Far Cry 6

Techmaster Pants Location: Stats and Effects

Techmaster Pants is a Gear found in Far Cry 6. Find out more about this item, including its stats, sets, and where to find Techmaster Pants.

Techmaster Pants Overview

Basic Information

Techmaster Pants Image Slot
All these pockets mean you can carry even more fuses and detonators than Chorizo.

Techmaster Pants Effect

Effect Effect Description
Remote & Proximity Damage Booster Improves proximity explosive and C4 damage.

Techmaster Pants Set

Techmaster Pants is a part of the Tech set. Check out the other set pieces below.

Tech Set Pieces

Slot Gear Effect
Head Gear Techmaster Cap Killing an enemy with a gadget tags additional enemies.
Chest Gear Techmaster Vest Carry more proximity gadgets and C4.
Wrist Gear Techmaster Band Improves alarm disable sleep
Enables alarm sabotaging using the triangle button.
Leg Gear Techmaster Pants Improves proximity explosive and C4 damage.
Foot Gear Techmaster Boots No longer trigger enemy proximity mines.

Tech Set Pieces and Effects

How to Get Techmaster Pants

Techmaster Pants Location

Gear pieces are usually obtained from Libertad crates. A Libertad crate's content can be random and you might get Supremo-Bond or a different gear instead of this one. High-rank gear pieces are obtained from Criptograma chests.

Search Guerilla Paths, Treasure Hunts or purchase from a Camp Facility or Juan's Arms Dealer.

Criptograma Chest Locations

Far Cry 6 Related Guides

Far Cry 6 Gear Partial Banner.png

List of Gear

List of Leg Gear

Currently UnavailableAdventurer's Slacks Far Cry 6 - AltairAltair's Trousers Far Cry 6 - AnglerAngler's Pants
Far Cry 6 - Breach and Clear PantsBreach and Clear Pants Currently UnavailableBushwhacker Jeans Far Cry 6 - Caveira FatiguesCaveira Fatigues
Far Cry 6 - Clown LimbsClown Limbs Currently UnavailableCyber-Pants Far Cry 6 - Dark Tech PantsDark Tech Pants
Far Cry 6 - Fuego PantsFuego Pants Far Cry 6 - Fuego Pants MK IIFuego Pants MK II Far Cry 6 - Fugitive JeansFugitive Jeans
Far Cry 6 - Hazmat PantsHazmat Pants Far Cry 6 - Hazmat Pants MK IIHazmat Pants MK II Far Cry 6 - Impact SlacksImpact Slacks
Far Cry 6 - Impact Slacks MK IIImpact Slacks MK II Far Cry 6 - MarksmanMarksman's Pants Currently UnavailableMiam Strip Slacks
Far Cry 6 - Moto Urbano BottomsMoto Urbano Bottoms Far Cry 6 - Munitions PantsMunitions Pants Far Cry 6 - OkuOku's Deliverance
Far Cry 6 - Paddock PantsPaddock Pants Far Cry 6 - Parkour ShortsParkour Shorts Far Cry 6 - Posh TrousersPosh Trousers
Far Cry 6 - Primal PantsPrimal Pants Far Cry 6 - PrisonerPrisoner's Pants Far Cry 6 - Revolutionary PantsRevolutionary Pants
Far Cry 6 - Rioter PantsRioter Pants Far Cry 6 - Rioter Pants MK IIRioter Pants MK II Far Cry 6 - Scrounger JeansScrounger Jeans
Far Cry 6 - Soft-Target SlacksSoft-Target Slacks Far Cry 6 - Soft-Target Slacks MK IISoft-Target Slacks MK II Far Cry 6 - Soviet TrousersSoviet Trousers
Far Cry 6 - Steel Plate LeggingsSteel Plate Leggings Far Cry 6 - Street Surgeon ScrubsStreet Surgeon Scrubs Far Cry 6 - Synthpop LeggingsSynthpop Leggings
Far Cry 6 - Tactical SlacksTactical Slacks Far Cry 6 - Tea Time HoseTea Time Hose Far Cry 6 - Techmaster PantsTechmaster Pants
Currently UnavailableTrapper Slacks

All Gear Types

All Gear Types
Head Gear Chest Gear Wrist Gear
Leg Gear Foot Gear
Gear Sets


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