Jolteon then throw two separate fluffruits: one to get its attention and one to make it jump out. Now, throw more fluffruits to guide Jolteon toward the Pumpkaboo nearby.

Throw an Illumina Orb at Jolteon

Fur Standing On End.jpg

When it reaches Pumpkaboo, throw an Illumina orb at Jolteon to make it use Discharge before taking a snap.

Reward for Clearing Fur Standing On End

No Reward

There are no obtainable rewards for completing this request.

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Durice Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Cave LenTalk Requests
Crobat Touches Down Joltik Adjoined Take a Good, Hard Look
Gem Royalty Gengar the Prankster Noibat's Refined Palate
The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All Croagunk Chorus Drifloon Puffed Up
Clefairy by Moonlight Sound Asleep Anger Outlet
Hydreigon Berserk! Having a Goodra Time Look My Way
Fur Standing On End Myth of the Cave


2 Brassyover 3 years

Try throwing a fluffruit at Joltik to keep it busy while you get Jolteons attention and lead him to the Pumpkaboo

1 Anonymousover 3 years

I keep leading a Joltic to Jolteon and I’m trying to lead Pumkaboo so it’s not working


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