
List of Arrows

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This guide is a comprehensive list of all available Arrows in Valheim. Read on to know which Arrows are available in the game and their function!

List of Arrows

Item Name Stats Materials Needed
Bronzehead Arrow ImageBronzehead Arrow ・Pierce: 32
・Knockback: 10
Bronze x1
Feathers x2
Wood x8
Fire Arrow ImageFire Arrow ・Pierce: 11
・Fire: 22
・Knockback: 10
Feathers x2
Resin x8
Wood x8
Flinthead Arrow ImageFlinthead Arrow ・Pierce: 27
・Knockback: 10
Feathers x2
Flint x2
Wood x8
Frost Arrow ImageFrost Arrow ・Pierce: 26
・Frost: 52
・Knockback: 10
Feathers x2
Freeze Gland x1
Obsidian x4
Wood x8
Ironhead Arrow ImageIronhead Arrow ・Pierce: 42
・Knockback: 10
Feathers x2
Iron x1
Wood x8
Needle Arrow ImageNeedle Arrow ・Pierce: 62
・Knockback: 15
Feathers x2
Needle x4
Obsidian Arrow ImageObsidian Arrow ・Pierce: 52
・Knockback: 10
Feathers x2
Obsidian x4
Wood x8
Poison Arrow ImagePoison Arrow ・Pierce: 26
・Poison: 52
・Knockback: 10
Feathers x2
Obsidian x4
Ooze x2
Wood x8
Silver Arrow ImageSilver Arrow ・Pierce: 52
・Spirit: 20
・Knockback: 10
Feathers x2
Silver x1
Wood x8
Wood Arrow ImageWood Arrow ・Pierce: 22
・Knockback: 10
Wood x8

How to Use Arrows

Arrows are the ammunition for Bows. Some Arrows have properties that can deal extra damage like fire or poison. You consume arrows as you use them, so prepare a lot if you're going for a hunt.

Valheim Related Links

Valheim Weapons Done.png

List of Weapons

All Weapon Types

List of Weapons by Type
Silver Sword.pngSwords Copper Knife.pngKnives Bronze Axe.pngAxes
Fang Spear.pngSpears Iron Mace.pngMaces Silver Shield.pngShields
Draugr Fang.pngBows Silver Arrow x20.pngArrows Iron Pickaxe.pngPickaxes
Iron Atgeir.pngAtgeirs Stagbreaker.pngHammers Hammer.pngTools and Other Weapons

All Weapons by Material

List of Weapons by Material
Silver Weapons Black Metal Weapons Iron Weapons
Bronze Weapons Flint Weapons


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