Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Null's Body Walkthrough

Zelda EoW Null

Null's Body is a dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) located in Eternal Forest. Read on for a complete walkthrough guide on this dungeon, how to get to Null's Body, puzzle solutions, and more!

◀︎ Previous Quest Next Quest ▶︎
Lands of the Goddesses -
The Prime Energy and Null Questline
The Prime Energy and Null
 ┣ Rescuing the Hero Link
 ┗ ▶︎ Null's Body

Null's Body Dungeon Preparation

Best Echoes for Null's Body

Echo Usage
Fire WizzrobeFire Wizzrobe ・Projectiles are useful for hitting flying enemies
Electric WizzrobeElectric Wizzrobe ・Projectiles are useful for hitting flying enemies
Boomerang BoarblinBoomerang Boarblin ・Alternative to Wizzrobes if there are too many targets
CrawltulaCrawltula ・Can help you scale walls with Reverse Bond
Flying TileFlying Tile ・Lets you cross gaps with ease
BrazierBrazier ・Melts ice spikes and blocks
IgnizolIgnizol ・Melts ice spikes and blocks
・Burns webs
KeeseKeese ・Can carry you to higher areas with the help of air vents
ChompfinChompfin ・For underwater combat
TrampolineTrampoline ・Can be used to reach elevated platforms
ZeldaZelda's Bed ・Can be used as a staircase to reach high platforms
・Can be used to restore hearts
Lizalfos Lv. 3Lizalfos Lv. 3 ・Can be used for combat against enemies, minibosses, and bosses
PlatboomPlatboom ・Can be used to ascend and reach high areas
・Can be used to crush enemies

Best Echoes Guide

Best Smoothies for Null's Body

Smoothies Benefit
Golden Tough Smoothie The Golden Tough Smoothie both increases damage reduction and restores most of your hearts! A couple bottles of it will come in handy when things get dicey.
Other Smoothies that Restore Hearts A lot of rooms in this dungeon forces you to fight waves of enemies, so be sure to have restorative Smoothies ready especially before the final battle!

List of All Smoothies

Null's Body Location

Accessed Through the Stilled Ancient Ruins

Null's Body is the hidden final dungeon that can only be accessed after rescuing Link in the Stilled Ancient Ruins. You will reach this area as part of The Prime Energy and Null and Rescuing the Hero Link Main Quests.

The Prime Energy and Null Walkthrough

How to Get to Null's Body

# Step by Step Objectives
From Hyrule Castle Town, travel northwest to the Eternal Forest and find Wright's squad.
▶︎ The Prime Energy and Null Walkthrough
Complete the stone monument puzzle by "crowning" the six pedestals in the forest. To accomplish this, you'll need to learn the Ancient Orb echo and place one on each pedestal.

Placing all six orbs reveals a path to the Deku Tree, who will reveal another path that ultimately leads to the Stilled Ancient Ruins. You will reach Null's Body at the end of this area.
▶︎ Rescuing the Hero Link Walkthrough

Null's Body Walkthrough

The Prime Energy and Null Guide

Navigate Inside Null's Body

How to Complete
After rescuing Link, talk to him to give his weapons back. Tri asks another confirmation if you want to enter the rift inside as this is a point of no return. Select "I'm ready".
Follow Link and enter the door on the north until you reach a room that will spawn enemies. Defeat all the enemies to open the locked doors.
You'll get split up by a wall of thorns in the next room, so take the path to the right while still following Link from the other side.

Use a Beamos Echo to hit the purple orb on the right side to unlock both doors for you and Link to enter.
Defeat all the enemies in the next room. Spawn Fire Wizzrobe Echo or Lizalfos Echo to distract the group of enemies in your area and wait until Link assists you with ranged attacks.
Use Reverse Bond on the moving platforms to reach the next area. Use the Crawltula Echo to spawn a climable stringand go to the next room.
Use the Flying Tile Echo to cross geysers and use the Platboom Echo to gain height. Time your jumps to when the geyser goes out to float towards platforms and use the Platboom Echo again to make your way to the exit.
Enter the room on the right and help Link reach the pressure plate on the opposite side. Bind Link and get close enough for him to be placed on the edge of the platform before unbinding, and letting him get through the web and stand on the pressure plate.
Follow Link as you head north of the area. Jump down to the pit and watch the cutscene that follows.

Defeat Null

How to Complete
Time to face the final boss—Null. This boss has three phases, so prepare for a grueling fight!
▶︎ How to Beat Null
Congratulations on finishing the story! The ending scenes will play after defeating Null and you will automatically be taken back to the main menu where you can continue your journey and aim for a 100% completion!
▶︎ Post Game Content and 100% Checklist
◀︎ Previous Quest Next Quest ▶︎
Lands of the Goddesses -
The Prime Energy and Null Questline
The Prime Energy and Null
 ┣ Rescuing the Hero Link
 ┗ ▶︎ Null's Body

Null's Body Boss


Pull Null's Limbs with Bind

pulling Null

To defeat Null, Zelda needs to literally tear them limb from limb by using Bind and pulling each of their arms.

Losing arms will reduce the frequency of its attacks and, upon losing all their arms, completely cripple Null, making it easier for Link and your summoned Echoes to deal damage.

Summon Chompfins to Attack in Phase Two

attacking with Chompfins

Since Link won't be able to join you in this phase, you'll have to rely on your Echoes to attack Null while pulling their arms. Summon a couple of Chompfins to rip Null apart while you aim for their weakpoints.

Remember that your Chompfins will also take damage from the giant whirlpools and other attacks Null throws at you, so resummon them if needed.

How to Beat Null

Null's Body Map

Full Map of Null's Body

Null's Body Map

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Story Walkthrough Chart

Main Quests
The Mysterious Rifts
 ┗ Suthorn Ruins
Searching for Everyone A Rift in the Gerudo Desert
 ┣ Southern Oasis Ruins Rift
 ┣ Ancestor's Cave of Rest Rift
 ┣ Southern Gerudo Desert Rift
 ┗ Gerudo Sanctum
The Jabul Waters Rift
 ┣ Chaos at River Zora Village
 ┣ Rampage in Zora Cove
 ┗ Jabul Ruins
Still Missing
 ┗ Hyrule Castle
Lands of the Goddesses The Rift on Eldin Volcano
 ┣ Rock-Roast Quarry
 ┣ Lizalfos Burrow
 ┗ Eldin Temple
Rift on Holy Mount Lanayru
 ┗ Lanayru Temple
A Rift in the Faron Wetlands
 ┗ Faron Temple
The Prime Energy and Null
 ┣ Rescuing the Hero Link
 ┗ Null's Body

Guides marked with a ★ are Dungeon Guides


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