
Seagull Locations, Drops, and How to Beat

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Seagull is one of the enemies found in the game Valheim. Learn where to find Seagull, spoils dropped by Seagull, as well as strategy for defeating Seagull and more.

Seagull General Info

Valheim Seagull.png
Behavior Hostile
Health 1
Tameable? No
Enemy Spawn Code Seagal
Notes Name unlabeled.

Seagull Locations


Biome Boss
Meadows BiomeMeadows Boss: Eikthyr
The starting area where anyone who enters Valheim for the first time will spawn in. Lush landscapes surrounded by tall and sturdy trees will greet you.
Biome Boss
Black Forest BiomeBlack Forest Boss: The Elder
Dark woods that host a variety of aggressive monsters such as Greydwarves, Skeletons, and Trolls.


This creature does not appear in any Dungeon.


This creature does not appear in any Raid.

Enemy Spawn

If you don't mind using cheats to find it, Seagull can also easily be spawned with the console command.

To spawn the enemy, first turn on cheat codes by typing imacheater in the F5 console, and use the spawn Seagal command to spawn the enemy.

All Cheats and Spawnable Items

Seagull Drops

The Seagull creature can drop the following materials. Higher level enemies will typically drop higher quantities of each item.

Item Qty. Drop Rate
Feathers Icon Feathers Level 1: 3 Level 1: 100%

Seagull Battle Strategy

Battle Strategy Coming Soon!

We are currently coming up with the best strategy to defeat the Seagull creature. If you have any tips for defeating this enemy, feel free to leave a comment for our other readers!

Related Guides

List of Monsters Valheim.png

List of Enemies (Monsters)


Blob Deathsquito Drake
Draugr Draugr (Archer) Draugr Elite
Fenring Fuling Fuling (Archer)
Fuling Berserker Fuling Shaman Ghost
Greydwarf Greydwarf Brute Greydwarf Shaman
Greyling Leech Leviathan
Neck Oozer Rancid Remains
Seagull Serpent Skeleton
Stone Golem Surtling Troll


Boar Crow Deer
Lox Piggy Wolf
Wolf Cub


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