New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Like Powder Snow Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Like Powder Snow, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Like Powder Snow, as well as the reward!

Like Powder Snow Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Snowfields (Night) Lv. 1 or higher
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap FrosmothFrosmoth
Quest Giver Todd
How to Unlock ・After your first expedition in Snowfields (Night)
Request Text ・“Have you ever seen Frosmoth's scale? They're really beautiful, just like snow.”

Course and Map Information

Like Powder Snow Map.jpg

Snowfields (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear Like Powder Snow

Hit Frosmoth off the wall with a Fluffruit

There will be three Frosmoth throughout the course that are clinging to walls. In order to complete this request, you need to hit at least one of them with a Fluffruit to knock them off (you do not need to hit all three).

Frosmoth Locations

On the right side wall before you go up the hill
On the right side wall before you descend toward the cave
In the cave, on the right side wall (can be difficult to spot)

Hit Frosmoth with an Illumina Orb outside of the cave

Like Powder Snow.jpg

After exiting the cave, immediately turn right. All of the Frosmoth you hit off the walls will be flying there. Hit any one of them with an Illumina Orb to make them use blizzard. Snap a photo of this to complete the request.

Reward for Clearing Like Powder Snow

No Reward

There are no obtainable rewards for completing this request.

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Durice Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Snowfields (Night) LenTalk Requests
Howling at the Heavens Proud Warrior Whiteout
A Safe Place to Sleep Present for a Friend Like Powder Snow
Beyond the Wall of Snow With Their Powers Combined A Sheer Face
Shades of Aurorus Wish Upon a Shining Sky


2 Anonymous@Game8almost 4 years

Hi! Thanks for your advice! We were actually able to discover that you don't need to play the melody, and that you actually only need to hit any one of the three Frosmoths off the wall to have it show up at the end. Thank you for supporting our guides <3

1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Knock down all 3 Frosmoth from the wall, there's one in the beginning behind the trees, one on a cliffs edge, and one in the cave section. Once you did that, all 3 will appear at the end. Throw Illumina Orbs at them and play your Melody and they will all perform Blizzard


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