
Weapon Tier List: All Weapons Ranked (March 2021)

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This is Game8's Tier List of the best weapons for Valheim as of March 2021. Read more to find out which weapons we think are best and which ones we think are the worst!

Weapon Tier List

S Rank Icon Blackmetal Sword, Draugr Fang, Frostner
A Rank Icon Blackmetal Axe, Abyssal Harpoon, Blackmetal Atgeir
B Rank Icon Silver Sword, Porcupine, Battleaxe, Iron Sledge
C Rank Icon Blackmetal Knife

This list covers the top weapons of each type in the game. This main tier list encompasses all the weapons obtainable through natural means in the game.

S Tier

Blackmetal Sword

Weapon Stats
Blackmetal Sword ImageBlackmetal Sword ・Slash: 95
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 20
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 40
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The Blackmetal Sword deals the highest DPS in the game, so it definitely deserves a spot on the S Tier.

Draugr Fang

Weapon Stats
Draugr Fang ImageDraugr Fang ・Pierce: 47
・Poison: 5
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The Draugr Fang is the strongest bow, making it an indispensible tool to have in your arsenal. In addition to that, the poison damage it deals no matter what the arrow used is just the cherry on top that makes it all the more better.


Weapon Stats
Frostner ImageFrostner ・Blunt: 35
・Frost: 40
・Spirit: 20
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 30
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 120
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The Frostner is one of the best weapons in the game as it deals Frost, Blunt and Spirit, making it a hodgepodge of effects that are useful versus any foe, especially skeletons.

A Tier

Blackmetal Axe

Weapon Stats
Blackmetal Axe ImageBlackmetal Axe ・Slash: 95
・Block Power: 20
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 60
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The Blackmetal Axe ties with the sword for damage, and though it doesn't attack as fast, the damage alone makes this a formidable weapon.

Abyssal Harpoon

Weapon Stats
Abyssal Harpoon ImageAbyssal Harpoon ・Pierce: 10
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 1x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

While it's not the strongest, the Abyssal Harpoon takes the A rank because of its usefulness in hunting sea serpents. In a game about vikings that sail the seas often, the best weapon to hunt the main water-dwelling predator with undoubtedly deserves a high spot in any tier list.

Blackmetal Atgeir

Weapon Stats
Blackmetal Atgeir ImageBlackmetal Atgeir ・Pierce: 105
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 40
・Parry Bonus: 3x
・Knockback: 30
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -10%

The Blackmetal Atgeir makes it as a good weapon because of its massive damage and its reach. Additionally, having AoE capability of its secondary attack doesn't its ranking.

B Tier

Silver Sword

Weapon Stats
Silver Sword ImageSilver Sword ・Slash: 75
・Spirit: 30
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 20
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 40
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The Silver Sword, while not as versatile as the Frostner, is also a good weapon choice as it deals a decent amount of slash damage plus spirit damage.


Weapon Stats
Porcupine ImagePorcupine ・Blunt: 50
・Pierce: 45
・Block Power: 20
・Parry Force: 30
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 90
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

This weapon nabs a spot in the B-listers because it a strong mace that offers both blunt and pierce damage, the only mace to do so.


Weapon Stats
Battleaxe ImageBattleaxe ・Slash: 75
・Block Power: 20
・Parry Force: 70
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 70
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -20%

While not as strong as the Blackmetal Axe, the bonus parry force offered by the Battleaxe makes it deserve a spot on this list, albeit it has a higher barrier of entry for its benefit since players have to be proficient in parrying.

Iron Sledge

Weapon Stats
Iron Sledge ImageIron Sledge ・Blunt: 55
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 50
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 200
・Backstab: 2x
・Movement Bonus: -20%

The strongest hammer in the game finds use as an AoE weapon, but because it caps at iron, it stays at a B-list spot.

C Tier

Blackmetal Knife

Weapon Stats
Blackmetal Knife ImageBlackmetal Knife ・Slash: 18
・Pierce: 18
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 10
・Parry Bonus: 4x
・Knockback: 10
・Backstab: 10x

While not advisable for direct combat, the Blackmetal Knife shines when players manage to sneak, which is unfortunately very rare.

Early Game Tier List

This tier list is for weapons available during the early stages of the game, notably after before defeating the Eikthyr or the Elder.

S Rank Icon Torch, Finewood Bow, Stagbreaker
A Rank Icon Flint Spear, Crude Bow
B Rank Icon Flint Axe
C Rank Icon Stone Axe, Flint Knife

S Tier


Weapon Stats
Torch ImageTorch
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 10
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 30
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The torch is not only a source of light, but is also a very strong weapon early in the game because of the fire damage it causes. Fire damage is very strong against most of the enemies you encounter early in the game.

Finewood Bow

Weapon Stats
Finewood Bow ImageFinewood Bow ・Pierce: 32
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 5
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

It make take some time for you to craft the Finewood Bow, but it will be worth it once you are able to craft this. This bow has a decent amount of durability and damage to last you until you are able to craft the Draugr Fang.


Weapon Stats
Stagbreaker ImageStagbreaker ・Blunt: 20
・Pierce: 5
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 50
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 150
・Backstab: 2x
・Movement Bonus: -20%

The Stagbreaker is one of the only two two-handed clubs in the game. Once you are able to get Core Woodand craft this, this weapon can greatly help you in dealing with multiple enemies.

A Tier

Flint Spear

Weapon Stats
Flint Spear ImageFlint Spear ・Pierce: 20
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The Flint Sear is the first spear you are able to craft in the game. This spear is very easy to make and you can kill deers in one hit when throwing this at them.

Crude Bow

Weapon Stats
Crude Bow ImageCrude Bow ・Pierce: 22
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 0
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The Crude Bow is the first bow that you are able to craft in the game. Since there are only a few ranged weapons in the game. Having one very early on can greatly help you in dealing with enemies safely.

B Tier

Flint Axe

Weapon Stats
Flint Axe ImageFlint Axe ・Slash: 20
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 20
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 50
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

This weapon is in the B-tier since this axe has the same damage as the Flint spear but doesn't have the same usefulness for combat. It is recommended to use this for cutting trees rather than using it as a main weapon for fighting enemies.

C Tier

Stone Axe

Weapon Stats
Stone Axe ImageStone Axe ・Slash: 15
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 20
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 50
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

Stone Axes do not deal a lot of damage and are mainly used at tools. It is better to save this weapons durability for cutting trees rather than fighting enemies.

Flint Knife

Weapon Stats
Flint Knife ImageFlint Knife ・Slash: 6
・Pierce: 6
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 10
・Parry Bonus: 4x
・Knockback: 10
・Backstab: 10x

The Flint Knife stays at C-tier since it is not realiable to use as a weapon because it has low damage. Even with 10x backstab damage, you will not be able to fully utilize it since enemies will be facing you most of the time.

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