New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All, as well as the reward!

The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Cave Lv. 3
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap PumpkabooPumpkaboo
Quest Giver Professor Mirror
How to Unlock ・After taking the route that leads beyond the wall into the cave depths
Request Text ・“Pumpkaboo come in four sizes. I wonder if the largest of them all is here...”

Course and Map Information

The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All Map.jpg
Cave Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All

Throw Illumina Orbs at the 4 Pumpkaboo

Throughout the Cave course, you'll encounter the 4 Pumpkaboo listed below. Throw Illumina orbs at them in order to encounter the Super Size Pumpkaboo in the final area after the giant crystals.

Pumpkaboo Locations
1 On the left side of the starting point, behind jagged rocks.
2 On the cliff far behind Gengar's portal in the first area.
3 On a ledge to your upper left, immediately as you enter the open area with the waterfall.
4 Below the opening to the branching route that leads to the giant crystals - even lower than the 2 Geodude. You'll have to turn around to get a good view of the Pumpkaboo.

Do Not Take Branching Route Behind Mawile

After succesfully throwing Illumina orbs at those 4 Pumpkaboo, you need to head over to the garden area after the giant crystals. However, do not take the branching route behind the Mawile, as the Super Size Pumpkaboo doesn't appear on that route.

Snap a Photo of the Super Size Pumpkaboo

If you follow the giant crystals route until the end, you will encounter a Super Size Pumpkaboo harassing some Noibat at the start of the garden area. Simply snap a photo of this Super Size Pumpkaboo. All photos of it count toward completing the request.

Reward for Clearing The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All


Compass is a profile icon obtained after completing The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All request and can be used to customize your profile.

How to Unlock All Profile Icons

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Durice Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Cave LenTalk Requests
Crobat Touches Down Joltik Adjoined Take a Good, Hard Look
Gem Royalty Gengar the Prankster Noibat's Refined Palate
The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All Croagunk Chorus Drifloon Puffed Up
Clefairy by Moonlight Sound Asleep Anger Outlet
Hydreigon Berserk! Having a Goodra Time Look My Way
Fur Standing On End Myth of the Cave


5 Anonymousalmost 2 years

I got the 4 Pumpkaboo mentioned in the directions, nothing more, and it showed up just fine

4 Anonymousalmost 3 years

5 Pumpkaboo, first 3 are on the first room. 1st to your left behind the spikes with the Carbink and Gengar; 2nd immediately after 1st to your right after/behind cliff with the Driffloon and Joltiks; 3rd is the cliff behind Gengar and Carbinks; 4th is the upper ledge to the left when you enter the waterfall room; 5th is behind you when you decend into the alternate route.


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