
Best Weapons to Craft

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Valheim Best Weapons To Craft.jpg
This is a guide on the best weapons to craft in Valheim. This will guide you through early, mid, and end game weapons. Read more to find out which are the essential weapons at any point of the game!

Best Weapons to Craft Early Game

Best Weapons to Craft Early Game.png

Everything from the start to the until after first boss is considered early game. These are the items you can create right as you start and will get you through the learning stages of the game.

Crude Bow

Weapon Stats
Crude Bow ImageCrude Bow ・Pierce: 22
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 0
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Crude Bow ImageCrude Bow ・Pierce: 25
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 0
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Crude Bow ImageCrude Bow ・Pierce: 28
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 0
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Crude Bow ImageCrude Bow ・Pierce: 31
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 0
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The Crude Bow is the first ranged weapon you will have. Not only is this good for staying safe, it is essential to be able to hunt, which is a good source of meat. It will allow you to easily access deer hides and leather scraps as well, important items for items further down the line.

Costing only wood and leather scraps, its easy to get as boars are signifcantly easier to hunt than deer while in melee.

How to Craft the Crude Bow

Item Name How to Get
Leather Scraps x8 Obtained from Boars, Chests, or Muddy Scrap Piles in Sunken Crypts.
Wood x10 Obtained by chopping trees or from picking up branches on the ground.


Weapon Stats
Stagbreaker ImageStagbreaker ・Blunt: 20
・Pierce: 5
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 50
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 150
・Backstab: 2x
・Movement Bonus: -20%
Weapon Stats
Stagbreaker ImageStagbreaker ・Blunt: 26
・Pierce: 5
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 60
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 150
・Backstab: 2x
・Movement Bonus: -20%
Weapon Stats
Stagbreaker ImageStagbreaker ・Blunt: 32
・Pierce: 5
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 70
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 150
・Backstab: 2x
・Movement Bonus: -20%
Weapon Stats
Stagbreaker ImageStagbreaker ・Blunt: 38
・Pierce: 5
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 80
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 150
・Backstab: 2x
・Movement Bonus: -20%

The Stagbreaker is definitely the best early game weapon. While you can do it at the start of the game, you'll likely only access the Black Forest after defeating the first boss. If you cut pine trees in the Black Forest, you'll unlock Core Wood, which alongside Leather Scraps and Deer Trophies, will allow you to make the Stagbreaker.

The first hammer you have access to, the Stagbreaker will easily knockback Greylings and is definitely a step up from your flint axe due to the area of effect despite having roughly the same damage.

How to Craft the Stagbreaker

Item Name How to Get
Core Wood x20 Chop Pine trees in the Black Forest biome.
Leather Scraps x2 Obtained from Boars, Chests, or Muddy Scrap Piles in Sunken Crypts.
Deer Trophy x5 Enemy Drop from Deer.

Best Weapons to Craft Mid Game

Best Weapons to Craft Mid Game

This is a weapons guide to the midgame, which consists of the Swamp and the Mountains biomes.

Iron Sledge

Weapon Stats
Iron Sledge ImageIron Sledge ・Blunt: 55
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 50
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 200
・Backstab: 2x
・Movement Bonus: -20%
Weapon Stats
Iron Sledge ImageIron Sledge ・Blunt: 61
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 60
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 200
・Backstab: 2x
・Movement Bonus: -20%
Weapon Stats
Iron Sledge ImageIron Sledge ・Blunt: 67
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 70
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 200
・Backstab: 2x
・Movement Bonus: -20%
Weapon Stats
Iron Sledge ImageIron Sledge ・Blunt: 73
・Block Power: 15
・Parry Force: 80
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 200
・Backstab: 2x
・Movement Bonus: -20%

The Iron Sledge is useful for handling mobs, and is accessible once you get Ymir flesh from the trader. Since it deals blunt damage, it makes the fight against the Bonemass easier.

How to Craft the Iron Sledge

Item Name How to Get
Ancient Bark x10 Obtained from Ancient Trees in the Swamp biome or from chests inside Sunken Crypts.
Iron x30 Obtained by smelting Scrap Iron.
Ymir Flesh x4 Can be bought from Haldor the Trader.


Weapon Stats
Frostner ImageFrostner ・Blunt: 35
・Frost: 40
・Spirit: 20
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 30
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 120
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Frostner ImageFrostner ・Blunt: 35
・Frost: 46
・Spirit: 20
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 35
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 120
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Frostner ImageFrostner ・Blunt: 35
・Frost: 52
・Spirit: 20
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 40
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 120
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Frostner ImageFrostner ・Blunt: 35
・Frost: 58
・Spirit: 20
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 45
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 120
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The Frostner is a bit harder to get since you'll need silver and Ymir flesh, but it deals frost, blunt, and spirit damage, making it ideal for multiple enemies. You'll be able to get this item from the mountains once you get the Wishbone from the Bonemass.

How to Craft the Frostner

Item Name How to Get
Ancient Bark x10 Obtained from Ancient Trees in the Swamp biome or from chests inside Sunken Crypts.
Silver x30 Smelted from Silver ores using a Smelter.
Ymir Flesh x5 Can be bought from Haldor the Trader.

Best Weapons to Craft End Game

These are the weapons you'll want at the end of the game, fighting the strongest enemies.

Blackmetal Sword

Weapon Stats
Blackmetal Sword ImageBlackmetal Sword ・Slash: 95
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 20
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 40
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Blackmetal Sword ImageBlackmetal Sword ・Slash: 101
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 25
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 40
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Blackmetal Sword ImageBlackmetal Sword ・Slash: 107
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 30
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 40
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Blackmetal Sword ImageBlackmetal Sword ・Slash: 113
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 35
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 40
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

The Blackmetal Sword has the highest DPS in the game, making it the ideal choice for fighting off high level mobs. While it isn't specialized, like the Silver Sword which deals spirit damage, the Blackmetal sword's raw DPS makes it a safe choice for any mob.

How to Craft the Blackmetal Sword

Item Name How to Get
Black Metal x20 Obtained by smelting Black metal scraps in a Blast Furnace.
Fine Wood x2 Chop Birch trees.
Linen Thread x5 Refined from Flax via the Spinning Wheel.

Draugr Fang

Weapon Stats
Draugr Fang ImageDraugr Fang ・Pierce: 47
・Poison: 5
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Draugr Fang ImageDraugr Fang ・Pierce: 50
・Poison: 10
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Draugr Fang ImageDraugr Fang ・Pierce: 53
・Poison: 15
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Weapon Stats
Draugr Fang ImageDraugr Fang ・Pierce: 56
・Poison: 20
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%

This is the strongest bow in the game. Because a ranged weapon is always useful to have, we recommend getting this weapon.

How to Craft the Draugr Fang

Item Name How to Get
Ancient Bark x10 Obtained from Ancient Trees in the Swamp biome or from chests inside Sunken Crypts.
Deer Hide x2 Enemy Drop from Deer or obtained from chests.
Guck x10 Harvested from trees in the Swamp biome using pickaxes or axes.
Silver x20 Smelted from Silver ores using a Smelter.

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Valheim Best Weapon Types.jpg

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